$500 In A Week,Please!

55 replies
Hi all,

I want to say thanks all.

Please right now I am in a financial tight corner.
I need some quick cash.Say about $100 daily.
The total amount I need is $500 in the next 5

How do I make this in one week.I will do any
you advise as long as I am guaranteed of quick

For investment,I have about $50 in my paypal account
to invest to speed up the earning process,if possible.


Once again,thanks for your answers,

#$500 #week
  • My goodness, some people are totally detached from reality...
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
    What are your strengths?
    What do you know of the business?
    What is your structure?
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    • Profile picture of the author Ozegbe Azuka
      Originally Posted by Sandra Martinez View Post

      What are your strengths?
      What do you know of the business?
      What is your structure?
      Let me please answers those questions one by one:

      1.I can write or design a blog very well

      2.I know it as much as I know it.

      3.Right now I don't have any structure on ground

      Any other tips,please?
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      • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
        Originally Posted by Ozegbe Azuka View Post

        Let me please answers those questions one by one:

        1.I can write or design a blog very well

        2.I know it as much as I know it.

        3.Right now I don't have any structure on ground

        Any other tips,please?
        mmm many people have the same strengths...

        as many said here, the best way to get cash without marketing knowledge, or money to invest is providing service.

        But even as a service provider to build a portfolio takes time.

        ok... there are many eyeballs here. Prove your worth. Get a free blog, and write 10 articles in any niche, preferable one you want to write more about.

        Post it here. Some might jump to the chance to get a good writer who can maintain blogs for example.

        It will NOT give you the amount you want in the time you want. But that is the best I´ve got for what you said.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ozegbe Azuka
          Originally Posted by Sandra Martinez View Post

          mmm many people have the same strengths...

          as many said here, the best way to get cash without marketing knowledge, or money to invest is providing service.

          But even as a service provider to build a portfolio takes time.

          ok... there are many eyeballs here. Prove your worth. Get a free blog, and write 10 articles in any niche, preferable one you want to write more about.

          Post it here. Some might jump to the chance to get a good writer who can maintain blogs for example.

          It will NOT give you the amount you want in the time you want. But that is the best I´ve got for what you said.
          I appreciate.Thanks once again
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    • Profile picture of the author Terry Coombes
      Hi Azuka,
      I sympathize with you. What you must do is accept that the solution you're looking for is not to be found [here] in the timescale you specify. You need to divert your energy away from finding a quick fix and focus on educating yourself in some of the many ways of making money that can be found here in the Warrior Forum.

      You'll find a wealth of information here that will help you to set up a solid long-term business. In my opinion, paying $37 to become a member of the War Room (if that's still the fee) is the best investment you can make from the $50 in your PayPal account. That will give you access to loads of valuable products from Warriors that you can study and decide which particular method(s) of making money suits your particular background.

      Then you must get down to work with whichever method you decide upon and see what brings results and what doesn't. Then modify and test... Above all, don't give up trying.

      Good Luck,


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  • Your easiest way to make that type of money is through providing a service. Unfortunately your timeframe doesn't allow for any get rich quick scheme let alone time to set up something that will make you money right away. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sir Dude
    You could set up accounts and place ads at freelancer websites (use search engines to find them, i.e. "freelance jobs"). If your strength is building blogs, you could offer that service and any other skill you could put to work for a competitive price (check the price other users ask for a similar job). Maybe you'll end up barely sleeping this week, doing 10 jobs a day, but you might be able to get the money on time. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author jrstonier
    To be honest, the chances of that are slim but I appreciate the situation that you are in.
    Do you have any old books, belongings, clothes etc that you can get rid of?
    Ebay and Amazon are good places to start.
    I would highly recommend checking the link Alexa Smith posted and check out Ron Douglas' suggestion amongst others on that thread. I hope you find the help you are looking for!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ozegbe Azuka
    Thanks people for neat suggestions.I am grateful
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  • Profile picture of the author bloggerd
    Sandra has given you a great idea there an people on here are always looking for good content writters, But as many have said you will be lucky to get $500 in a week from scratch. but anything is possible just look through the ideas on here and knuckle down at it
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  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    The chances of making that much money in your time frame with the skills you have is less than 1% at best. Sell something if you are in a rush.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I would go into Clickbank and find a niche other then the work at home make money online niche.

    Then I would do a search for a product that can bank you between $100-$300 per commission. Then your goal is to drive traffic. Get into Google and place some ads with your $50. Get some ads on Bing too but don't spend too much money on your bids.

    I can not guarantee that this will work for you but it is worth the try.

    If you get 2-4 sales in the next few days, this should get you over your $500 goal.

    I hope this works for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author SeoDemon
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      I would go into Clickbank and find a niche other then the work at home make money online niche.

      Then I would do a search for a product that can bank you between $100-$300 per commission. Then your goal is to drive traffic. Get into Google and place some ads with your $50. Get some ads on Bing too but don't spend too much money on your bids.

      I can not guarantee that this will work for you but it is worth the try.

      If you get 2-4 sales in the next few days, this should get you over your $500 goal.

      I hope this works for you.
      i totally agree with him, best of luck to you OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author adamreilly1997
    If you don't already have a business online, then go where the traffic is. It's the only way you'll make that kind of money in 5 days.

    YouTube could really help you out but you'll really need to work hard to make this kind of money in such a short time.

    Here's how you can make money with YouTube.

    1. Find a product to promote, Clickbank for example.
    2. Create a video promoting the product
    3. Keyword research
    4. Upload to YouTube and SEO the video.
    5. Build links to the video
    6. Drive traffic to the video

    When choosing keyword it's important to check out the video competition on Google. If there's any videos with over 20,000 views on Google then forget about it. Try and find a keyword with a high volume of searches and low competition.

    Here's a few things to do when optimizing your video, description etc. Make sure you water mark the video. Fill up the whole description 5000 words, with LOTS of keywords. When choosing tags, look at the top competing videos for your keyword and combine those with your own tags. Put your URL at the start of the description.

    If your video isn't outranking your competitors then build links and get views the video. YouTube view exchanges work well. You could try out Fiverr as well.

    If you want to make $500 in 5 days then your going to need to work hard. Keep on throwing out new videos, building links and building views!

    Hope this helped!
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
    I suggest you buy some eBooks. )
    or take that $50, buy some stuff on CL and sell on eBay
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  • Profile picture of the author rite
    use your $50 advertise your blog creation abilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlmightyGreg
    I don't think is realistic to expect to make $500 in a week with little internet marketing experience. Learning how to make even a penny on the internet will cost you hours of research, reading a lot of ebooks, and much more. To be honest just like everyone else suggested, I would probably go for freelance sites. My suggestion is, sign up to a freelance website, make a convincing resume, take a nice profile picture and submit job proposals to as many gigs as you can. If you offer enough value you will get your first job sooner or later. Good luck man
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  • Profile picture of the author tlangdon
    Hi, If you want you can private message me and ill show you a free 7 series training programme you can watch. But there are some free adds you can spend time doing which some people are successful with.

    Tom Langdon
    Helping you succeed online!


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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    Don't expect anyone to to tell you. It's sad, I know
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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    • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
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      • Profile picture of the author salegurus
        Originally Posted by Ozegbe Azuka View Post

        There Is No Secret Idea, Method, Button, Trapdoor, Sauce, Report... And there is no conspiracy between longtime members to withhold any "Secrets" from newbies. Come on guys get back to the real world...

        Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

        My goodness, some people are totally detached from reality...
        Which ones? The people who ask these questions or the ones who actually reply with unproven theories they heard somewhere...
        Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

        ― George Carlin
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      • Profile picture of the author icoachu
        Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

        What's really sad is that yourself and many others believe that there's a secret and we aren't willing to share it.

        Let me just say that plenty of seasoned marketers on this forum go above and beyond to help out those who are new to IM, get it through your head! there is no secret.
        Actually, there are a LOT of REAL secret methods. The only 'secret' stuff shared by 'gurus' and ebook jockeys publicly here involve methods everyone already knows (not just in detail) and the results people get vary based mostly on their efforts or capital.

        Why would anyone want people to share their scripts, bots, and methods if they truly are making money? Their ROI would be way much better than the typical WSO which is often heavy on hype and low on results....
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        • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
          Originally Posted by icoachu View Post

          Actually, there are a LOT of REAL secret methods. The only 'secret' stuff shared by 'gurus' and ebook jockeys publicly here involve methods everyone already knows (not just in detail) and the results people get vary based mostly on their efforts or capital.

          Why would anyone want people to share their scripts, bots, and methods if they truly are making money? Their ROI would be way much better than the typical WSO which is often heavy on hype and low on results....
          Indeed. There are forms to make money fast. BUT they ALL need a structure much bigger than our friend has.

          This is what gurus are specialists in, finding systems. And they work very hard, they have teams of people who work 12 hours a day 7 days a week, and spend tons and trons of money testing to gain that knowledge.

          If any of them came and said: here, take this method. It made me $500 in three hours just yesterday. The OP probably couldn´t make it work.

          the bottom line is: YOU CAN´T MAKE IT FROM SCRATCH.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
        Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

        What's really sad is that yourself and many others believe that there's a secret and we aren't willing to share it.

        Let me just say that plenty of seasoned marketers on this forum go above and beyond to help out those who are new to IM, get it through your head! there is no secret.
        But...that's not what the guy who stumbled upon a secret Illuminati group, who invited him, an ordinary guy, to their closed-door meeting, to teach him how they print money at their whim, and now hates the elite group with all their secret underground wealth-making ability, so he's spilling the secret to ME for only $37, told me in the video I just watched...! :rolleyes:
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Right now I am figuring out what to do.The ideas are coming.
          Like you advised,it's little by little.Now I know it.

          I would look for a service to provide,yes,article writing(I can
          do that well).
          Sorry to be skeptical - but this isn't a new idea for you. You promoted writing here a couple years ago. Apparently you didn't stick with it but it's not something you just found in this thread.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author Manie Amari
        Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

        What's really sad is that yourself and many others believe that there's a secret and we aren't willing to share it.
        Did you say secret Joseph? What secret tell me pls

        Seriously, I was at the Warrior Gathering in London a few months back and some guy stood up in Q & A and asked is there some other secret traffic method you establised marketers use?

        I had to control myself and not burst out laughing. What was more funny is at the silence after the question. People sat up straight and glared into the marketer's face to see his response. The tension in the room was evident and the silence was quite enough to hear a pin drop.


        This will NOT be up for long. Get it now whilst You still can. Btw it's FREE...
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        • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
          This can be done. There are women making good money each day from donations on web cam sites. Not all involve explicit sexual acts.

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          • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
            Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

            This can be done. There are women making good money each day from donations on web cam sites. Not all involve explicit sexual acts.

            yes, and there are other options as well that don´t imply showing anything. Two I know of...

            Some people charge around $20 the hour to give "empathic advice" via skype...

            For business advice, he could make all he needs in one hour.

            But again, the OP needs other talents that the ones he mentions.
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  • Profile picture of the author lanew
    Provide a service for low price to get more people (hard work but pays), and look at craigslist in your are for gigs that pay cash. I agree with most people on here, and in particular Jason above me. There are a lot of nice people giving away lots of info for free that if you just work it, you will make money.

    Good luck!

    Be well,
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  • Profile picture of the author AndreAyton
    All i can say is good luck with that!
    If you are not making somebodies life better then you are wasting your time

    Life is too short to work 40 hours a week
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  • Profile picture of the author TheOctavius
    Well, you really have a very slim chance, but I have a couple of ideas:

    1- Pick a good high ticket product, do your keyword research, then go to Fiverr.com and get a couple of video marketing gigs.. then post these videos on Youtube, Metacafe, and all similar videos sharing networks with your keywords as tags.. you might make a couple of sales.
    2- Pick a CPA offer that allows incentivised traffic, go to MicroWorkers.com and post a task for that offer ... You can double or triple your money with this method.

    I hope this helps,
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      There is a ton of information on this forum, only it's not all in one place, but if members get in to the habit of using the search function, they can find facebook strategies, Youtube, Squeeze page info, auto-responders and a ton of other things.
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
    Sorry mate. Although making $30,000 is doable with IM there's no shortcuts. It will take an immense time of studying and hard work before you can reach that level. Look at it long term man. $500 a week is nothing, but you need to grow your strength.

    P.s. I see you joined the WF like 10 months earlier than me.

    You see I joined in Nov of 2010. Much later than you but I make a good amount of money each month. But again there's no shortcuts and you can't learn to do that in a few days. Hopefully before 2014 you can achieve your goals as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ozegbe Azuka
    To say the least,I am actually learning a lot from you guys.

    Right now I am figuring out what to do.The ideas are coming.
    Like you advised,it's little by little.Now I know it.

    I would look for a service to provide,yes,article writing(I can
    do that well).

    Thanks all,so far
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  • Profile picture of the author edwin08
    Not possible. Get the total amount of $ 500 in the next 5 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by Ozegbe Azuka View Post

    I need some quick cash.
    You mean, as opposed to the rest of us beneath your pedestal who are are only wanting some slow cash?
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Alexa Smith probably gave the best answer in this thread. Read "What To Do If
      You're Desperate."

      If it was written by Paul Myers, it HAS to be good. No, I haven't read it. I'm not
      in that situation, but I was about 9 years ago. I wish I had Paul's brain to pick
      back then. It might have saved me a lot of time and frustration in the early

      Anyway, I wish you luck on your journey.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    My honest suggestion is.......... to get a physical job. And work online on the side.

    I'm not trying to be harsh, but good ol' fashion working with your hands, is sure to bring in some extra cash.

    If you live where the economy is SOOO bad that working for money is out of the question, please ignore my comments above.

    Day Labor can bring in close to $70.00 per day in the US and you get paid daily. If your elsewhere, maybe there is something similar.

    Again, if your in a country where there is no chance to earn money from good ol' fashion physical work, then please ignore my comments above.
    Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
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  • Profile picture of the author sunray
    This guy is joking, don't you see it? Nobody would offer only 10 dollars for a working secret that will produce $100 a day.

    Use these laws and make the Law of Attraction work
    QuantumMindSuccess Learn how to live a happy, healthy and abundant life.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by sunray View Post

      This guy is joking, don't you see it? Nobody would offer only 10 dollars for a working secret that will produce $100 a day.
      Moving lawns could produce more than $100 per day and I just gave you that idea for free....

      A "secret" is merely an overused, cliche buzzword to evoke curiosity and nothing more.

      There are plenty of methods (some which are provided for free) which aren't labelled as "secrets" and they function quite effectively in seeing someone reap $100 per day.

      $100 per day is nothing. If you envisage it as a mountain, then a mountain it shall be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Szabo
    It usually takes months to set-up a successful business making $100 per day as a passive income, however i can share one of my "emergency cash" methods with you, which could easily earn you that much. Just pm me

    Sometimes when I close my eyes I can't see, but I make money.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Let me suggest that if you need $500 in a week that you spend some time on the offline marketing forum and brush up on some of the 4 and 5 star cold calling threads.

    After you do so, let me suggest that you look in the wso board and other places for some good customizable industry-specfic WP themes (They're out there!)

    So your only investment is in the themes and your phone usage which should be minimal.

    Ok, now if you really need the cash....let me give you an important point....You will get interest from 1 business out of 50 to 100 dials that you make.

    Work on your script and make it very atractive for them to do business with you, such as offering a free demo site so they'll know what you can do for them and/or very attractive pricing such as $59/month (no long term contracts) which will include hosting, domain and 2 updates a month....This will improve your conversions. Again, the offline forum has everything you need to get started.

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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Geer
    How do I make this in one week.I will do any
    you advise as long as I am guaranteed of quick
    Take your $50 and hope you win Keno, it's a lottery game in the bars/casinos that pays out anywhere from $11, $22, $410 or even $100,000 depending on how many numbers you gamble to match up.

    As far as "guaranteed" results, nothing in life is guaranteed. Well actually JFK would correct me if he were here because two things in life ARE guaranteed. You're in the wrong business if you're looking for GUARANTEED money.

    There is no magic button or super secret formula that all those Gurus are hiding from you to keep you from obtaining your goal.

    1) Stay away from the WSO section. It said you were looking to make $500 a week and not spend $500 a week.
    2) Before you decide to try an IM venture to make $500, look around your house or search some of your personal belongings to see if you have $500 worth of valuables or things you don't necessarily need just lying around.

    The IM business is a brutal mistress and if you try to cheat her by taking the easy way out by becoming an instant success, she tends to become angry. The results for those people are usually not pretty and they end up giving up on the idea of making money online altogether.

    Skype: Coreygeer319

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  • Profile picture of the author garveyonweb
    Originally Posted by Ozegbe Azuka View Post

    about $100 daily.
    The total amount I need is $500 in the next 5

    I'll have 2 thanks.

    It still amazes me how many people think this is an ATM machine. Do many people walk into retailers or factories and say 'please give me $100 per day'. Does the concept of work and reward and business escape most newbies.
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    • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
      Originally Posted by garveyonweb View Post

      It still amazes me how many people think this is an ATM machine.
      I agree 100%

      People believe just because you have a computer, that you can make money - and a lot of it fast. This simply is not the case!

      Like any business it takes time and work before you will see results! You wouldn't expect to walk into a restaurant and become an expert chef over night would you?

      Same goes for making money online... You need to learn some new skill then slowly work each day to see results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacob Pionke
    Ok so i posted a comment earlier and i thought was bit harsh so il try again as this forum is meant to help people.

    Why not do what others tell you to do, first dont search anything but try and sell stuff on ebay to make more cash, and trust me i sold everything from clothing to gaming etc, just to make as much as i can. Get a good amount of money $250-$300, and then choose a product, from clickbank or a cpa offer to promote and spend the money on traffic, i mean you dont have to spend any $$$ on courses as you get ALL and i mean ALL information here, for free. If you choose a good product and a good traffic source you can make $100/ a day easy, as its only about 2-4 sales, depends on what offer you are promoting.

    Dont know if it helped but thats how i would do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    So, you can only write and design a blog 'very well' and you want to make $500 in five days online, with all the competition you find? Without having any established business and without already doing something to provide your services?

    This is impossible.

    If you'll start doing something right now, even providing a service which is the fastest way to make money, right now you won't manage to start finding clients because you are only a beginner. You are not a known personality. Nobody will immediately hire you.

    Try praying and asking God to send you some wisdom.

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  • honestly, $500 bucks in 1 week is simply thinking too small. You can make a whole lot more money then that provided you put in the dirt to do it.
    You should start out by finding out what kinds of services or products you have and then selling it on fiverr as gigs.
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