Keyword - looks like google have banned it. HELP

Profile picture of seach4s
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
16 replies
I was recently doing quite well with a keyword was in the top 70 which was quite good considering the niche but now looks like its been kicked out via google, think its still post 31 to 34 in yahoo ,msn, and alltheweb

Keyword [ Cheap Holiday Deals ]

what i did, can you tell me where it went wrong

1,Page Titles
2,Meta tags
4,Added text links through out my site
5,Added social book marks across the bottom
6,Submitted enzine articals 15 intotal
8,added in face book
9,submitted software pad file
10, And have some guys submitted to socail sites

over the space of 6 mouths

This as set me back now i feel un-moativated and a little p***ed off with the whole thing i followed rules and regs from warriors etc... now i feel like i am back to square one..

If any one could help me choose 5 good keywords for the site and some good solid advice

Kind Regards

#banned #google #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe
    Killer Joe
    Profile picture of Killer Joe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Wayne,

    I'll just take a stab at this one...

    Your meta keywords are stuffed with words that are not in the content on your home page where they exist in the source code.

    You might want to take a look at removing the ones that aren't supported by the text.

    The reason I say this is that the same thing happened to one of my sites.

    A little background: I wanted to add a page to one of my sites to sell a line of products, and before I added the page, I stuffed the meta keywords with the keywords I wanted for supporting that page.

    Bottom line was I went from #31 on Google for my tier one keyword ('niche' products) to all but disappearing. In essence I got a Google 950 slap. I found my site on the very last page in the serps, #846, down from #31.

    The only thing I had change was adding the meta keywords without the supporting text.

    So I dumped the meta keywords and within 4 days I was back up, only this time my site was at #25 on the serps. It's currently #3 and has stayed that way between #3 and #4 once it got that ranking.

    Like I said, I'm just taking a stab at this so you will still need to test. But if you are looking for a place to start, try dumping those meta keywords that are not supported for your home page.

  • Profile picture of the author cbean
    Profile picture of cbean
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by seach4s View Post

    I was recently doing quite well with a keyword was in the top 70 which was quite good considering the niche but now looks like its been kicked out via google, think its still post 31 to 34 in yahoo ,msn, and alltheweb

    Keyword [ Cheap Holiday Deals ]

    what i did, can you tell me where it went wrong

    1,Page Titles
    2,Meta tags
    4,Added text links through out my site
    5,Added social book marks across the bottom
    6,Submitted enzine articals 15 intotal
    8,added in face book
    9,submitted software pad file
    10, And have some guys submitted to socail sites

    over the space of 6 mouths

    This as set me back now i feel un-moativated and a little p***ed off with the whole thing i followed rules and regs from warriors etc... now i feel like i am back to square one..

    If any one could help me choose 5 good keywords for the site and some good solid advice

    Kind Regards

    Hi Wayne,

    PM or Email me and I would be glad to send you a couple of good long tail keywords in your niche with a strategy to get on the first page of Google, Yahoo, MSN and stay there for awhile....
  • Profile picture of the author debra
    Profile picture of debra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by seach4s View Post

    what i did, can you tell me where it went wrong

    9,submitted software pad file

    That's the one thing that bit you in the butt. It did me too. Google stripped my PR5 and took me out of the serps.

    If you submit a pad file and use your own site for the download URL, eventually you will be slapped silly.

    Use an alternate server for all your pads as well as a file sharing account for the download.

    I don't have proof but, I think it goes back to having something to do with the crackdown on torrents sites.
    • Profile picture of the author seach4s
      Profile picture of seach4s
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Some thing weird Now happens ... i taken all the advise cheers guys and have monitor the postions over the past week...

      MSN - Yahoo - Alltheweb ( No Problems) getting better each day

      And google are so up and down the example below shows my keyword postion over the past 7 days

      Day 1 post 105
      Day 2 post 857
      Day 3 post 187
      Day 4 post 976
      Day 6 post 357
      Day 7 post 575

      Any ideas why this happens
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Kay King
        Profile picture of Kay King
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        One thing that stands out is that you are using images with your adsense in a way that is against google's policy - you need to set the images off a bit away from the adsense block.

        The site needs some real content added to the "buy" links and ad links.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
  • Profile picture of the author TheMagicShow
    Profile picture of TheMagicShow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by seach4s View Post

    I was recently doing quite well with a keyword was in the top 70 which was quite good considering the niche but now looks like its been kicked out via google, think its still post 31 to 34 in yahoo ,msn, and alltheweb

    Keyword [ Cheap Holiday Deals ]

    what i did, can you tell me where it went wrong

    1,Page Titles
    2,Meta tags
    4,Added text links through out my site
    5,Added social book marks across the bottom
    6,Submitted enzine articals 15 intotal
    8,added in face book
    9,submitted software pad file
    10, And have some guys submitted to socail sites

    over the space of 6 mouths

    This as set me back now i feel un-moativated and a little p***ed off with the whole thing i followed rules and regs from warriors etc... now i feel like i am back to square one..

    If any one could help me choose 5 good keywords for the site and some good solid advice

    Kind Regards

    You need to model your site after authority sites, that is the first advice I'l give you.

    2nd add your site to dmoz and other major directories

    3rd mistake you're making is not having a blog on that site (if you have this one then I didn't see it)

    If you model your site like the top sites in your niche, then you'll eventually rank better, also do understand that with domain/site age you can also rank better.


    " You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"

  • Profile picture of the author seach4s
    Profile picture of seach4s
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for you comments again...

    "sandboxed for keyword stuffing"..

    whats this.... can any one check my site se if i am doing it not sure exactly what it is

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