Youtube Channel Advice?

Profile picture of JohnPeters1983
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies

I had someone do a review on a product in a particular niche. I uploaded the video and was wondering what other videos should I upload?

Should I use the same guy to keep doing reviews on this niche?

1st video: Guy is reviewing the product and sending him to squeeze page.

What kind of videos should I add...lets say if Its a weight loss niche?

#advice #channel #internet marketing #youtube #youtube channel #youtube marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Marty S
    Marty S
    Profile picture of Marty S
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I really wouldn't worry about what other videos to upload because your channel is likely to have an early death.

    Legit reviews are okay, but I would def NOT start a channel with one - especially one that leads to a landing page.

    Since you mentioned weight loss, and you do seem concerned with the livelihood of your channel then start putting up videos that actually help people. These could be dieting tips, food suggestions, psychological aspects of dieting etc.

    Don't mention any products at all, except for your own autoresponder (CTA) where viewers can get more free information from you. Start building community on Youtube if you want a long term business in this niche.
  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Profile picture of RogueOne
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

    Should I use the same guy to keep doing reviews on this niche?
    Just FYI, in the US a paid testimonial that does not clearly state it's paid is illegal.
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