Anyone know any good courses on internet marketing for DJs (club djs)

4 replies

I want to see if anyone knew any good courses or WSOs that cover marketing for DJs. Basically something that covered how to get a large following. I assume it would be similar to musicians.

Thanks in advance.
#club #courses #djs #good #internet #marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author techservice
      also seek out people who deal in building brands. But like most in the music trade you will need something special to get a good following, marketing will only get you so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDahlberg
    It's basically offline marketing. I'm a DJ as well, but I mostly do weddings. 90% of my work has been through a connection I made with an overworked DJ, and 10% has been from friends that either know someone or are getting married themselves.

    For me it's mostly a hobby and an easy way to make an extra ten grand a year. If I were to take it more seriously I would find every product out there about offline marketing and try implementing it to see what would happen. I would also be doing a ton of networking in my city and reaching out to djs to see if they need/want help unloading stuff at gigs and setting up.

    Another place I would go would be any promotional companies in town. The problem is that they always see people who are trying to get heard. If you go to them with the intent of learning what they do, instead of saying "hey look at how awesome I am" then you can learn what makes them successful and implement it in your own business.

    The last thing I would do is reach out to the guys that run the major DJ websites/blogs. They are all djs who gig regularly. I would see what they recommend about how to promote yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    Craigslist seems to be effective for direct targeting advertising.

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