Alternative way to Promote a Website.

11 replies
Apart from the usual Social Media, PPC, Blog Comments how can I promote a new site. What are the alternative ways to promote interest and create interest?
#alternative #promote #website
  • Profile picture of the author AlexanderBeloev
    Originally Posted by FinnPower View Post

    Apart from the usual Social Media, PPC, Blog Comments how can I promote a new site. What are the alternative ways to promote interest and create interest?
    Forum marketing is a very powerful way to promote your website or blog. I am using it with huge success (I am getting around 30 to 40 visitors a day from just Warrior Forum).

    I have described this kind of marketing in details here:

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me
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  • Profile picture of the author manson911
    Originally Posted by FinnPower View Post

    Apart from the usual Social Media, PPC, Blog Comments how can I promote a new site. What are the alternative ways to promote interest and create interest?
    Videos record some video's and post to video streaming sites such as Youtube and so on. It can be a review of your site, or something funny that somehow relates to your site.

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  • Profile picture of the author OrangeBull
    If you study how to get featured in new and noteworthy on iTunes, i.e. not seeking a listing in the directory until you have 3 to 5 shows, making sure you have high quality clean audio recordings, making sure you have interesting content and a plan to keep podcasting, that is a pretty good way to grow your audience. One business podcaster reports his podcast gets 19 percent of visitors to his website, YouTube videos 18 percent, a fair portion from social media referrals by people who like his videos or podcasts, a certain percentage come in because of search results and SEO, a few because of press he has gotten as a result of the site itself, the videos, or the podcast, but the podcast is the leading source based on audience surveys and tracking results in his analytics.
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  • Profile picture of the author vjboc
    Originally Posted by FinnPower View Post

    Apart from the usual Social Media, PPC, Blog Comments how can I promote a new site. What are the alternative ways to promote interest and create interest?
    It depends what your product is. You can submit to directories and classified sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author proguy7
    I agree, video is the way to go. Create a brand and promote it. Get it high up on youtube!
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  • Profile picture of the author shawoon98
    Originally Posted by FinnPower View Post

    Apart from the usual Social Media, PPC, Blog Comments how can I promote a new site. What are the alternative ways to promote interest and create interest?
    What do you mean by "Usual..."

    I'll tell you what's usual. Wherever in the internet, people are visiting, they are visiting with some kind of interest and you can sell them the product or services of their interest. That's it.

    So, simply find out the amount of traffic that's visiting a website and put your offer their according to their trend under their terms and conditions, find a way to help the traffic their and pull them towards your offer. This is the only way out.

    To check the amount of traffic of any site you can take help of quantcast dot com and
    compete dot com.

    Hope this helps.
    -M. Bari
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    pretty much anywhere you can get your message/link posted


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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