Keyword Research

Profile picture of Jaysmyne
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
21 replies
Hey Okay,

So I dove into making a site - really nicely and all but now I'm realizing I need keyword research to expand upon it and was wondering how to go about that.

Does anyone have any useful tips? the niche is the short-term loan niche like payday loans.
#keyword #research
  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    David Braybrooke
    Profile picture of David Braybrooke
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can you find another website that is similar to yours or what you hope yours will be like? Same niche, same topics and similar content etc. If so, input the URL of the site into the Google Keywords tool in to the website search line. This will bring up a list of keywords that should be useful. Go for low competition, high searches if possible. And you may also benefit by turning on the [Exact] match function. Best of luck.
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
    • Profile picture of the author TheNewJames
      Profile picture of TheNewJames
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      Originally Posted by David Braybrooke View Post

      Can you find another website that is similar to yours or what you hope yours will be like? Same niche, same topics and similar content etc. If so, input the URL of the site into the Google Keywords tool in to the website search line. This will bring up a list of keywords that should be useful. Go for low competition, high searches if possible. And you may also benefit by turning on the [Exact] match function. Best of luck.
      ^^This^^ This is mainly what I do. I do have some fancy pants programs that do fun analysis. But when I don't feel like messing with that....I follow this same practice and it works just as we'll.
  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    Profile picture of WeavingThoughts
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    This is the hard and traditional way of sure shot success with your keywords research. Use software as tools to assist you, not to act like push button software to not work yourself. These methods beat any software including Market Samurai (I have that too). Though nothing wrong in using them as tools to assist you. Zero investment except your time though.

    1) Choose a niche (as targeted as possible), preferably a long tail keyword.

    2) Go to Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Select Exact search only. Choose the buyer/traffic location, usually United States regardless of your nationality because that is where most affiliate sales will probably happen.

    3) Enter the selected keyword.

    4) Download the list of keywords with all details. Now input related keywords suggested as primary keywords as well to get more lists. You can also try parts of the long tail keyword(s) or variations of the primary keyword to get even more variations to find as many lists as possible some of which may have high searches and low competition as well.

    Once you have several lists with keyword variations and related keywords ready, then:

    Primary Keywords

    5) Ignore the competition according to Google Adwords (at least during the initial stages.) Put the list in Excel and sort according to local (usually global for some international Adsense niches) searches. Highest on the top, lowest t the bottom.

    6) Then filter the keywords with minimum monthly traffic around 1000+ visitors for your website's main keywords and 100+ searches for those primary keywords which are meant to derive long tail traffic streams. For Adsense websites the minimum desired CPC should be at least $1-2+. To make the process easier and quicker, try to keep competition below 0.2 as far as possible but that isn't really compulsory but may save time.

    Now comes the difficult and time consuming part.

    The 7th step is optional but might help.

    7) Search each keyword in quotes in google. Although this is debatable, but it is better to make sure the exact searches are below 100,000. And ideally below 20,000.

    If you pass this step with a keyword, then the next step is the single most important step which will either make or break a keyword.

    8) The only competition that really matters is the first page. You need to displace at least one webpage (of a website) to make it there. So without quotes search for each keyword in Google.

    9) For positions 1-5 check their page rank (of the page, not website home age). Use for that. It is free. If there are too many results from websites like Wikipedia, YouTube, etc then it may make more sense to target some other keyword unless you are already an expert. So check the page rank for each of them. We need at least 2 or 3 of the web pages to be a 0-3, preferably 0 or 1 only but up to 2/3 is manageable with some effort.
    If 3+ out of 5 pages have PR 3 or higher then leave that keyword without wasting more time.

    10) For those web pages which have made it to the next round, check their individual backlinks. Although this isn't very necessary because quality is difficult to access, but it does play a role. Use as a free tool. Web pages with less than 300 backlinks are preferable but difficult to find.

    Do this for each and every keyword which makes the above criteria and which you find relevant to your niche.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Secondary Keywords

    11) Choose a few variations of the primary keyword, single parts of that keyword, singular to plural etc. Short tail keywords which are related etc. These will boost your LSI score and make your content look natural.

    12) Choose a few long tail secondary keywords which are very specific and have a monthly search count of 25-250 searches according to Google. Preferably around the 50-100 count. Use them 2-3 times or so if possible in your 1000+ words article or blog post or review. Some variations may have even less traffic but no harm using them naturally. In fact it will boost your primary keyword I think.

    You will probably need around 30-60+ minutes for every primary keyword including secondary keywords. However, no software comes close to this. Software can be used as tools to make the manual part quicker and simpler, but no software is this thorough and none of them will get these results.
  • Profile picture of the author 100KAffiliateManager
    Profile picture of 100KAffiliateManager
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    Here are some keyword research tools that you might find useful -
  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    Profile picture of contentwriting360
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    Follow David's recommendation. That's what we do, too. In addition to that, we're using SEO Spyglass (not an affiliate). We just enter the competitor's URL and it analyzes it already (keywords and backlinks).
  • Profile picture of the author dannyboy30
    Profile picture of dannyboy30
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    Hi, When I used your method with my keyword it returned monthly search of 800 for exact, while its 110,000 for broad.

    Could you please tell me why that is? and what that means as I that is one of my main keywords?

  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    Profile picture of WeavingThoughts
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    Broad is irrelavent. Stick to exact.
    • Profile picture of the author dannyboy30
      Profile picture of dannyboy30
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ok, so do I need to change my keywords then? its a blog if that makes a difference?

      Originally Posted by WeavingThoughts View Post

      Broad is irrelavent. Stick to exact.
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Steven Wagenheim
        Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Weaving Thoughts beat me to the punch. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

        One thing I do personally is look at long tail keywords that have a decent
        number of monthly searches and not a lot of competition. Sometimes you can
        get in through the back door even if you're not talking about thousands of
        searches a month for a particular keyword.

        A lot of people try to hang up a picture with a sledge hammer when all it takes
        is a tiny hammer. You can't beat the big boys unless you have deep pockets, but
        you can get a tiny piece in places where they don't wander.

        I've been doing it for 9 years that way and it works. It takes time, but it works.
  • Profile picture of the author conanedo
    Profile picture of conanedo
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    keyword you choose: raspberry ketone
    exact match 800 so it means 800 searcher that type raspberry ketone with google
    broad match 110,000 it will count searcher that type raspberry ketone diet, raspberry ketone benefit, etc as long the searcher type text that contain the keyword

  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    Profile picture of WeavingThoughts
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    Not every long tail keyword needs to have 1000s of monthly searches. You can target primary keywords with 100-500+ monthly searches and long tail keywords with any number of searches, as part of your lsi keywords group.
  • Profile picture of the author Cartellian
    Profile picture of Cartellian
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    Originally Posted by Jaysmyne View Post

    Hey Okay,

    So I dove into making a site - really nicely and all but now I'm realizing I need keyword research to expand upon it and was wondering how to go about that.

    Does anyone have any useful tips? the niche is the short-term loan niche like payday loans.
    My useful tip is that you can get most all of the Market Samurai keyword research tools in their free Domain Samurai tool! This (in conjunction with Google's keyword tool) is how I started.

    Build large lists of relevant keywords with the Adwords tool then run them to domain samurai in batches smaller than 1000 kws at a time. Their tool has the 'Golden Rules' setting and 'Long Tail' and use these default settings to help you narrow your list of 1000's to 10 or 20 of the low hanging fruit.

    Honestly, I do this exact process for offline businesses with Market Samurai and charge $150 for the final report that takes me about an hour to produce.

    Great entry level product for marketing consultants!
  • Profile picture of the author sahilsxy29
    Profile picture of sahilsxy29
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    use adwords keyword tool.. or you order the same from fiverr?
    Health, Finance, Business, Technology and Gambling. SKYPE: sahilsxy29
  • Profile picture of the author 102drive
    Profile picture of 102drive
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    Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Select Exact search only. Choose the buyer/traffic location. Most effective research tool for keywords.
    -Web Service Consulting
    "Helping Online Businesses Grow"
  • Profile picture of the author Koffing
    Profile picture of Koffing
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    What keywords are your competition focusing on? Start with focusing on the sites on the first page of search results. You only need to knock out one, so find the weakest site and focus on beating it. You figure this out by knowing what the top three sites are doing that the number ten site is not doing.

    For indexing purposes you want to focus on low hanging fruit (the least competitve/less traffic keywords). Using LSI keywords for article writing is a great way to get indexed quickly--and highly--for your low traffic keywords). How do you intend to promote your site? How is the number ten site being promoted? Feel free to ask for additional suggestions...
  • Profile picture of the author PioneeringProfits
    Profile picture of PioneeringProfits
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Jaysmyne View Post

    Hey Okay,

    So I dove into making a site - really nicely and all but now I'm realizing I need keyword research to expand upon it and was wondering how to go about that.

    Does anyone have any useful tips? the niche is the short-term loan niche like payday loans.
    You can also find some keywords with Google Instant.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Profile picture of Jeffery
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    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
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    What I not understand;

    Why I should ignore the adwords competitors in external tool?

    Which is best method to monetize niche keywords with less adwords competitors? With adsense???
    or better with affiliate products- so with adsense you not make money when there are not advertisers (competitors) there?

  • Profile picture of the author GrowMyForumCommunity
    Profile picture of GrowMyForumCommunity
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    Use keywords that are unique, and not mainstream. Adding mainstream keywords will risk of chances of getting covered with other websites using the same keywords. I would advise using keyword softwares/tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Profile picture of marco005
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    Ok, but are these keywords right to monetize it with cj or clickbank products when they not have adwords competition?


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