Filling a classifieds site before launch date?

5 replies
We will be launching a free classifieds site in June 28th, which means all our marketing will begin that day.

Before we do any marketing, we need to fill the site with ads so that new users see a website that's being visited and used.

What can we do to accomplish this?

#classifieds #date #filling #launch #site
  • Profile picture of the author BamaGuy
    You could start by listing as much stuff as possible as you can get rid of around your house. Invite all your close friends and family members to do the same. Would it be possible to have them list the items but include a date that is closer to the actual "go live" date? Last thing you want is to have a bunch of items listed on the site that appears to have not been updated in a few months.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    Apart from your own listings you may want to set up a few black banners with the words "featured listing" or something, allowing members to post in certain areas other than just a standard listing.

    I think you should get some people to look at the site rather than just us having to guess. You might be best dropping a post in the "Website Design" thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author freeadstime
    Contacting other people or companies and asking them if they want to have their ads on your classifieds for free would be a good start. You can probably find these people from other classifieds sites, but make sure that you can contact them with other commercial interests. Some do opt out the option and they don't want to be contacted for any reason other than their listing. Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author theimdude
    I have a classifieds site sitting idle and my idea was to buy local newspapers from the area I am covering and then post adverts from there. When a have a fair amount posted I was going to phone the advertisers and ask about there product and also tell them about my classifieds site. A lot of manual work but at least the adverts are real. Not sure if it is doable in your case
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