Youtube Growth

by 13 replies
Hello All,

I'm new to this forum and have been reading a lot already. Starting to really enjoy this place. Nonetheless I currently have a Youtube channel with about 47 videos currently teaching graphic/game design and wanted to know if you all had tips to increase my view/subscribers.

I post the videos on Youtube and have them posted on my site as well. I get a steady 100 views per day on my channel but not sure if this is "ok" or doing good. I've had this channel up since December 2012 and have about 52 subscribers and about 3500 views. Like I said before I'm getting about 100 views per day and getting about 1 subscriber every other day. Am I being too impatient or should I be doing better by now?

Things I've done so far:

-Had a custom made intro from
-included link to my website at the top of my description with a short description on what is covered in the video
-Included good keywords that I believe people look for
-Started posting some video responses on a few more popular channels relating to what I do
-Posted comments on a few more popular channels and subscribed to a few
-Started a Facebook page and linked it to my Youtube page under the "about" and also in the banner along with my site.
-Tried getting adsense but was rejected because "my site does not have enough content", because my website has almost no text it's mostly just videos. Also read that they won't approve me if my site is purely videos.

I try to aim for 4-5 videos a week but not sure if I'm pushing out too much content too quickly. I have a list of about 30-40 other videos I plan on making then I will probably slow down on pushing out content. My plan is to have small projects come out with a series of videos about once a month. Thoughts? I'm not sure if I'm able to post my website/YT Channel here.

I'm still reading on these forums so if you know of any good threads that would help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #growth #subcribers #views #youtube
  • Maybe have some call to actions in there? Like in the annotations? saying "hit subscribe" and maybe finish the video saying " Subscribe now to keep updated" or something else along those lines...
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    • Actually I have an "outro" from Splasheo as well that I just downloaded and will start adding those to my videos. It's basically an animated outro telling them to comment and subscribe. Thanks for reminding me.
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  • Hi everyone,

    if you have a good video channel and you don't have your own product

    try affiliate or as you was told build your list with a cool squeeze page

    If don't know how to start to build your list see this

    All the best and see you on top

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Make sure to put your videos on other sites as well. Like AOL, Blinkz, dailymotion. Anyone with a partner program.

    I had a YT channel making over $30,000 a month and they yanked it from me for no reason and gave it to a much larger competitor. My username was "golf" and was a huge channel.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I may try affiliate links in youtube but we'll see. I don't want to end up crushing my own business or products. I'll do my research on what will be suitable. I'm almost done creating my digital store which will help me sell products and receive a royalty so that's what I'm hoping will bring in the big money for me.

      I never thought about posting my content on multiple sites. I suppose I'll do that as well. Thanks for the advice all, much appreciated. Only been here on day and already learning so much.
  • This question (OP) is tantamount to the fact that Youtube is getting more competitive and is not as simple to dominate as some WSO marketers (for example) would have you believe.

    It's all relative. But the main question is what are your long term goals with the videos. And yes, long term is key in any answer. You mentioned adsense. You will need hundreds of thousands of views to start making any real money. That is a worthy and attainable goal, but for niche marketers, I prefer the strategy of list building as you will be able to turn a relatively few number of viewers into REAL sales, via email. In that vein, you need to be offering something for signing up on a landing page. Add a consistent CTA in every video for this.

    Most of the marketing strategies you mentioned are rather standard and can help you, sure - but you missed a few really important factors with attaining Youtube success, such as originality, creativity, and branding. Imho, if you don't have any of these qualities, it really doesn't matter how much of the background stuff you have, because you will still be boring in the minds of many viewers. I am not saying you are, but I would appreciate you posting your channel here for further discussion.

    Please stop this. 2 a week is plenty.

    Concentrate more on quality and offering - the gift of information. You need to concentrate on keyword research in your niche and start answering questions and solving problems that your potential subscribers are asking. These are the videos that will get you a loyal following and real buyers on your list. If you can do 2, 3-5 minute videos per week, then do one general lesson video and one keyword focused video answering a question. Brand your videos, add some humour/creativity and always, always have a CTA for your list.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks Marty S. I'll slow down the video uploads. If anything I'll have a nice stash of videos ready to go and consistently upload something twice a week. I agree it's best to have quality videos and I believe I have some good content up there.

      You can see my channel by clicking on my YT link to see what I actually have. I'm actually primarily focused on creating a great brand hence the reason why I opted for getting a custom professional looking intro and use a high quality microphone and HD video for my stuff.

      I know a few (alright, plenty) people are doing what I do but few actually produce quality work as most tend to look at is as a hobby and I try to make it more professional. If you look at my channel you'll understand a little better.

      Right now I am usually making a series of videos through a playlist every week that covers a certain aspect. Like my last playlist was a series of five videos where I showed people how to create terrain maps, particle effects, etc.

      A lot of times I'll end up just having a 5-8 minute video detailing one specific thing, like how to export/build your project. With all that said my goal with Youtube is mostly to grow an audience. I know that adsense really isn't going to pay off much so it's not my main goal of making money so I'm not too concerned with it. I plan on making money through my own ebooks, digital store, and a few other things.

      I appreciate the advice!
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  • 16

    Hello All, I'm new to this forum and have been reading a lot already. Starting to really enjoy this place. Nonetheless I currently have a Youtube channel with about 47 videos currently teaching graphic/game design and wanted to know if you all had tips to increase my view/subscribers.