Need Help Finding Similar Theme

by 5 replies
Hey All,

I don't post much on the forum, lurk a lot and spend too much on WSO's in all honesty!! Anyway, I am looking for a little help if possible....

A local club I am a member of has asked me to re-do their website as a Wordpress page. They are going to cover costs but mainly I am doing it as a favor, something to help out. Anyway, the site is a HTML one and I am looking for a Wordpress theme that could possibly have a similar look?

The URL is claysportsirl . ie (no spaces)

I would really appreciate any help or advice that could be given.

Thanks everyone!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #finding #similar #theme
  • There are tons of Wordpress themes you could use to create a site that closely resembles that one... or better yet, looks even better.

    Here is the best resource for affordable and professional themes:
    WordPress | ThemeForest
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks Will, it literally is a forest in there!! Hundreds of themes to choose from I know.... was thinking if anyone recognized one that would work just off the top of their head....

      Anyway I'll have a good look around, cheers
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Is there a reason for wanting to go to WordPress? Is it because they want to be able to update it themselves?
    • [1] reply
    • Yes Martin, the club secretary want to be able to update it regularly and easily, I have shown him how easy it is to update a WordPress site.

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