How Much Should I Charge For My InfoProduct?
I have recently revised an info product about computers. I have historically gotten very good feedback, and just a handful of refunds over the past two years. The original version was around 100pp in two volumes, and I sold each volume for $12.95 or both for $21.95.
The new version is almost 180pp in length and covers additional topics. Additionally I have recorded over 4 hours of Camtasia videos that are linked to from the eBook, demonstrating everything I teach. And I have a very nice back-end sight with FAQs, tutorials, more videos etc... with professional graphics and a blog that I will continue to actively post in after launch. In other words, I'll "be there" for my buyers after the sale.
My question: what is a fair price? Should I sell just the book and the videos extra? (I'm thinking no - but open to input...) If there are three "volumes" on three different topics (but all in the same computer area), should I sell them individually, or just package them up and go for the big sale or nothing?
How much? $27, 37, 47, 67?
Should I try to make this continuity? If so, what features are included in the monthly fee?
Honestly, I think I have a tendency to underprice things ... so I would appreciate your honest opinion - what would you CHARGE, and what would you be willing to PAY, for a product like this?
Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Rich
Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog: dcrBlogs.com, following him on Twitter: dcrTweets.com or reading his fiction: dcrWrites.com but NOT by Clicking Here!
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