Is ClickBank Missing a Huge Opportunity?
I find this restriction a little puzzling. The online demand for non-media hard goods is of course a multi-billion dollar industry, primarily controlled by large, super-retailers like Amazon and Ebay. Considering how successful ClickBank has been in creating a new marketplace for media products, why couldn't it do the same with hard goods?
Is it because ClickBank doesn't want customers getting broken or defective merchandise? That doesn't make sense, considering that DVDs and CDs are far more likely to be delivered broken or defective than most hard goods sold online (like sweaters).
Is it because ClickBank thinks "media" products present less risk of liability for injuries? That doesn't make sense either, since "information products" can be just as deadly to consumers as hard goods (eBook: lose 50 pounds in 3 days?).
ClickBank hasn't really given me a good reason why I'm allowed to sell a book about shoes--but not the shoes themselves.
Anyone have any ideas what's behind the restriction? Seems like they are missing a huge opportunity.
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