Want to be an "underwhelmed minion"?

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Woot! is an awsome dicount website with deals on physical products in electronics, household, fitnesss, etc.

It is a good place to find deals you can resell for a profit on eBay for example. They offer an Affiliate Program that they call Woot Minions.

I think it is the most hilarious affiliate priogram I have ever seen described. It is laid out with illustrations like an infographic and very funny.

They offer the program through Commission Junction

Woot Minions

Want to destroy your online reputation AND earn literally pennies through dull, thankless tedium? Woot seeks tireless, gullible fans naive enough to believe that a life of luxury can be theirs just for posting a few advertising links. Some people call it an affiliate program - we call it Woot Minions!

... we promise only a lot of aggravation for very little payoff. So why should you bother? We have no idea. Ask all those people who've been begging us to do this. Maybe they know.

Accepted Affiliate Application
Got a blog, weblog, vlog, moblog, mommyblog, blawg, or microblog? Deface it with links to our low-conversion specials. Expect this worthless - but free! - content to provoke a few angry messages from your loyal readers, but most will quietly stop paying any attention to you. If they're not making you any money, who needs 'em?

Rejected Affiliate Application
Whew, That Was A Close One! You dodged a bullet there, friend. In a few weeks, when the Internet is ablaze with complaints by disappointed Woot Minions, you'll realize this loss was actually a win. Congratulations!

Let The Cash Roll In!
Prepare to be severely underwhelmed as your piddling income potential as a Woot Minion becomes clear. If you're disappointed, well, nobody put a gun to your head.

#underwhelmed minion

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