I need advice for my launch.

9 replies
Hi everyboby,

This is my first post here, but I read you guys long time ago. Like you can see, english is not my fisrt language, so excuse my bad writing.

Now I work on my product launch and my teammate and I, asking a lot of questions for do the right thing with affiliate. We are not newbie in the business, but is the first own launch.

1. We heard some affiliate, no more promote product with clickbank affiliate program. So, clickbank is it still a good choice this days?

2. Give prizes for the top resellers for the launch, is it a good idea? Is it something the affiliates look for it?

3. Should offer the second tier? If we ask to pay for unlock the 2tier, is ok to?

Thank you!

#advice #launch
  • Profile picture of the author WillR

    1) No, with all the instant pay affiliate programs around these days most of the better affiliates will prefer to promote products outside of Clickbank. Clickbank take large fees from each transaction, they do not pay you instantly, and they have a far too laxed refund policy. I would personally stay away from launching on Clickbank. There are no immediate advantages to doing so. You would be better to just use a platform such as JVZoo or ProductPay.

    2) Yes, an affiliate contest is always a good thing to do. It allows your affiliates to compete against one another and can result in affiliates doing extra promotions they might otherwise not do, just to secure certain prizes. I would always try and include a contest like this and generally speaking the better the prizes, the more affiliates will go out of their way to win them.

    3) I wouldn't bother with second tier personally. Not needed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt9222
      Thanks WillR for your advices! ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt9222
      We decided to not launch with Clickbank anymore. Thanks for the tips, I will consider JVZoo and ProductPay. ;-)

      For the contest thing, is it better to go with small goals and prizes (like imac or ipad) or bigger goals and prizes (like cars and trip)?
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    You're welcome.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    It depends what sort of affiliates you are attracting and how many sales think you can make.

    A standard affiliate contest should have prizes totaling something between $1,000 - $3,000. Some of the bigger launches will have contest of $30,000+ but they are very few and far between and they are the really really big launches.

    I think somewhere around the $1,000 - $2,000 should be good for a standard launch. I can only speak for myself but I prefer cash over any other prizes. Nothing beats cash and it's a lot more instant than having to wait to have something shipped to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author JefPlanet
      In the same order of idea, what is the sell sequence in today's product launch?

      Let's say i have an email list of former clients (opt-in) I noticed the email pitch in 2013 seems a bit different than in 2003 for example. (more subtle maybe)

      Would you start the sequence with social networks? Adsense? Mass emails? etc..
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      • Profile picture of the author Sean A McAlister
        I would respectfully disagree with Will on not incorporating 2nd tier....although it's not to say that it would depend on the price point. Some affiliates just won't bother for a 10% second tier on a $27 product..

        However, if you have a higher price point product, I would absolutely recommend offering 2nd tier. Why would you want to limit the amount of affiliates you can bring on? There are a lot of product owners that offer a whole 2nd tier contest (not that I recommend it) but it's done.

        I can tell you there have been several launches that would not have done nearly the amount in sales they've done if they did not offer 2nd tier....depending on your stats, price point, angle (and a few other items) 2nd tier affiliates can easily add an additional $10k, $30k, $50k and as much as $100,000+ in sales

        And as long as your not giving away the ranch in commission % that could equate to an extra $4k - $40k in your pocket.

        Not having 2nd tier is equivalent to saying that you already know every revenue producing affiliate and don't need to bring in anymore sales...lol.

        I'm not sure about anyone else...but when I'm running a promotion...I want to make as much money as possible (with a 1st class product) and one sure fire way to up the ante is to open up the 2nd tier flood gates.

        If I told you that I could send an addition 200 affiliates to your affiliate program...of which around 20 of them would more than likely make sales (again, depending on your product, stats etc) ....would that not be worth paying me the 10%? (just using this as an example)

        One of the very first things I tell my clients is that you should ALWAYS offer second tier ...especially if your just getting started. It opens 4x as many doorways, helps spread your message further and can really make a difference in your bank account.

        Once again, I'd like to drive home the point that it only makes sense if your product is a bit higher priced (simply because brokers and 2nd tier affiliates won't push it if it's low dollar).....and you should have stats. Having a second tier just to have it ...is no good unless it's backed by a reputable product.

        And on that note....I don't want to make it seem like by having 2nd tier it guarantee's success...or that you'll attract quality affiliates...but it does sure increase your odds.

        All the best
        New Product Launches, Affiliate Marketplace

        Need More Sales? More Affiliates? LaunchBoards.com
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        • Profile picture of the author JefPlanet
          Very interesting, so for instance for a product priced at around 100$ it seems obvious that you should open a second tier.

          To your knowlege, what would be a good sales sequence when launching a 100$ product?
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  • Profile picture of the author bhnath
    Originally Posted by Matt9222 View Post

    Hi everyboby,

    This is my first post here, but I read you guys long time ago. Like you can see, english is not my fisrt language, so excuse my bad writing.

    Now I work on my product launch and my teammate and I, asking a lot of questions for do the right thing with affiliate. We are not newbie in the business, but is the first own launch.

    1. We heard some affiliate, no more promote product with clickbank affiliate program. So, clickbank is it still a good choice this days?

    2. Give prizes for the top resellers for the launch, is it a good idea? Is it something the affiliates look for it?

    3. Should offer the second tier? If we ask to pay for unlock the 2tier, is ok to?

    Thank you!

    Hello Matt,

    1. I think Clickbank is still a great place to put your product, you can also find affiliates yourself.

    2. Yes you should give prizes to top affiliates, this will make them want to promote your offer more.

    3. You should aim to offer 2nd tier. Make sure your 2nd tier is worth buying!
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