Squeeze page - how to configure thanks page

by 10 replies
Dear fellow Warriors,

I am starting with a squeeze page, and its working fine in terms of conversions for now... but my great matter is not that.

Its about the squeezepage itself, so basically i have the following:

1) Optimize press theme
2) Aweber autoresponder

i have disabled the double optin since i was loosing too much subscribers (they dont confirm).
I want to achieve the following goal:

1) after the audience subscribe how can i configure a thanks page, because without that:

1) the user did not knew if he had success subscribing (eventhough he received an e-mail but it could reach his spam folder)
2) Its mandatory so i can track the conversion rates.

I have noticed in Aweber when i disable the dual optin (confirmation email) i cannot configure inside the aweber an option to create this thanks page.

In optimizepress i also donĀ“t have the chance to create a thanks page that will be in the sequence of the single optin.

Do you have any idea how can i achieve this goal?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #configure #page #squeeze
  • In this case your confirmation page should be your thankyou page.
  • You create the 'Thank You Page' on your website. Then you link to that page from the AWeber confirmation field.

    Also, make sure you add an OTO to the thank you page for additional revenue.
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    • He hit the target, this is the answer.
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  • When you remove double opt-in, be prepared to have loads of spammy losers / bots sign up. For me it wasn't worth it
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    • 1.) Login to Aweber.

      2.) On the control panel, click on "Web Forms".

      3.) Then click on the form you are using for your squeeze page.

      4.) Click on settings (#2) up top.

      5.) Under basic settings, right where it says "Thank You Page:", click the down arrow, and click on "Custom Page".

      6.) Enter in the url of your thank you page (which you can easily design with OptimizePress by the way).

      7.) Click Save Form.

      8.) If your form is published with the Javascript format, then you're done. If it's published with the Raw HTML format, then copy that code and replace the current code you have on your site.

      So now when your visitors sign up under the Single Optin, they'll automatically be subscribed and directed to your thank you/OTO page.
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  • Banned
    Go for a single optin always. Other wise you'll lose subscribers on the table

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