$1750 in just 4-days..Super EASY Method

by 30 replies
Hey Warriors...

here i'm gonna unleashing you..how i made $1750 in just 4-days easily !!

actually..i'm not so much experienced in IM..so one of the warrior helped me to discover this Gold mine....

well in this method...he discovered a domain having:

High PR- 3
Age: 6 years
Good page Authority
and also having a fair Moztrust

and many other parameters that i really don't know !!

After that i purchased that domain from Godaddy and upload the site relevant content over it and after two days i listed up that domain over Flippa...

Amazingly, my domain sold for $1750 in just 50-hrs after listing.

I hope this ll help you get an idea...how domain flipping is lucrative if you do it correctly !!

#main internet marketing discussion forum #$1750 #4dayssuper #easy #method
  • How much Did you pay for it?
  • It definitely can be very lucrative if you do it right, and know where to Look.
    • [2] replies
    • well...i paid $50 for the domain and $28 for domain listing at Flippa
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [2] replies
    • Exactly!

      Congrats on your sale. I trade with domains without content, and live from that. Domains with content are websites and I do know that Flippa is a very good place for selling them (websites).
  • Banned
  • Was it a 3, 4 or 5 letter domain name?
    • [2] replies
    • No joe it wasn't a 5L domain if it might be a 5L domain then it would be sell for more then $2000 or $2500...
    • Domain flipping certainly can be a lucrative thing to do, as long as (a) you do it correctly and (b) you don't get scammed by the buyer.
  • i'm a bit confused. the site had:

    High PR- 3
    Age: 6 years
    Good page Authority
    and also having a fair Moztrust

    was this a domain auction on ebay??? how did he get this particular information on the domain?
    • [1] reply
    • @Hella

      I think my friend may found this domain somewhere in any auction...or i think he have a software to search out the worthy domains but when he sent me the domain..i checked all these info. and and he was correct..

      you can also check all these info, there're many of tools in the market
  • Domain flipping is very very lucrative. People earn millions in this industry. I managed to sell few domain at five figures range every year.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • That is good one lol. Actually flipping domains are always good for the game, sometimes you will get 24 times revenue as well.
    • This might be a 5L i mean a 5 character domain..
  • So Ralf, this content you uploaded, was it PLR, unique or copied?
    Must say interesting story as sites usually sell in that range dependent on income and not on PR, MOZ rank etc...
    • [1] reply
    • The Content was totally unique and of high quality....and for your kind information...PR, Moz rank etc makes authority for your website...and if you see in
      the market a PR1 makes $500 in your pocket !!
  • Which Warrior helped you find the domain?
    • [1] reply
    • Actually he's an Indian warrior and i've only his skype ID
  • I'd like to learn more about your experience
  • Did your friend use a domain auction information provider like DomCop or some other service?

    • [1] reply
    • Yeh...i think he finds the domain from auctions..and also provide a domain selling service
  • This is the first time I actually started to hear about Domain flipping. I know one other person that does it, and does a pretty good job with it. Other than that it seems like something fun once you learn how to do it the proper way.

    Does it take a lot of time for learning a type of thing like this? or is it a go out and do it once or twice and you'll learn the ropes type of thing?
    • [1] reply
    • That isn't a long learning process...in the beginning i took around 2 hr class at skype from that warrior..
  • Very nice it can be very lucrative. I have done a lot of website flipping and know if you can get the domain in front of the right people . You can make a lot of money.
  • I heard about domain flipping a long time ago but never tried it before...
    I know domain flipping is a great way to make fast cash if done correctly
    but didn't have to knowledge and skills to do so..
    • [1] reply
  • Wow! I bet you when the buyer figures out that all of that trust, PR, Juice, and rank aren't associated with the current content they are PISSED!

    If they figure it out...other than that, this is a genius plan and you have my gears turning...LOL
  • This is interesting I've never really looked to much into domain flipping before I'll have to check it out.

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