Ladies and Gents lets do a Good Deed.

by 5 replies
I know you see it all the time here. A newbie is pulling his/her hair trying to finally pop their cherry and make money online.

Let's help out the Newbies and please let's post , if your family member or someone you loved lost their job and you could teach them how to make some income online what would you tell them??
#main internet marketing discussion forum #deed #gents #good #ladies
  • I'd tell them to get their job back. Internet marketing isn't something you want to teach people, they have to want to learn it themselves.
    • [1] reply
    • Confined, you're telling me if someone you loved lost their job and you can teach them how to make some money on the side with ebay you wouldn't? This thread is not for Assholes it's for people who like helping others
  • This is not overnight. Get another job. Obviously I feel that the best education is in what I access. No promoting intended by that statement. Choose a niche/sub niche. Get your website up with good content. Choose a traffic strategy. Focus on delivering value getting traffic and subscribers and then build a relationship with them. Provide deeper solutions in the form of product recommendations. Only products that you have bought and can stand behind.
  • I would tell them to create a blog about what they enjoy with blogspot since they probably can't afford hosting. To get some money when your building that up work on simple things such as offering services. Since you have all the time in the day (literally), spend 1-2 hours offering services for basic money and then 6 hours+ working on your website to get it somewhere (marketing, article writing daily) stuff like that...

    the biggest thing: don't procrsatinate

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    I know you see it all the time here. A newbie is pulling his/her hair trying to finally pop their cherry and make money online. Let's help out the Newbies and please let's post , if your family member or someone you loved lost their job and you could teach them how to make some income online what would you tell them??