Launch Help!
When someone opts in they are taken to video 1 page that has FB comments enabled.
Now when they make a FB comment it posts to their FB wall with a link to the website.
Only problem is the link takes them to the video 1 page and not the original optin page.
So the whoever clicks through that person's FB wall bypasses the optin page and is taken directly to video 1 page.
Is there a way to configure it so that the post that shows up on the person's FB wall links to the optin page?
Or is there a way to redirect the visitor to the original optin page?
I tried a redirect myself but the problem was EVERYONE was being redirected to the optin page.
Even the leads that opted in on main page that should of been directed to the video 1 page were then redirected back.
I also tried messing around with the FB settings but couldn't figure it out.
Hope it makes sense.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks :-)
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