A landing page for big business?

by HzCy
1 replies
Hey, im starting a new business, where users can rank and make money online.
For info, this is my site: http://www.ejave.com

But my question is, if we will need a landing page, or can just start with our business like "Amazon" etc.
No one needs a landing page in amazon, because everyone knows, what amazon is about.

So is it helpful to have a landing page?

Thank u guys
#big #business #landing #page
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Originally Posted by HzCy View Post

    Hey, im starting a new business, where users can rank and make money online.
    For info, this is my site: http://www.ejave.com

    But my question is, if we will need a landing page, or can just start with our business like "Amazon" etc.
    No one needs a landing page in amazon, because everyone knows, what amazon is about.

    So is it helpful to have a landing page?

    Thank u guys

    Ask the President if having a landing page is necessary... Everyone knows were to find him just like everyone knows were to find Amazon.

    The point is, you want to identify your audience and the best way to do that is by building a list. It costs a lot of money to acquire new prospects and customers so it makes sense to get their contact details.

    CNN, Oprah, Dr. Phil and a slew of other famous people all build a list because when they want to introduce something new or offer something special they have an immediate profit source that costs pennies compared to thousands and even millions in advertising.

    Advertising your business through normal advertising channels is to acquire new customers. Sending an email to your prospects, clients and customers is where you make your profits.
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