Taking My Sales to the Next Level

Profile picture of crgargan
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies

I have been reading through the marketing forums for a few years but withing the past couple months I began making money Fiverr. My specialty has been in building squidoo lenses. I have multiple squidoo accounts with near 75 lenses combined. Anyway so far I have earned ~350 on squidoo creating lenses for people. I have been offering some gig extras (I am a level 2 seller). This has been great so far and I have received great feedback on my lenses and had many sellers return for multiple more orders.

At this point I feel like I would like to take the next step and begin increasing my profits. $5 a lens is a little low considering the time it takes to build a quality lens. It usually takes me 30-60 mins so, as you can see I am not getting a great hourly pay with fiverr. I am interested in the idea of building my own website where I can market my squidoo lenses for somewhere closer to 10-20 a lens.

I am thinking a personal website vs a squidoo lens marketing my service simply so I have full control. Now I know all about creating backlinks to a new page but, I am trying to decide how to go about it. For example I feel like I need more information on a website to attract customers and for SEO purposes.

Do you think a 10-20 price range is good or not good?
Is this a good idea for a website?
Anything else you would suggest?

I have taken the beginning steps but I know I need another step to start a decent earning online.


#fiverr #level #sales #squidoo #taking #website advice
  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    Confined To Life
    Profile picture of Confined To Life
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    $15 minimum for a good lens. $5 is just ridiculous.
  • Profile picture of the author Owen Lee
    Owen Lee
    Profile picture of Owen Lee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think you need to realize the fact that you most likely
    WON'T make a lot of money selling lens at $5 a piece BY

    The two main strategies to go about this are:
    Scale up: Build a system where you can outsource the
    work and turn a profit, but it sounds a strange since you
    are the ONE being outsourced to.

    But the point is to build a system so you don't have to
    trade time for money (since you only have 24 hours a day).

    The second way, which is much more realistic and feasible
    is to use Fiverr or whatever $5 service you provide as
    LEAD GENERATION only. In other words, you're not trying
    to make much profits from it but are demonstrating VALUE
    with it.

    And then you sell much more expensive services. In your
    case it could be a PACKAGE of service or, say, managed
    lens service.

    Your goal would be to make your customers think, "wow,
    this is what I get for $5! I wonder what I can get for the
    $100 that this person is charging!"

    Does that make sense?

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