Make more money with FOCUS...

Malcolm Thomas
Profile picture of Malcolm Thomas
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26 replies
Learning how to focus is one of the things that enabled me to make more money online. What do I mean by focus?

I stopped bouncing from one shiny object to the next and instead focused all of my attention on one proven method. I devoted all of my attention into building a responsive list in a profitable niche.

I focused on writing compelling content to solve my readers problems and get them engaged.

And I focused on helping people and giving back to the world.

When you focus on offering value and solving problems, people will begin to cheerfully part ways with their money and give it to you.

FOCUS is the key to generating consistent cash online.
#focus #make #money
  • Profile picture of the author khooster1
    Profile picture of khooster1
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    Glad that you see e light of Internet marketing.

    It will normal that people are looking for the fastest way to make money online.
    You get to treat IM as a business. You don't change your business anytime.
    You need to let the business run in long term.
    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Malcolm Thomas
      Profile picture of Malcolm Thomas
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      Originally Posted by khooster1 View Post

      Glad that you see e light of Internet marketing.

      It will normal that people are looking for the fastest way to make money online.
      You get to treat IM as a business. You don't change your business anytime.
      You need to let the business run in long term.
      Exactly. Too many people (and mostly newbies) only focus on short term success instead of building an internet business that can last you for many years. One that doesn't rely on Google, or loopholes. A business that actually offers value to it's customers.
    • Profile picture of the author rred
      Profile picture of rred
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      Originally Posted by khooster1 View Post

      Glad that you see e light of Internet marketing.

      It will normal that people are looking for the fastest way to make money online.
      You get to treat IM as a business. You don't change your business anytime.
      You need to let the business run in long term.
      So true, many marketers just focus on quick and easy way to make money online and its not bad either, but while focusing here they totally mess oneself
      in this short term quick earning and later when come across any problem in that
      quick and short term method they totally lost and try to do something different from scratch which will be always difficult..

      • Profile picture of the author Freedom Media
        Freedom Media
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        It's as simple as changing the question that runs through your mind and drives your actions from;
        How to get money?
        How to add the most value I possibly can?
        Try it on, totally changes the direction, and Value of your thinking
        I notice just by changing what I'm asking myself-at the core. My focus clears up and gets laser focused compared to the chasing shiney objects for the next quick buck idea like a dog chasing a ball.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    Profile picture of nicholasb
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    yeah people really need to stop jumping around from opportunity to opportunity, it's essential for success to just pick one and focus on making it work.

    the problem isn't lack of opportunity it's too much opportunity (which is good) but it create a huge lack of focus and direction.
    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Malcolm Thomas
      Profile picture of Malcolm Thomas
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      [quote=nicholasb;7697398]yeah people really need to stop jumping around from opportunity to opportunity, it's essential for success to just pick one and focus on making it work.

      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      the problem isn't lack of opportunity it's too much opportunity (which is good) but it create a huge lack of focus and direction.
      This sentence right here is what newbies should pay attention to. There are so many different methods out there right now that newbies lose focus and don't know what to do. If they instead divert their attention to one method they will reap great rewards.
      • Profile picture of the author Freedom Media
        Freedom Media
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        Yes, I've found that's the hardest part for me. To stick with something long enough for it to produce.
        It seems I always want to switch to some other shiney object at the point of a project it's most likely to fail.
        It took me a long time to realize that I didn't just go from project to project...I stopped just at the point that I should start marketing or selling...the part most likely to fail.
        I think that focus is really the make or's not brains, creativity, just simple (but quite often not easy) single minded focus.
        I've found the more emotionally attached...the more passion I have for something the easier it is for me to stay focused on it.
        If I'm just trying to complete a project based purely on keyword research....forget it, I will never have the emotional energy to make a success out of it.
        I've found recently, if I look at anyone that comes to my site as an extension of myself...someone that I really want to take care of - treated the way I would like to be treated - it's much easier to have focus on the end result of happy subscribers/customers.
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        • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
          Malcolm Thomas
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          Originally Posted by Freedom Media View Post

          Yes, I've found that's the hardest part for me. To stick with something long enough for it to produce.
          It seems I always want to switch to some other shiney object at the point of a project it's most likely to fail.
          It took me a long time to realize that I didn't just go from project to project...I stopped just at the point that I should start marketing or selling...the part most likely to fail.
          I think that focus is really the make or's not brains, creativity, just simple (but quite often not easy) single minded focus.
          I've found the more emotionally attached...the more passion I have for something the easier it is for me to stay focused on it.
          If I'm just trying to complete a project based purely on keyword research....forget it, I will never have the emotional energy to make a success out of it.
          I've found recently, if I look at anyone that comes to my site as an extension of myself...someone that I really want to take care of - treated the way I would like to be treated - it's much easier to have focus on the end result of happy subscribers/customers.
          Yes, I know exactly what you're saying. That's why I always recommend for newbies to pick a niche they are passionate about because then they will be much more likely to stick with it. "Don't chase money, Offer Value and let Money Chase You"
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel R
        Daniel R
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        This has been said many times and I hope more people keep saying it because it´s definitely what takes you from 0 to something when you are starting with internet marketing.
  • Profile picture of the author tilejo
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    Originally Posted by Malcolm Thomas View Post

    FOCUS is the key to generating consistent cash online.
    So true.

    Speaking of focus, I recommend a book called "Rockefeller Habits".

    Written by a coach to fast growth companies, one of the core teachings is to not just get the CEO, but at least all the top management, focused on the top priorities for the company.

    Powerful stuff.
  • Profile picture of the author zamiolakung
    Profile picture of zamiolakung
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    Very true focus on the things that you love,you can succeed and be happy.
    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Malcolm Thomas
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      Originally Posted by zamiolakung View Post

      Very true focus on the things that you love,you can succeed and be happy.
      Exactly. I truly believe that doing things that you enjoy to do and is passionate about doing will help bring you greater success than doing things just to make money. People who just chase money will always feel empty inside.
      • Profile picture of the author Freedom Media
        Freedom Media
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        Originally Posted by Malcolm Thomas View Post

        Exactly. I truly believe that doing things that you enjoy to do and is passionate about doing will help bring you greater success than doing things just to make money. People who just chase money will always feel empty inside.
        I will admit to making the mistake of focusing on what I was passionate about but not being very smart about it.
        For example, even though it was an area of passion for me I still should have done proper keyword research and proper blog set-up...
        instead of the "build it and they will come" mentality. You can be passionate and have great content but if no one sees it - it's a waste.
        Now I'm trying to put them both together...the passion and the marketing savvy
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        • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
          Malcolm Thomas
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          Originally Posted by Freedom Media View Post

          I will admit to making the mistake of focusing on what I was passionate about but not being very smart about it.
          For example, even though it was an area of passion for me I still should have done proper keyword research and proper blog set-up...
          instead of the "build it and they will come" mentality. You can be passionate and have great content but if no one sees it - it's a waste.
          Now I'm trying to put them both together...the passion and the marketing savvy
          Yeah, so true. The whole "build it up and they will come" mentality is so false on so many different levels. In addition to passion, you also need to have your sales funnel set up properly, list building squeeze page being tested and tweaked, etc. Having passion is great, but passion alone, won't get you results by itself.
  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
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    of course, is one of the aspects. but its not the main one, you should be able to consider facts that will really drive the boosts to your product. sometimes, its hard to focus because there are many things to consider, we should just stand on our mark and see to it we are on the right track.
  • Profile picture of the author Glenesk
    Profile picture of Glenesk
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    As a 'Newbie' I am starting to recognise the importance of Focus. I've just spent the last 3 months bouncing from one project to another and getting nowhere. Things are starting to move now that I am focusing on one thing.
  • Profile picture of the author syda
    Profile picture of syda
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    While all of the above is right, I still find it hard to concentrate on just one thing. Say I wanted to go into IM and start building websites, writing articles, doing SEO and the rest. It would take ages to get some real money coming in and that's why I have to do something else, jump form project to project for some quick cash. But this takes time, clients from those projects keep coming back and soon I find myself working day and night on those "quick money" projects with no time left for my new IM business, the one that I really want to work on.

    This always keeps happening to me, can't say "no" to clients being afraid they might not come back and can't build my sites to start making some more "hands off" money as I don't have the time. Like a circle, must find balance

    Accepting Guest posts on my PR1 travel blog and PR4 weight loss blog.

    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Malcolm Thomas
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      Originally Posted by syda View Post

      While all of the above is right, I still find it hard to concentrate on just one thing. Say I wanted to go into IM and start building websites, writing articles, doing SEO and the rest. It would take ages to get some real money coming in and that's why I have to do something else, jump form project to project for some quick cash. But this takes time, clients from those projects keep coming back and soon I find myself working day and night on those "quick money" projects with no time left for my new IM business, the one that I really want to work on.

      This always keeps happening to me, can't say "no" to clients being afraid they might not come back and can't build my sites to start making some more "hands off" money as I don't have the time. Like a circle, must find balance
      If you are serious about making REAL money online, you will find the time to both make money to pay the bills and build long term business assets in your spare time. When I was just starting out, I was workig 6 days a week, 18 hours a day. It's worth in the long term.
  • Profile picture of the author Jensha
    Profile picture of Jensha
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    I thought FOCUS is like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter or something. Ha ha! Well, putting that aside, I myself find it hard to focus all the time but when I do, I know for a fact that that's how it should be done. It's just that sometimes I can't help myself not checking my mails or facebook updates. You know. Still, concentration is the key. Finish all work first before anything else.
  • Profile picture of the author hndsign
    Profile picture of hndsign
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    For New Comers, FOCUS is very hard to do. Thats about me.
    First time i'm getting on Online Business, i have try more and more zone, like adsense, amazon, ecommerce, CPA, other.
    but its not work anymore
  • Profile picture of the author ymest
    Profile picture of ymest
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    Focus is what I am learning! I am naturally distracted by everything including "noises" that no one else hears lol! I have to isolate myself and I do this using wax earplugs! Can you believe this LOL???

    It works though! Silence helps me a lot but I need "interior" silence as well!

  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    Profile picture of pheonix44
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    I believe in order to focus you need clarity. You need a clear idea of what you want to do, how you are going to do it and when you are going to do it. After this you can focus on the where part if needed.

    As far as distractions go, try this. I had an older guy tell me a way to focus better. He said "Control the body control the mind". I did not know what this meant at first, but after a while I understood. Whenever you feel yourself getting distracted pay careful attention to the parts of the body you move(eyes, hands, legs, lips, etc) and do your best to not move them. Keep your eyes on whatever you are doing and make sure your thoughts stay in accordance with that. Also, AVOID SELF TALK.

    Us internet marketers work alone a lot and it becomes easy to start self talking. We become our own worst enemies. See how long you can do what is mentioned. Record it, and then do it again trying to surpass the time period you did it last time. Trust me, this works.
    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Malcolm Thomas
      Profile picture of Malcolm Thomas
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      Originally Posted by pheonix44 View Post

      I believe in order to focus you need clarity. You need a clear idea of what you want to do, how you are going to do it and when you are going to do it. After this you can focus on the where part if needed.

      As far as distractions go, try this. I had an older guy tell me a way to focus better. He said "Control the body control the mind". I did not know what this meant at first, but after a while I understood. Whenever you feel yourself getting distracted pay careful attention to the parts of the body you move(eyes, hands, legs, lips, etc) and do your best to not move them. Keep your eyes on whatever you are doing and make sure your thoughts stay in accordance with that. Also, AVOID SELF TALK.

      Us internet marketers work alone a lot and it becomes easy to start self talking. We become our own worst enemies. See how long you can do what is mentioned. Record it, and then do it again trying to surpass the time period you did it last time. Trust me, this works.
      Yes, this is true. In addition to focus you must have a very clear and specific goal that you are trying to achieve. Without that, all of your actions will basically be meaningless.

      It's always a good idea to set up a timer to get work done, so you can avoid distractions and focus on doing what really matters.

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