How Not to Make Blog Comments
I've been wondering what techniques are ideal for posting blog comments?
What do you think? What techniques do you use? What wouldn't you do?
Here's what I've found (my advice) on what not to do when posting comments containing your URL/link:
1.don't copy-paste the same text anywhere... even if just 2 times the same: it might get hung up in spam filters and some commenting systems are very stringent about this
2.don't overuse the same e-mail address for posting - again it might get hung up in spam filters and you won't see your next posts go through more on "do follow" link-creating systems than the ones that make the link "nofollow" <<< do take advantage of the "do follow" comments
4.don't post at all anything on pages that aren't related to your site unless you do it for PageRank or other solid reasons <<< if you still post on unrelated blogs, then do it very rarely or Google will punish you
5.don't post on blogs that already have tons of outbound links <<< Penguin penalties may apply
6.don't post on blogs that have various outgoing links to lots of unrelated sites (bad for your relevancy)
7.vary your anchor text, if possible use your brand name
8.make sure to create truly valuable blog posts, otherwise if the editors don't find value in them, they will simply erase them, potentially even mark them as spam!
9.consider using systems for blog posting, such as Disqus - which allow you to cross-post on multiple sites with the same account (and your site will gain awareness as you leave your mark across pages)
10.make comments with the use of your commercial Facebook fan page account: that way new fans will find your account easier
11.speak multiple languages? then do add your link to similar content/related pages in other languages that you speak...
Anything else you'd like to add?
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