Which Smartphone do the IMers prefer?

by emkay
19 replies
The title is quite self-explanatory. Which smartphone do you use? Why do you think it suits your profession as an Internet Marketer?

I have been using BlackBerry for a long-time. I believe no other phone matches a BlackBerry in terms of email. It has Push Mail for every service and also configuring emails on the phone is a breeze. For the iPhone, you have to enter the server information, security certificate, but with the BlackBerry, the email address and password is all it needs (whatever the email service be). It just works!

I would love to hear from you people.
#imers #prefer #smartphone
  • Profile picture of the author Sysbase
    I would think Android since you can customize it more. I think more people IM like that Idea.
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  • Personally, I prefer the Android environment. I've never just gotten the point of the high price of most of Apple's range of products. Having said that, I DID like the Kindle, but am currently in love with the Nexus 10 (sadly from afar right now, but it WILL be mine). I guess it all comes down to what ecosystem you wish to be a part of. Some are willing to pay for name brand recognition (we all do to some extent), and are comfortable with a higher price. And others well, I'd guess we like the geek factor of Android. That and Google really hit it out of the park with 4.2. And the phone itself just looks sexy. Truthfully though, there's no one better phone or system, just what works for you. I have one friend that still uses her phone from 1997...
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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    iPhone all the way. Jobs is a hero of mine...
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    I have an iPhone and it does all I need.
    Am toying with the idea of a Galaxy and being a Microsoft man Lumia is looking better these days.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
      Samsung Galaxy FTW
      6-fig affiliate marketer since 2003
      Free coaching to your first $100 dollars. DM me now..
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Have you heard of the Off Topic Forum?
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author jessiem
    I'm an iPhone fanatic
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  • Profile picture of the author quit9to5
    iPhone, it's hard to transition to Andriod when you have a full library of itunes apps, books, music, but that's the genius of Apple marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Montgomery
    I was always an Android user but changed to WP8 as I love the tile effect apart from lack of apps the overall OS seems much smoother than the Android OS.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    Being in IM for so long, and using Google products, I prefer the Android Phone. I think Iphones are more for teens, but that's just my opinion
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard HAN
    Am using an Android smartphone now. Until iPhone has a way to do copy and paste (without having to jailbreak or go though iTune), guess it will be Android phones for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author HunterM
      Originally Posted by Richard HAN View Post

      Am using an Android smartphone now. Until iPhone has a way to do copy and paste (without having to jailbreak or go though iTune), guess it will be Android phones for me.
      They already have the ability to do this...
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    chinese galaxy works for me

    why change
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Since there are way less smartphones than professions that benefit from them... I think it's a completely useless question. What makes a smartphone more IMer-like compared to other smartphones?

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  • Profile picture of the author PeterKnight
    Galaxy Note 2, love its productivity features. It replaced the paper notebook I used to have to carry around.
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    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      What a pointless post - who cares, and what difference does it make - none whatsoever. It's like asking What car do IMers prefer? Again it doesn't.
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