Want to know if I am heading in the right direction

Profile picture of Heathj
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12 replies

I started a wordpress website in the anxiety niche. I have been posting a new original article each day. I plan to create a facebook page and a twitter account and post a comment on those medias each day, regarding the articles I have written. in effect, linking back to my site.

I am in the process of setting up my autoresponder, using Aweber. There will be a spot on my site for sign ups, so I can start building my list. To get people to sign up, I will offer a free e-book/report on anxiety.

I plan on sending out an email every two to three days. The emails will contain little snippets from my articles as well as inspirational videos that I plan on using. I plan on affiliating several different products, everything related from vitamins to e-books and regular books from amazon. There are tons of anti anxiety products out there.

I plan on doing some article submitting to various ezines and I eventually plan to become active in anxiety forums, using google alerts.

This in a nutshell, is my base plan. I plan on learning and growing with my site and going wherever that takes me.

Any advice on my plan? Anything else I can be doing that is newbie friendly to get started?

Thanks in advance for the help.

#direction #heading
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Profile picture of WillR
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    Anxiety is a very serious issue and I would find it VERY hard to try and make money from this niche if you have not actually experienced it and/or do not know what you are talking about.

    Anxiety can also lead to other serious diseases such as depression. So don't just mess around or take advantage of a niche like this unless you know what you are talking about and actually have something of value to offer people.

    I just know people who have experienced it so I know it's not something to be played with.

    That's a moral choice you need to make for yourself though.

    Second of all, social media is not a great idea for niches like this. Think about it a little more logically... and this again gives me an indication you have not suffered from anxiety yourself. People who suffer from those types of conditions very rarely tell people and certainly do not want to go around liking pages and making it known or tweeting about it. They want the issue kept very private.
    • Profile picture of the author Heathj
      Profile picture of Heathj
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      I appreciate your advice. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for over 25 years, but I was able to get it under control using many of the techniques I discuss on my site.

      So, yes, I want to make money from the site, but I'm giving valuable information on the topic that I genuinely hope helps people.

      There are social media sites that are more like support groups, they are actually fairly active in regards to anxiety.
      • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
        Profile picture of Miguelito203
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        Originally Posted by Heathj View Post

        I appreciate your advice, but I have to disagree with you. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for over 25 years, but I was able to get it under control using many of the techniques I discuss on my site.

        So, yes, I want to make money from the site, but I'm giving valuable information on the topic that I genuinely hope helps people.

        There are social media sites that are more like support groups, they are actually fairly active in regards to anxiety.
        From my personal experience, things like panic attacks, OCD, and things like that seem from much deeper issues. Depression is also a big part of it. Are you a trained mental health professional?

        • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
          Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
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          Originally Posted by Miguelito203 View Post

          Are you a trained mental health professional?
          Many people would publish a shoddy medical advice ebook if they thought they could make a buck from it. They are sociopaths. Just look at all of the garbage on ClickBank. Especially cancer ebooks.

          One of them I'm looking at right now states the following about curing your CANCER:

          "If you can commit to just this six to eight week program at a cost of less than $200, including the price of my book, the special food and the supplements, we have a deal."

          You heard that right, folks. For just $200 you get to live!
          • Profile picture of the author Paul Langham
            Paul Langham
            Profile picture of Paul Langham
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            I think that given the fact you have actually suffered over the long term from anxiety attacks, tat this should be a winner for you.

            The issue might be that many people under estimate the time it takes to get a following on the blog. You need to be posting at least twice a day now to get ntoiced and to keep the site fresh.

            How many times do you go back to a site to check on its content ? The answer is as regularly as they update - if you know a site which you follow and they update once per week, you'll drop back once a week, for sites that update multiple times per day, people very often drop back several times.

            Hope this helps
            • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
              Alex Blades
              Profile picture of Alex Blades
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              I really was just hoping for some advice on the marketing plan. Pretend the niche was weddings, oh wait, people get married and murder each other....ok lets try bunnies, nobody can die from that right? So my on my bunny site, I am posting articles daily, doing social media and everything else I mentioned in the original post......am I heading in the right direction?
              I get the sense, you don't like the advice you are getting. You asked if you are on the right path and people responded with good advice. If you don't like the advice you are getting, then don't take out a thread asking questions. You are bent on doing this, so what's the point in asking for advice? You are not a doctor or play one on T.V, so you are walking a fine line by offering medical advice.

              Anxiety is not cancer, it is not life threatening
              Anxiety is not cancer but kills alot people each and every year.

              People with anxiety are often at greater risk for suicide than depressed patients, because the latter usually lack the energy and motivation to kill themselves. "Anxiety, however, drives people to do things to get rid of the discomfort," says Kenneth Robbins, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

              Anxiety is a very serious matter, and should only be treated by doctors, not patients. You want to make money and that is fine, but you put yourself at risk by giving medical advice without a medical license. Also you put others at risk, because what works for you, may not work for everybody.
              " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
              But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

              ~ Jeff Bezos

              • Profile picture of the author Heathj
                Profile picture of Heathj
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                Originally Posted by Alex Blades View Post

                I get the sense, you don't like the advice you are getting. You asked if you are on the right path and people responded with good advice. If you don't like the advice you are getting, then don't take out a thread asking questions. You are bent on doing this, so what's the point in asking for advice? You are not a doctor or play one on T.V, so you are walking a fine line by offering medical advice.
                This will be my last post "defending" my niche.....I never asked for advice regarding the niche I chose, I simply asked if the marketing plan I was following was sound.

                Originally Posted by Alex Blades View Post

                Anxiety is not cancer but kills alot people each and every year.
                Completely wrong.....Anxiety does not kill people. While anxious people may be more prone to depression or suicide, having anxiety is not the same as being depressed or suicidal, two complete different things.

                Complications with obesity kill millions of people each year, yet there are thousands upon thousands of websites giving advice on obesity. It is a huge IM niche.

                Originally Posted by Alex Blades View Post

                Anxiety is a very serious matter, and should only be treated by doctors, not patients. You want to make money and that is fine, but you put yourself at risk by giving medical advice without a medical license. Also you put others at risk, because what works for you, may not work for everybody.
                I am not giving medical advice, this is an assumption on your guys part. I state all over my website, that I am not a doctor, the central theme on my website is, GO SEE A DOCTOR! However, I do give useful advice and tips that will help many people lessen or completely overcome their anxiety.

                I am not engaging in surgery, I am not filling prescriptions and I am not telling people to do things that endanger them. My website is full of articles that talk about exercising, eating better, taking certain natural vitamins etc.... Thats it.

                I really am surprised at the direction this thread went.
      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Profile picture of WillR
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        Originally Posted by Heathj View Post

        I appreciate your advice. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for over 25 years, but I was able to get it under control using many of the techniques I discuss on my site.

        So, yes, I want to make money from the site, but I'm giving valuable information on the topic that I genuinely hope helps people.
        I just know people who have experienced it so I know it's not something to be played with. The fact is people with issues like this should not be recommended to download a guide or something like that, they should be advised to go and visit a real professional. I would advise you to do the same if you haven't.

        That's my thoughts.

        Originally Posted by Heathj View Post

        There are social media sites that are more like support groups, they are actually fairly active in regards to anxiety.
        Yes, but you are talking about involving people on sites such as Facebook where they have all of their friends and those friends can see pages they like and comment on. So not a good idea for those who want to keep the issue private. A forum or site dedicated to social media is different because no one else will know they are using it.
      • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
        Alex Blades
        Profile picture of Alex Blades
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        Originally Posted by Heathj View Post

        I appreciate your advice. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for over 25 years, but I was able to get it under control using many of the techniques I discuss on my site.

        So, yes, I want to make money from the site, but I'm giving valuable information on the topic that I genuinely hope helps people.

        There are social media sites that are more like support groups, they are actually fairly active in regards to anxiety.
        Could be a risky niche to get into, stuff like that you want people to seek professional help. It's like sending someone to get legal advice from a paralegal, instead of a lawyer. You may know alot about the subject, but you are a patient and not a professional. Even if your info is good, if things don't improve with your advice, people will blame you for it.

        You should talk to an attorney and have him write some disclaimer to protect yourself. Not sure it's worth the risk in this day and age of frivolous lawsuits. Depression is something very serious, and if someone decided to hurt themselves in way, the first thing the family is going to do is look online to see if they can find clues or excuses that lead to them hurting themselves .

        " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
        But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

        ~ Jeff Bezos

  • Profile picture of the author Sushiman1111
    Profile picture of Sushiman1111
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    Sounds to me like you're making the right moves. And I figured that you had some experience with anxiety, seeing as how you were anxious to know whether or not you're heading in the right direction.

    If you are based in the States, though, I would definitely take the advice about the medical disclaimer to heart. I'm in the health and fitness niche and have already had one person threaten to sue me over stuff I wrote about their (crappy) product. Fortunately I live in Japan, so I don't have to worry too much about that sort of thing.
  • Profile picture of the author Heathj
    Profile picture of Heathj
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    Anxiety is not cancer, it is not life threatening, it is not even really physically debilitating. There are some people that cannot engage in certain activities due to their anxiety, but that is not what I meant by debilitating, I'm talking about physical harm that anxiety has caused to their bodies. Anxiety is a stress induced biological reaction to ones environment. Sometimes certain precursors and events trigger it and sometimes it just shows up on its own. You cannot have a heart attack just from anxiety (absent other medical conditions). It's short term effects are very minimal.

    While it is a very serious issue, I think you guys are making it out to be far worse than what it is. And, I have been to a doctor and all he did was put me on drugs that made me miserable. I have learned to control my anxiety through natural remedies and I look forward to sharing that with people.

    I really was just hoping for some advice on the marketing plan. Pretend the niche was weddings, oh wait, people get married and murder each other....ok lets try bunnies, nobody can die from that right? So my on my bunny site, I am posting articles daily, doing social media and everything else I mentioned in the original post......am I heading in the right direction?
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Langham
    Paul Langham
    Profile picture of Paul Langham
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    Hi Heathj,

    I for one thought your questions were good and perfectly sensible, it was shame that things got somewhat side tracked and the thread moved off to disucssing medical terminology, when it started off with you asking about posting on ezine directories!!!

    Good luck, just keep going !

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