This is sick! Dudes raised $39k using Kickstarter

2 replies
Póstumo - The Deck of the Dead USPC-Printed Playing Cards by Darren J. Gendron — Kickstarter

Us guys in the comics, animation industry are watching our colleagues raise insane amounts of money using crowdfunding. In this case these guys wanted to produce playing cards with zombies on them. They originally wanted like $1,000 but they raised over $39,000!

This isn't unusual nowadays. I've got pals who have raised millions of dollars doing crowdfunding but they're video game producers. Every day we get the latest reports and what's good is that these funding campaigns are putting people to work who would otherwise be broke.

Can't wait for my rounds of crowdfunding soon. I'm sure IMers will be on the bandwagon raising money to produce more products.
#$39k #dudes #kickstarter #raised #sick
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    That's awesome.

    Those cards would be a challenge to play with though!

    Particularly the spades and clubs.
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  • Profile picture of the author EvolBaby
    But they're gonna be collector's items fast!

    We raised money to do an illustrated children's book on stem cells a few years back. It goes for $19.95 on Amazon but recently we saw people selling it on the collector's market for $70! The minute you produce something with art in it some guy will come along, buy it up and hoard it to sell as a collector's item later. Same thing with comic books I drew years ago. Now people are selling them for ten times as much. Pisses me off in a way but it's an honor too.

    Bottom line here is these guys needed money for a fun project and got far, far more than they were asking. They'll go to the top now and won't have to worry about eating for a long time to come.
    Copywriting/Article Writing at $2 per 100 words! Cartoons, Comics, T-Shirt Designs!
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