Xsite Pro Deal Coming

10 replies
Anyone wishing to purchase Xsite Pro but have been put off by the cost may be interested in this deal coming up soon on the Bitsdujour website:-

XSitePro 2.5 PC Software with a 40% off Discount Coupon Code - Professional Websites Without Programming

40% off and a very good saving, it doesn't hang about long though so if you're interested keep an eye on that page or sign up for the updates.

Hope this helps

#coming #deal #pro #xsite
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    Thanks Jeff

    40% off would be a great deal. I see lots of coupons online that don't work and I notice they have a 20% code that doesn't work at the moment so I hope they do get a valid code for the 40% Discount.

    I wonder how they secure these discounts as I am ranking for a number of keywords but only have a 10% code !
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    I already bought XSite Pro and like it very much.

    Even better than WP as I can create and publish sites very quickly without hassle and html confusion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    I like certain things about XsitePro, but it does remind me of the 2006 "virtual real estate" phase.

    The things that are deal breakers for me though is:

    1) I prefer being web-based now.

    2) You can custom design an xsitepro site, but it's not as easy as just hiring someone to design an HTML template.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
      It's okay for beginners I suppose. I just think that the websites it produces are throw backs to 2002.
      I know what you mean but some of the most simple websites work pretty well.

      There are a few issues with xsitepro but I still think for a beginner it is a great option to just get a website online.

      Of course if you are comfortable with wordpress then this free option may be perfect but I think for html sites xsitepro is more user friendly than alternatives like Dreamweaver for a beginner.
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      • Profile picture of the author Marty S
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Have you used XSP to build sites? Somehow, I don't think so or you wouldn't be so quick to diss it.
        Incorrect. I have absolutely used it. It now sits on my computer....in a folder far, far away. My comment was not a diss, just a fair observation. I do think some marketers (beginners mostly) would benefit from this. I myself am familiar with, and use many other platforms. I just think there are much better options out there - even for new IMers, such as Weebly - which to me is easier to use, web based/cross platform, has more built in features, is mobile ready and has many contemporary designs and templates from which to work. You can also add a full featured blog post from your iPhone - something very convenient for new IMers who maintain a full time job.

        Originally Posted by Kevin McNally View Post

        I know what you mean but some of the most simple websites work pretty well.
        I really do know that UGLY websites work well too. I have a few I haven't touched for years as a matter of fact. XSP's own website (sales page) looks dated to me, so they are making it work.... although my gut instinct says their own sales page could use an update - at least to split test conversions.

        The thing is, if I am building a new site, I don't normally see a benefit in starting with a design that looks 10 years old. Eventually, (and this happened to me), a user of XSite Pro will want to upgrade the appearance and usability of the site and find that XSP is not the best tool to do that with.

        Again, feasible product to start out with, but I feel that most will eventually migrate to products that can create more contemporary looking websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    The thing is, if I am building a new site, I don't normally see a benefit in starting with a design that looks 10 years old. Eventually, (and this happened to me), a user of XSite Pro will want to upgrade the appearance and usability of the site and find that XSP is not the best tool to do that with.
    I can see your point, in most cases I use custom templates when using XsitePro as many of the basic ones are not great looking.

    I am sure most professional web designers don't use XsitePro to build websites and if I had the skills I would probably use Dreamweaver.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenwaldo
    I do like XSP, and I've used it in the past for building websites… But all of those websites are now on WordPress.

    The biggest problem for me wasn't that the designs were dated or ugly, but that you didn't get any sweet WP plugins. I <3 plugins!!!

    Although, to be fair, I haven't touched it since the upgrade to 2.5, so I'm sure there aren't lots of features that I'm not aware of.

    Still, thanks for letting us know about this sweet deal!
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