Organizing content from an Adsense Site into a Kindle Book?

Profile picture of vtotheyouknow
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Hi all,

I have an Adsense niche site with about 20 well written, and well researched articles in a nutrition/medical niche.

And it occurred to me that this would make a great Kindle book. I did some prelim research and it looks like there are already a few books in the niche (but JUST a few) and they have many reviews and *seem* to be doing well.

I understand that Amazon disallows having your book available anywhere else if you use Kindle Select and this site brings in some Adsense income so I'd like to have my cake and eat it too without violating any TOS.

Have you done this? Could you please offer some Advice?
#adsense #book #content #kindle #organizing #site

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