Why Nobody Is Telling You The Truth In Making Money Online.

32 replies
i've read lot's of eBooks why only 95% fail in online business, and in general from what i learned, it's because most people get incomplete information and left half way in the process. so they end up failing

i've read so many ebooks on solo ads, from what i've learned over the past few months solo ads is now one of the best ways to boost online income more especially in the IM Niche.

so i decided to jump in. all the ebooks i've ready claim i can make $1000 weekly from just doing solo ads.

almost all the ebooks redirect me to safe-swaps to find sellers with good rating.

i make some search and bookmarked about 10 of them and make my request.

They all approve my solo, but none of them is willing to send the solo within the first 3 days. they're all willing to send the solo in next 3 to 4 weeks.

if knew this is how it work, i would made my bookings 3 weeks or 1 month earlier, because i planned this week for crushing with solo ads only.

my surprise was that all the wso's i bought on solo ads, none of them told me that i have to reserve spot. and they knew it but they don't mentioned it.

so why is nobody telling the truth when it comes to IM?

What are your thoughts?
#making #money #online #telling #truth
  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I don't see why an author would leave out reserving
    a spot to get a service as a "hidden" piece of information.
    Maybe they should have included it, or maybe they thought
    that the recommendation of the service was enough.

    But to translate that into "NOBODY" telling the truth in
    IM is a little broad, don't you think?

    There are for sure no magic pills, and more effort is
    necessary than just reading a few ebooks. But I
    don't think that the authors (I don't know them)
    intended to deceive you.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author TomYevsikov
    I feel you bro, but you're partially right.

    There are people telling the truth.

    Let me explain..

    I have no Idea why the coach did not mention you should book earlier.

    Maybe he forgot? who knows? but that's not hiding information.

    What you're talking about, not telling the truth is when you sign up to learn how to make money online but you get half of the information..

    The reason to this is because either they don't know the full picture and what they're talking about, or they want to lead you higher through the funnel to get the whole package..

    upsells and highend coaching programs..

    I think this is a mistake but..who am I to judge the way they market..
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  • Profile picture of the author huester
    Sounds like they tell you a method which does work but want the sale from you quick so don't reveal that bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
    1. They have other clients ahead of you.
    2. I imagine they don't like spamming their lists.

    Also there is a scheduling process to run campaigns. For instance I use a Fiverr gig often. It takes the individual 5 days to complete. That means I have to schedule several gigs each day during the week.

    It is a matter of reinvesting and organizing.
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    Originally Posted by zoldusta View Post

    i've read lot's of eBooks why only 95% fail in online business, and in general from what i learned, it's because most people get incomplete information and left half way in the process. so they end up failing

    i've read so many ebooks on solo ads, from what i've learned over the past few months solo ads is now one of the best ways to boost online income more especially in the IM Niche.

    so i decided to jump in. all the ebooks i've ready claim i can make $1000 weekly from just doing solo ads.

    almost all the ebooks redirect me to safe-swaps to find sellers with good rating.

    i make some search and bookmarked about 10 of them and make my request.

    They all approve my solo, but none of them is willing to send the solo within the first 3 days. they're all willing to send the solo in next 3 to 4 weeks.

    if knew this is how it work, i would made my bookings 3 weeks or 1 month earlier, because i planned this week for crushing with solo ads only.

    my surprise was that all the wso's i bought on solo ads, none of them told me that i have to reserve spot. and they knew it but they don't mentioned it.

    so why is nobody telling the truth when it comes to IM?

    What are your thoughts?
    So you're saying that because YOU failed to plan accordingly that it makes info product authors liars?


    You must realize they have no control over what 3rd-party services are doing, right?

    With almost any kind of info product there's an assumption that the reader is going to take what they learn, research it further and then put together a plan of action.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Maybe those IM guides are a bit outdated. I don't see why someone would include false information in a IM book.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMDealBox
    I'd guess if the truth would be out 100% you wouldn't need to buy anything else from anyone! Which means when one persons gains, another person loses!

    There are always bits and pieces of info a mentor or teacher in IM leaves out, only to give'em to you on a subscription basis or not at all.

    I hope i make my point clear...i can see people jumping on my throat...but let's be HONEST: If you have a list and they dont need your emails or advice anymore - you end up NOT having a list - not making money...
    I.M Hound: Intelligent Business Solutions & I.M News
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    • Profile picture of the author zoldusta
      Originally Posted by EdwardsEZPC View Post

      I'd guess if the truth would be out 100% you wouldn't need to buy anything else from anyone! Which means when one persons gains, another person loses!

      There are always bits and pieces of info a mentor or teacher in IM leaves out, only to give'em to you on a subscription basis or not at all.

      I hope i make my point clear...i can see people jumping on my throat...but let's be HONEST: If you have a list and they dont need your emails or advice anymore - you end up NOT having a list - not making money...
      I Think that's another great reason. thanks
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
      Originally Posted by EdwardsEZPC View Post

      I'd guess if the truth would be out 100% you wouldn't need to buy anything else from anyone! Which means when one persons gains, another person loses!

      There are always bits and pieces of info a mentor or teacher in IM leaves out, only to give'em to you on a subscription basis or not at all.

      I hope i make my point clear...i can see people jumping on my throat...but let's be HONEST: If you have a list and they dont need your emails or advice anymore - you end up NOT having a list - not making money...

      Not sure I agree with you. When you are Frank Kern my guess would be that you are no longer on people's lists. People make money and move on yes, but the beauty of a list is that it keeps replenishing itself (you can use solo's for this). Your list turns into your testimonials, and they continue to buy because you keep giving them more methods to make money with. the more streams of income the better. So If someone shows me how to make $1000 a month and then they come out with a new product that shows me how to make another $1000 I keep buying. Why..... Because I like money and I like not having to figure it out myself.

      The whole point of a good list is happy REPEAT customers. If you show them half and leave them guessing for even a week they jump to the next shinny object and forget about your product. NOT THE POINT you want them looking forward to your next product.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    First off, solo ads are NOT the best way to generate targeted leads (especially in the IM industry) Second, not all solo ad sellers leave you waiting a month. Some will send your offer in a week or so. It completely depends on how booked up they are. I can't help you because I know solo ads are shit compared to PPC and banner ads. They're quick alright, I'll give them that.

    How you can say that people are not telling you the truth about IM because of such a trivial little matter is beyond me. It's true that most people will lead you up the garden path, but in a far more sinister way than what you've mentioned above.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author Raimundas M
      actually you can.

      Safe-swaps has a forum with a "Want to buy" section.

      Just post a message there that you need, let's say, 1000 clicks asap and you will get some replays almost the same minute.

      Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    My thoughts are that you discovered a "truth" and obviously you are ready to get on with it. The best solo ads are backed up, period, and worth the wait.

    Don't get stuck on what people don't say....

    You know you need paid traffic and you figured out solo ads are the best option (and they are), so just get in the game and wait and get your gold in due time.
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    • Profile picture of the author James Clark
      To the Op. Travel over to Google and type in "make money online niche" and then type in "make money online" without the quotations marks.

      The results will be something like this: "make money online niche" will show that no advertising money is being spent on that search term.

      When you type in "make money online" there are a bunch of advertising monies being spent down the right side of the page.

      So, what is that telling you? Chasing money is not going to work! Learn how to run a business is the first lesson, period. To me, "make money online" is a compelling offer to draw you into their funnel and they want you to keep buying products, but you are not learning the Stages of Marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author zoldusta
      Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

      My thoughts are that you discovered a "truth" and obviously you are ready to get on with it. The best solo ads are backed up, period, and worth the wait.

      Don't get stuck on what people don't say....

      You know you need paid traffic and you figured out solo ads are the best option (and they are), so just get in the game and wait and get your gold in due time.
      of course all the sellers have almost the highest rating, and that's why they're over booked, of course i'll wait even if it's in two months time.
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  • Profile picture of the author wlasikiewicz
    If someone is making money why would they tell anyone that could spoil that income? I have methods that i keep close to my chest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by wlasikiewicz View Post

      If someone is making money why would they tell anyone that could spoil that income? I have methods that i keep close to my chest.
      So, does that mean you're lying about the offers in your sig?
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        So, does that mean you're lying about the offers in your sig?
        Just reported the same not more than two minutes before reading your reply.

        Oh the irony.

        Smoking hot,

        Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
    I agree with the OP.

    When I did my first SOLO ad I was shocked I had to wait two weeks before they had mailed it out.

    Yeah - I can understand the process (after the fact) but when I was first told about a solo ad, they only mentioned that It would mostly cost a lot, but huge earnings potentials (which in most cases are fabricated as well)

    Why leave that important piece out?

    The truth is some people conveniently leave things out when teaching, but more common to the problem is: people are teaching/mentoring without experience and operate more on hearsay.
    How Can I help...
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by zoldusta View Post

    i've read lot's of eBooks why only 95% fail in online business, and in general from what i learned, it's because most people get incomplete information and left half way in the process. so they end up failing
    A circular argument, here: your perspective is actually a self-defining one.

    When people set off in the wrong direction, take action, take more action, achieve nothing and then abandon it, it can be claimed more or less by definition that they've "left half-way in the process".

    The reality is that it's having starting out in the MMO or IM markets (probably the single commonest mistake that beginning internet marketers make) which has collectively led to their typical failure.

    Originally Posted by zoldusta View Post

    from what i've learned over the past few months solo ads is now one of the best ways to boost online income more especially in the IM Niche.
    Call me a skepchick, but I find this very difficult indeed to believe.

    Originally Posted by zoldusta View Post

    why is nobody telling the truth when it comes to IM?
    Some people are. Not everyone lies. But the "everyone" you're thinking of is probably much closer to being defined as "a group of people promoting IM niche opportunities/services", than as "a group of experienced marketers with no personal interest/involvement/incentivization in selling IM niche opportunity/services", so what do you expect? When you want to assess the reliability of someone's "information", looking at their own motivation for offering it can be an immensely valuable aid. Who's likely to be a more reliable educational resource: someone making a living by promoting a service relevant to a specfic sort of business, or someone making a living in that same line of business? Whom would you trust to inform you about whether "spinning articles" has any value: people successfully selling article-spinning services or people successfully making a living from article marketing?

    It's not a very difficult decision, is it?
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  • Profile picture of the author TimK06
    Wow! There's nothing like reading misleading ebooks or reports.

    Unfortunately, for as many honest and great marketers out here there are some cons as well.

    Short answer it could be that some illustrators of the ebook simply neglected to provide that information.

    It's even possible that maybe some of them actually didn't know(surprisingly) the proper way to explain and either sampled bits and pieces from other reports.

    The good part is now you know it and you've shared it! So you are going to prevent someone else from being neglected that information.

    Kind Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author sunray
    When I came here, I wondered why would people sell their great money-making secrets for pennies? It's obvious that from the moment a secret gets widely known its profitability dissolves in a matter of days and weeks. If you have really found a gold mine, you wouldn't sell its chart for $37.99 or for whatever ridiculously low price these WSO-s are selling. You would mine the gold, maybe hire someone to mine it faster, but you'd never advertise the location of the mine.

    It's very clear to me: it's not that some truth is left out, the author never had it in the first place. This is the reason he/she is the WSO business--otherwise he would be mining the gold, not begging for pennies.

    The other day an old thread resurfaced. It got deleted eventually (it was from 2009!), but it contained a very eloquent advise. The person who had started the thread, asked what he could do to get some money fast, before Christmas for his 2 children. He was an absolute newbie asking for a fast track. The advise was: create a WSO. I think this advise applies to the starter of this thread as well
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  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
    Originally Posted by zoldusta View Post

    so why is nobody telling the truth when it comes to IM?

    What are your thoughts?
    I think you're confused about the meaning of "telling the truth". Failing to inform you about every possible scenario under the sun doesn't mean you haven't been told the truth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    So your sig leads to this sales copy...

    --------- ---------

    Click Here To See How You Can Throw Up New Sites And Get Ranked On Google In

    2 Hours And Make $1000/Month On Autopilot

    Did you leave anything out? Will everyone that takes your advice rank on Google in in 2 hours and make $1000 a month on autopilot? I'm thinking about a phrase that has the word kettle and the word black in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Out of all the things you could have picked as an example of people leaving out the truth you go for "no one told me solo ads usually take time"? That should have been something you researched yourself as it doesn't seem anyone told you they would be sent out instantly / within days either. You made an assumption and it was wrong. This is not something people have any reason to lie about or that they'd need to withhold, if they missed it out it's likely an over sight or that all solo ad sellers are different, have different customers and different schedules. No one provider is the same and they don't all take 3 to 4 weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    People are telling you the truth online. If you hear someone say to build a list, have a good product, do ebook and email marketing, and get traffic (and showing you HOW)... it qualifies as being a worthy product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Originally Posted by zoldusta View Post

    i've read lot's of eBooks why only 95% fail in online business, and in general from what i learned, it's because most people get incomplete information and left half way in the process. so they end up failing

    i've read so many ebooks on solo ads, from what i've learned over the past few months solo ads is now one of the best ways to boost online income more especially in the IM Niche.

    so i decided to jump in. all the ebooks i've ready claim i can make $1000 weekly from just doing solo ads.

    almost all the ebooks redirect me to safe-swaps to find sellers with good rating.

    i make some search and bookmarked about 10 of them and make my request.

    They all approve my solo, but none of them is willing to send the solo within the first 3 days. they're all willing to send the solo in next 3 to 4 weeks.

    if knew this is how it work, i would made my bookings 3 weeks or 1 month earlier, because i planned this week for crushing with solo ads only.

    my surprise was that all the wso's i bought on solo ads, none of them told me that i have to reserve spot. and they knew it but they don't mentioned it.

    so why is nobody telling the truth when it comes to IM?

    What are your thoughts?

    I respectfully disagree with you... here's why:

    The 95% who are not successful at internet marketing have a lot in common. Most notably what you have addressed here in your post. It is impossible for any product creator to cover EVERYTHING because there is a wide range of people with different skill sets, knowledge and thought processes.

    Information products are designed to be used as a guide and require your own input, research, knowledge and decision making process. What you do through these steps and the decisions you make are a direct reflection of what is produced, also known as the outcome.

    If you follow a product and the outcome is not as desired it doesn't mean that product doesn't work. What it means is you made some decisions that caused the effect.

    If you are truly an entrepreneur then you will not just up and quit but rather go back and see where your decisions led you, why the outcome was different than you expected and what you can do to change the outcome.

    So to say something as simple as "They didn't tell you to book your ads a week or two in advance" is a cop-out to say the least because you made the decision to purchase ads from those people and that was their timeline. NOT all ads are going to be able to run your ads in a day all the time, that's just common sense. But it doesn't reflect all sellers of solo ads... All the ad sellers are not all waiting for YOU to run your ad immediately.

    And to say that someone is not telling you the truth because they don't mention something so trivial would be like buying a washing machine and then taking it back complaining it didn't work. Only to realize no one told you to plug it in and hook up the water lines. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

    The truth is... 95% of people only want to be an entrepreneur if they can be successful. The 5% who want to be an entrepreneur no matter what learn from their failures to be better at making the right decisions!
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  • Profile picture of the author johndetlefs
    I get this from my staff all the time when I'm teaching them something new. I know how to do the task from beginning to end and so I tell them how to do it.

    I invariably miss something, not because I'm trying to be deceitful or dishonest, but because it didn't occur to me that they wouldn't know how to do that.

    A better approach might be to contact the WSO seller and let them know that their WSO could be improved by adding that a buyer may have to wait to get their solo posted rather than having an ill advised rant in the main forum?

    That said, there is also value in not sweating the small stuff, and this is clearly the small stuff!

    You only get one shot at life - make it awesome.

    Everyone else also gets just one crack at it - help make theirs awesome too... or, politely step out of their way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    80% of the material out there is junk, 20% has value and is worth studying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    That is a lame excuse. there are some junk products out there for sure but to come out and say that no one is telling the truth is complete insanity!!!!

    You are calling all product creators lairs because one guy forgot to mention that you need to book your solo. Come on.... Did you really think that people who make a ton of money on solo's will just mail out anytime you the the newbie with a poor swipe says to?

    At some point you need to fill in some blanks yourself. I know I know. A $9 product with the formula for a million a month and they forgot to tell you that you need to turn on your computer on. The secret that everyone is leaving out of their sales copy is that you need to work and think outside of the box a bit. I am sorry if I piss some people off here, but we need to check our expectations a bit when it comes to $9 products that promise the world.

    You might be told you can make $20k per month, but you would buy that product make $5 call it a failure and say you were lied to. Or you could take that $5 reinvest it and make $10. Repeat and repeat until you are up to $20k. So you now have to wait for your solo to go out.... big deal that is business. Deadlines, planning, and working with the schedules of the people who are going to help make YOU money.
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    • Profile picture of the author santosantinie
      I think "nobody" is not the right term for that. You should really study hard on those eBooks and articles. Learn from this forum through threads and comments. Some success still depends on your niche. Methods differ depending on niche and marketability of your product/services. I guess nobody doubted the writing and efforts of those who personally achieve the success on making money online. You should apply it all with some "personal touch" and personal strategies. And in fact you don't have to blame it all for those writers, we should not depend on them. They are just guide and suggestions and tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    Setting up your business transactions 1 to 2 months in advance is 1 of the best things you can do for yourself. First, this means that the solo ad operator lots of business. Second, it tells you that the business is working, and it gives you time to perfect your sales funnel.
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