Need some direction with offers...

Profile picture of tbizzle
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
First of all I'd like to say that I've only been lurking here for a few days and I've already learned a TON about internet marketing from this forum alone. For that, I thank you. I feel that the skills I am learning are priceless and I always appreciate learning something new.

Now, however, I am faced with a moral dilemma.

I recently started creating a website based around free offers that was full of legitimate content and some affiliate links to free trials of some diet supplements littered throughout the page (very similar to free stuff dot com). When I started digging a little deeper however, I found out how these companies could afford to pay me $30 for bringing them free trials....It wasn't because their product was so good that I was creating life-long customers, but because if they didn't cancel in 15 days they were charged 70-80+ dollars for the next month. (I am sure that all of you are well aware of this fact)

Now I believe that people should be responsible for their own due diligence and should pay attention to fine print...If someone is scammed, usually it is their own fault or they could have at least prevented it. I was raised with strong morals however, and I'd rather not make any money than profit off the scamming of others. I've been on the other side of a few scams and even worse than the money you lose is the feeling that you get when you realize you've been played.

I don't want to offend anyone here who is promoting these products....I wish I could shut my conscience off and sell this stuff to the world, but I just can't do it. I do not think that makes me better than anyone who does.

When I realized what was going on with the diet pill deals I began questioning all of the offers that were available to me on my CPA networks and almost tossed out my campaign plans all together, but I was hoping there were some legitimate offers out there that weren't scams.

As I understand it, no one ever gets paid for most of the survey programs either, so that's out

Now I'd like some direction and some honest answers to whether there is a genuinely good side to this business. I'd like someone to point me in the direction of a few legit offers to get me started. I'd also like to know how the rest of these cost-per-lead programs work and how they can afford $1-2 per lead.

If there are honestly no completely legitimate offers available to me then I am considering still creating a website and throwing adsense on it just for the experience, but I'd really like to be able to try my hand at CPA marketing as well.

Thanks for the help guys, and the guidance you've already provided me.

edit: and thanks for reading too...didn't realize this was so long. lol.
#direction #moral dilemma #offers #scamming #scams #truth
  • Profile picture of the author tbizzle
    Profile picture of tbizzle
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow this forum moves way faster than I thought it did... second page already (one and only bump)
  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    Profile picture of Adaptive
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great question and I'm glad you're finding the forum valuable. With such a thoughtful discussion right from the beginning, I really look forward to your participation here.

    wow this forum moves way faster
    Here's how to "freeze" threads that catch your eye.

    Under "thread tools," pick "subscribe" then confirm that you want to subscribe. You can then go to "user cp" and pick "subscribed threads" to return to the interesting topics, even if they've scrolled off to another page.

    If there are honestly no completely legitimate offers available to me then I am considering still creating a website and throwing adsense on it just for the experience
    You could do that, and also build a list by having people sign up for a free newsletter. Give away some valuable content. Then you can take your time to look around and find 100% ethical vendors of affiliate products you can be proud to take to your list. It might take a little longer to build up to your daily goals this way, but you'll sleep soundly the whole time... and probably have bigger results later on.


    Success only requires four words.

  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Ron Killian
    Profile picture of Ron Killian
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guess it's one of those things you have to think if you can live with or not. As said, they are not all that way, might take some searching to find ones your comfortable with.

    Then again, if you want the big commissions....
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  • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
    Craig Fenton
    Profile picture of Craig Fenton
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Welcome to the forum.

    One of the problems that have gone on not only with diet pills but numerous offers from infomercials is the customer is told they have 30 days to cancel from the date of purchase but....

    What a lot of the scam artists were doing (still are doing) is the clock starts to tick from the time you place the order and they make sure that it is not received until day 31 or later.

    When somebody promotes a product pleas consider that yes a consumer should be able to understand basic terms but they are often taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals.

    Whatever you promote I hope you make a million but it is from products that help not hurt and have and honest guarantee.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • Profile picture of the author tbizzle
    Profile picture of tbizzle
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks guys. I joined up with CJ and I'm a lot more comfortable with the offers i'd be promoting through them. I'm sure I won't make nearly as much as I could pushing some **** berry trial from MB but I feel much better about this.

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