New To IM, it's a struggle !

29 replies
All these gurus make it look easy. But I haven't made a dime for months ? Any help ...
  • Profile picture of the author NathanBai
    Stay at home and work hard as HELL until you get paid! Until your an internet celebrity, work HARD until my bones start to hurt.

    Just want to express this as, the problem when i speak to new IM'ers is that they so just do as much as they should. and expect everything to just fall into there laps.

    for example select YouTube as a marketing avenue and just pound down on it for hours upon hours.

    'if one will stick at something long enough they shall succeed'
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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    My advice is keep going. It is a struggle but that's what separates you from the mediocrity.

    I guarantee the view from the top is amazing....
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohamed Buhari
    IM in the initial stage looks difficult. But if you focus on one strategy and work smart in that, you will definitely succeed. I recommend you not to become Information Overload. You will find a lot of WSO here which suits you. Select wisely, buy only one and focus on that.

    For your success,
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  • Profile picture of the author docewam
    i.e. $200 a day sounds like a dream ....
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Shaw
    You have to pick one thing that makes you a few dollars and the scale up. Sticking to one thing is my best advice and of course working hard at it will help.
    **5 DAY FREE TRIAL** - The ultimate social media bot (FB, Instagram, Pinterest & G+).........
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  • Profile picture of the author verial
    IM does not exist.

    It's an illusion.

    What exists is business.

    If you know what money is, how it works, and where it goes, you might have a chance of striking rich.

    Otherwise, you'll fall into the trap of buying stuff from "gurus" until you eventually give up.

    If you care to notice, the most successful people on this forum do not call themselves "internet marketers," as that is a catch-all for people who use the internet to make money. Those successful people have niched themselves into clear business categories.

    You're not going to get rich via "IM." But you can get rich via a business.

    Focus, bro.
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    • Profile picture of the author BlueFrogSEO
      Originally Posted by verial View Post

      IM does not exist.

      It's an illusion.

      What exists is business.

      If you know what money is, how it works, and where it goes, you might have a chance of striking rich.

      Otherwise, you'll fall into the trap of buying stuff from "gurus" until you eventually give up.

      If you care to notice, the most successful people on this forum do not call themselves "internet marketers," as that is a catch-all for people who use the internet to make money. Those successful people have niched themselves into clear business categories.

      You're not going to get rich via "IM." But you can get rich via a business.

      Focus, bro.
      Awesome words.... so very true indeed.

      Fantastically affordable and reliable SEO & SM Services all from Blue Frog:
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  • Profile picture of the author Val Wilson
    You need to decide exactly how you plan to make money online - there are dozens of different ways, and if you don't choose one that suits your skills, you'll end up aiming for everything and hitting nothing. Information overload is real, and is one of the biggest causes of failure in IM.

    For me, affiliate marketing is the best way to start earning money online. Choose a niche and product, set up a simple review type site, and drive traffic. You'll find lots of help here on the forum on how to do all those things. But most important of all, whatever strategy you choose, is to stick with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author vick2011
    Run a gig on fiverr, then find a way to automate that gig
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    • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
      What are you selling docewam?

      If the answer is nothing, that explains why you're not making a dime.

      I don't know your personal circumstances but if you're not selling a product or service of your own, or someone else's as an affiliate you're not a marketer - you are just someone who is surfing the internet.

      For the gurus it probably is easier because they're established, have big lists, JV partners with big lists and a reputation. But when they were coming up, most of them had to bust their ass too.

      Be ready to work hard until you have a reputation or a business foundation if you want to reap the rewards in the future.
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      • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
        Originally Posted by 4DayWeekend View Post

        What are you selling docewam?

        If the answer is nothing, that explains why you're not making a dime.

        I don't know your personal circumstances but if you're not selling a product or service of your own, or someone else's as an affiliate you're not a marketer - you are just someone who is surfing the internet.

        For the gurus it probably is easier because they're established, have big lists, JV partners with big lists and a reputation. But when they were coming up, most of them had to bust their ass too.

        Be ready to work hard until you have a reputation or a business foundation if you want to reap the rewards in the future.
        Excellent post. It all comes to being a salesperson. The better you are at selling, the more you'll make.
        Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author vilmosg
    "All these gurus make it look easy." Because it is really easy.

    Did you do something in the last few months? If your answer is yes, you may did something not fit for you. Be honest and ask yourself who you are, and try a proper method for your personality.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Things do not always happen overnight no matter what others may say.
    Keep at it and try to follow the tried and tested internet marketing principles.
    Wishing you success.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Most here encourage you to stay with it. Ugh. They don't even know what you're doing. You can put effort into this until the day you die but if you're doing things that don't work (as many, many people here are) you'll get nothing in return. Nothing.

    Maybe if you gave a little info on exactly what you're doing you'd get more relevant answers.
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    • Profile picture of the author huskiekira
      Have you built a list? Do you know how to build one?
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      • Profile picture of the author tz6119
        It will take some hard work for sure.

        The struggles you go through and get through will help you get knowledge and give you the experience necessary to be helpful to others.

        Eventually you will find what area of IM you want to focus your energy on.
        Possibly a good place to start is affiliate marketing.

        Become an Amazon Associate and learn about promoting products.
        It's easy to learn and you can make good money for little outlay.

        Stick at it. Perservere. Put in the effort.
        You need to stick your lap out for the money to fall onto it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Marian
          Try to find a blueprint, step-by-step guide by someone who walks the talks... there are some good marketers here. Or look at the Warrior Room or Warrior Special Offers for coaching.

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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      Most here encourage you to stay with it. Ugh. They don't even know what you're doing. You can put effort into this until the day you die but if you're doing things that don't work (as many, many people here are) you'll get nothing in return. Nothing.

      Maybe if you gave a little info on exactly what you're doing you'd get more relevant answers.

      "I'm struggling!"
      "Keep going!"

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author enrikm
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      Most here encourage you to stay with it. Ugh. They don't even know what you're doing. You can put effort into this until the day you die but if you're doing things that don't work (as many, many people here are) you'll get nothing in return. Nothing.

      Maybe if you gave a little info on exactly what you're doing you'd get more relevant answers.
      Ditto on this one. Reminds me of a quote from Einstein:

      Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

      Hardwork is not everything in this business. Yes it will pay off to some extent don't get me wrong but I would rather spend an hour doing something that actually works than wasting a month doing something that's not.

      All you really need to do is do a bit of research. There's a lot of information in the internet especially in this forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author ejullya
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      Most here encourage you to stay with it. Ugh. They don't even know what you're doing. You can put effort into this until the day you die but if you're doing things that don't work (as many, many people here are) you'll get nothing in return. Nothing.

      Maybe if you gave a little info on exactly what you're doing you'd get more relevant answers.

      Travlinguy guy summed it up well. You have not given us any info. Do you have a blog, do you have a product, do you have a special skill, do you have a list. Give us some info and tell us where you are at. Then people can help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author mogulmap
    Originally Posted by docewam View Post

    All these gurus make it look easy. But I haven't made a dime for months ? Any help ...
    What exactly have you been doing for these months?
    Rus Sells says...
    Your signature is all that matters!
    Cat's = PROFIT"S
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Focus on finding and doing one simple proven method that can make you money.

    Also make sure to build a list in whatever niche you choose to pursue this way you can have a long term asset you can always depend on and market to.

    Never give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    start from advertising and get a cheap but good email marketing company ... i can suggest you one or two if you want, just pm me
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  • Profile picture of the author outNabout
    Learn as much as you can learn from The Gurus here, i cant say i have made a lot but am still learning.Put what you learn into action.Its possible very possible.
    You need to know your strong points and what you good at...if you have made money before its possible also to make it in IM business.
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  • Originally Posted by docewam View Post

    All these gurus make it look easy. But I haven't made a dime for months ? Any help ...
    It's because all these 'gurus' actually sell hype and nothing else. Often they haven't even tried the methods they teach.

    What I always say is: if someone knew how to make money, EVEN a little bit, sufficient to, say even pay the bills, do you really think they would write about it in an ebook or show it on a video and sell it for 50 bucks?

    And the ones who sell it for 1000, it's like listening to Antony Robbins. So yeah, be very careful. You are dealing with hype.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    It took me 2 years to earn my first dollar online and now I make my full time living from it.

    Think of the frustrations as a learning experience.

    Keep at it and never give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author sabatek
    You got to believe. Work on your business but also work on yourself. Listen to personal development and read books on the mind.
    Here's The #1 Way To Earn Money As An Author - And I'll Prove It To You!
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  • Profile picture of the author WarrenPeterson
    Originally Posted by docewam View Post

    All these gurus make it look easy. But I haven't made a dime for months ? Any help ...
    Almost all big success stories, including the 'overnight success' stories you see, are the result of lots of hard work - often over years. Overnight success is mostly a myth, that overnight had lots of work the prior few hundred nights!

    However, from a marketing point of view, and the same goes with the business magazines and sites, the overnight success IS the story. So the marketing and reporting tends to start as if that success was day zero. That's why it looks easy - the backstory is missing.

    In terms of your help, as travlinguy said, we don't know your details, so cannot answer to your specific question...
    Do you really want to build a real business?
    Then you need this: 21 Days To Business Success
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    • Profile picture of the author Gonzosan
      If what you're doing is a struggle and you haven't been making progress then you need to step back and see why. Like others mentioned, if you don't have anything to sell then how will you make money? I've been working on a few websites which I intend to make into full fledged business.

      For me I'm not too worried about making money right now as I want to focus on building content and building the proper "framework" so that once it's established I can easily start building upon a great foundation.

      Also don't just do "busy work" but do work that actually matters. If you're spending hours and hours doing something that will only help you a little bit why focus on that? Truly analyze what you have and pinpoint where you're doing good and where you're doing bad.

      Learn something, try it then refocus. It's kind of like sighting in a rifle. At first it may be off, but then you make adjustments and fire again and again until it's dead on. Once you've reached that point it becomes natural but we all have a learning curve to go through.
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