EasySpin with The Best Spinner

14 replies
I don't use The Best Spinner a lot as I mostly outsource article writing. But I'm teaching a VA how to use The Best Spinner.

I like the EasySpin function - makes manually selecting synonym so easy. But it seems like it only works for one sentence. If there's two sentence variations, it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have this problem? Also, is there any other spinner out there that makes manual selection of synonyms as easy as The Best Spinner?

#easyspin #spinner
  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    I never mess with spinners. I say it takes just as much time to spin the article and look it over and edit every detail that does not seem right. I say it is just as fast or faster to just rewrite it yourself.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      There's no potential benefit from this.

      These days, it'll probably get your site heavily penalized for "overoptimization" by Google's "Penguin update". This has already happened to large numbers of Warriors, and they've been told expressly and openly by Google that this is the reason.

      This is an activity for people who don't quite appreciate how article directories work, I'm afraid. Multiple article directory submission is pointless, and without benefits. It's all explained, in great detail, in this thread: How do Article Directories work?

      "Spinning" is without value, anyway. It can damage your business, but it can't help you. Everyone who actually makes a living from article marketing (rather than from supplying spinning software or services) says the same things about spinning. And there are reasons for that.

      For people open-minded enough to read them, these six items explain much more, at greater length and in greater detail.
      • this post explains the benefits of spinning
      • the first half (or so) of this thread contains a good discussion of what you can gain from spinning articles
      • the advice on this subject given by so many people throughout most of this thread has been really helpful to many people here
      • on the meaning and significance of "duplicate content", in this context, this little post from expert article marketer Anne Pottinger includes direct quotations from Google's WebMaster Central Blog on the subject (not easy to find a more authoritative source than that!)
      • this little article is also a very useful and accurate explanation of the subject
      • this post, and its links, explain in detail the closely related subject of how article directories really work and why they exist
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  • Profile picture of the author Inspired, Inc.
    easy spin? the "light bulb" icon? is that it? whenever I click on that icon, I am giving myself a lot more work to do..... TBS is good, I think it is the best spinning software available, but still, not good enough for auto spinning... some spinners add inappropriate synonyms...
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    The best spinner is a powerful tool but of course not perfect . I used it for a year and still had no real clue how to use it to it's potential !

    This video on youtube might help your VA, it's long but pretty interesting.


    this post explains the benefits of spinning
    the first half (or so) of this thread contains a good discussion of what you can gain from spinning articles
    the advice on this subject given by so many people throughout most of this thread has been really helpful to many people here
    on the meaning and significance of "duplicate content", in this context, this little post from expert article marketer Anne Pottinger includes direct quotations from Google's WebMaster Central Blog on the subject (not easy to find a more authoritative source than that!)
    this little article is also a very useful and accurate explanation of the subject
    this post, and its links, explain in detail the closely related subject of how article directories really work and why they exist
    Do you seriously believe that there is such a thing as "initial indexation rights " that you have mentioned a few times in your posts ?

    That would mean I could buy a domain today and post an article on it then syndicate it on CNN tomorrow and my 1 day website would outrank CNN.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Kevin McNally View Post

      That would mean I could buy a domain today and post an article on it then syndicate it on CNN tomorrow and my 1 day website would outrank CNN.
      "Good luck with that"! It means absolutely no such thing at all. You surprise me, Kevin.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    Originally Posted by It means no such thing at all. You surprise me, Kevin.

    It means no such thing at all. You surprise me, Kevin.

    On a serious note the term you have made up means nothing in reality. Just trying to help out.

    Let's assume you are a member of a PLR website and every month 1500 unpublished articles are released to all the members. The first one to get the content indexed will have "initial indexation rights " but that doesn't stop the other 1000 members potentially using this content and outranking the first person.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Kevin McNally View Post

      On a serious note the term you have made up means nothing in reality.
      On the contrary. Cumulatively, it's very highly significant "in reality". Google knows where things were first indexed. They say so openly. It says so on their Webmaster blog. Matt Cutts says so in interviews and on videos. (You flatter me, but it isn't actually "my term" - it was widely acknowledged and discussed before I was even online at all! I have old - as well as new - SEO textbooks in which its importance is fully and clearly explained).

      Nobody's claiming that having any individual article indexed on your own site first signifies that it's necessarily going to outrank any and every other subsequent copy, obviously. But in the long run, there are huge, cumulative SEO benefits from consistently acquiring and building up initial indexation-rights for your own site.

      You don't need to take Cutts'/Google's/textbooks'/my word for it: it's readily verifiable and simply factual.

      Also, if you want to hear more of the voice of successful experience, if you look at what a large number of experienced article marketers say in this thread, you'll see that that's one of their shared reasons for always publishing on their own sites first: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...eza-first.html

      Originally Posted by Kevin McNally View Post

      The first one to get the content indexed will have "initial indexation rights " but that doesn't stop the other 1000 members potentially using this content and outranking the first person.
      Nobody's suggesting that it does, in any individual instance considered in isolation.

      But if the same person publishes first every single week, for many months, though (i.e. exactly as successful article marketers do, on their own sites, before syndicating their articles), that's a whole different story. Important to compare like with like, don't you think?

      That's why articles in the supplemental index can move into the main index, and vice-versa: there's no "big secret" about it.

      You still wouldn't outrank CNN, I imagine (I've never tried). It's interesting that there's so much syndicated content on so many high-ranking international news and sports websites, though, isn't it?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        If you look at what a few dozen experienced article marketers say in this thread, you'll see that that's one of their shared reasons for always publishing on their own sites first: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...eza-first.html
        I agree it's normally wise to put your content on your own website, where we disagree is that you believe that you should always post content on your website first. If you are guest blogging some sites require unique content for example.

        Anyway, we are moving off topic from the OP, everything doesn't have to always revert back to the same old article syndication and article marketing points.

        Using any spinner will require editing as we all know.
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        • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
          Originally Posted by Kevin McNally View Post

          Using any spinner will require editing as we all know.
          Then why not just re-write it with your own unique spin on it?

          I can guarantee you that no spinner can be as creative as the human mind.

          I've always wondered why people who love spinners actually think it saves them time. Is it because they say they can spin blank amount of articles in such and such amount of time? If so, I guess they believe in quantity over quality? :confused:

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Every time I am tempted to look at the latest crop of spinners I'm disappointed.

    It's a technology that still needs a human brain to be useful...which means it takes loads of time to bring an unclear, jumbled bunch of words into anything that makes sense. You could open up a good thesaurus in one window and your article in the other and achieve better results.

    But why even do that? Where is the evidence having lots of slightly altered versions of the same poorly written article means anything, search-wise?...imo, the only people who benefit from 'spinners' are the developers of the spin software.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    You need Spin Doggy Daddy. It's the best out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnrone
    Spinning an article is not really recommended for a remarkable and compelling content. Though it helps, as you might think, in getting fast results through the spun article, it still does not guarantee you a quick turn of profits. Like most of the replies here, I also do not encourage the use of spinners.
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    • Profile picture of the author vicdublin
      It is always best to have it re-written rather than spinning as you can save a lot of time doing it yourself. this is because the end result is always worth the effort. Otherwise, there are some brilliant piece of softwares to spin articles in the WSO section which might help you out.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    I don't recommend synonym spinning, especially since G has been able to detect this for several years.

    Low value activity.
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