Major Newsletter Problem. Help Please.

coolidge effect
Profile picture of coolidge effect
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
I am currently running a newsletter and I have reached the number of subscribers now it costs $75.00 a month to continue to send out newsletters from the company.

I am trying to figure out ways to make sure I do not end up losing money.

What suggestions do you have to monetize your newsletters?

I have tried affiliate networking and that has not worked, an a small advertising company that does not have a high payout.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
#major #newsletter #problem
  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    Profile picture of GailTrahd
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sounds like you did a great job building a large list of people for your business. That's huge - pat yourself on the back for that one and now turn that same drive to determining exactly WHY those people opted in to hear from you, what you are sending them in the way of information and how you can monetize that process.

    If you feel you have a large list of people who opted in for freebies, or who you acquired through advertising that doesn't yield a high number of buyers, you might want to think of ways to pare down the list. It's better to have 1000 highly converting people than 5000 who don't want to buy anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author coolidge effect
    coolidge effect
    Profile picture of coolidge effect
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I provide free information regarding new job opportunities in the entertainment industry. I currently do not have any products to sell. Do you know of any advertising companies?
  • Profile picture of the author kennytan
    Profile picture of kennytan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Did you try adswap or sell solo ads from other marketers?

    I suggest selling solo ads would do best for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    Profile picture of GailTrahd
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you can find a small company looking for talent that you serve in your list you may be able to sell ad space that way.

    Also, you may consider putting together a product that lists step-by-step the types of things a person would have to do in order to get a job in the entertainment industry. The do's and don'ts of interviewing in that particular market, preparing a phenomenal portfolio etc. Maybe with the twist of doing it on the cheap and giving them resources where they can get what they need at reduced cost.

    For instance, caught the tail end of some show the other day while riding bike indoors and the fashion guru on the show was talking about how women can get great deals in the children's and teen's department of stores. Prices on clothes that are half of what they are in the women's section. This pertains to women who wear a size 16 or less. That's dressing for a successful interview on the cheap.
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

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