by amilo70 Banned
87 replies
Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
#lost #motivation
  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    My view is that everybody is entitled to an opinion ... even if they are WRONG!
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Rather than want to know how the community feels why don't you get busy and do something to prove them wrong?
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  • Profile picture of the author bmw040
    Simply prove them all wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    Simple. I don't listen.

    Here's a story for you

    "There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
    A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.
    Heard throughout the race were statements such as, "Oh, way too difficult", "They will never make it to the top", "Not a chance they will succeed", and "The tower is too high".
    The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one - except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult! No one will make it"!
    More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one continued to climb higher and higher. This one refused to give up!
    At the end of the race, all had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
    All of the other tiny frogs wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. They asked him how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal.
    It turned out that the winning frog was deaf!

    If we really want to accomplish something, we can always choose to become deaf, especially when the people around us say negative or discouraging things."

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author KuhNoodle
      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      Simple. I don't listen.

      Here's a story for you

      "There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
      A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.
      Heard throughout the race were statements such as, "Oh, way too difficult", "They will never make it to the top", "Not a chance they will succeed", and "The tower is too high".
      The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one - except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult! No one will make it"!
      More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one continued to climb higher and higher. This one refused to give up!
      At the end of the race, all had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
      All of the other tiny frogs wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. They asked him how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal.
      It turned out that the winning frog was deaf!

      If we really want to accomplish something, we can always choose to become deaf, especially when the people around us say negative or discouraging things."

      That was probably the most inspirational thing that I've read all day. Original poster if you listen to anyone in this thread take that story to heart. Never give up my friend. Keep pushing forward and never NEVER surrender.

      Make $5.00 A Day With A Blog <-- Click Here

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    • Profile picture of the author HaroldD
      Why didnt they just jump instead of climb? Silly tiny frogs.

      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      Simple. I don't listen.

      Here's a story for you

      "There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
      A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.
      Heard throughout the race were statements such as, "Oh, way too difficult", "They will never make it to the top", "Not a chance they will succeed", and "The tower is too high".
      The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one - except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult! No one will make it"!
      More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one continued to climb higher and higher. This one refused to give up!
      At the end of the race, all had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
      All of the other tiny frogs wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. They asked him how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal.
      It turned out that the winning frog was deaf!

      If we really want to accomplish something, we can always choose to become deaf, especially when the people around us say negative or discouraging things."
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnTheJock
      Thanks GGPaul,
      Love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author debra leroy
    What do YOU feel about that? Do you think you can be successful? Do you trust your instincts and your abilities?
    Sometimes such an opinion would only make you try harder.
    Keep it going! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    I've been told that so many times and I'm still being told that today.

    Most of my family is now begging me to teach them and the doubters don't want to do the hard work involved.

    Prove them wrong.
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  • Do you think anyone who has achieved success would be where they are today if they let their family/friends pull them down?

    No! Ofcourse not!

    Don't let people push you around.
    You are in control now.

    If people are trying to bring you down, it simply means that you are above them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvis Michael
    It's an old-fashioned mentality, and a very ignorant one. For some mind boggling reason most people think that unless you're in an office or in a room other than your own, you don't have a job.

    One of my old friends was here yesterday. He asked me, "So are you working today?" I simply replied-- yup. His next response was, "Lol what job?!" with laughter. He said it "jokingly," but I could see right through him. Somewhere deep down he doesn't consider what I do to be legitimate.

    These days I don't get into details about what I do and I let people think whatever they wish. I simply tell them i'm a content writer and they (usually) seem to respect that a bit more.

    At the end of the day, no one is paying my bills or yours. I pay my own things and I also pay most of my dad's bills. That's a big accomplishment coming from someone without a job.

    So get yourself into this mentality and stop caring about what anyone else says.

    Including family, you ask? Hell, especially family.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    Easily, I let my work ethic and success do the talking. For years I heard from some family members and friends that I was "crazy" or that anything online was a "scam" and even my own sister told me that I would "fail".

    Sure, it sucks when people you care about aren't supportive of you, but let me tell you, once you start making an income online they'll be proven wrong (though that shouldn't be your goal, your main focus should be on your own well-being, fulfillment, and happiness).

    Another thing to keep in mind is that when you DO succeed at this, be the bigger person. Don't brag about it, don't tell them "I told you so", and just smile and enjoy life.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    You know how many times my parents told me that, and I listened to them. I stopped for 2 years and came back ... worst decision ever. I can't imagine doing anything but IM. I don't need to be rich just comfortable with the great perks of online

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    how old are you? are you being supported financially by your family or are you supporting yourself?

    If you are a dependent of your family, they do have input and you should probably get a job and work on IM part time until you build up an income stream. If you are supporting yourself w/ savings etc...just smile at your family, thank them for concern and keep working at it.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author amilo70
    Thank you guys. I will never give up. Never say never.
    I have an amazing family member that supports me all the way and I think these people is valuable for you. I'll prove them wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kerryrus
    You just got to learn to develop selective hearing I'm afraid. My family used to say the same to me about making just one dollar online. Just recently my online earnings exceeded $20K and they STILL look at me like I have two heads when I talk about what I do online.

    The main thing is that you believe in yourself and have confidence in what you are doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mesina
    Don't let anything block your goals man, if you really want internet marketing then you should go for it.

    You'll do better on stuffs that you love doing.
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    • Profile picture of the author infoway
      Originally Posted by Mesina View Post

      Don't let anything block your goals man, if you really want internet marketing then you should go for it.

      You'll do better on stuffs that you love doing.
      Exactly, simply follow your passion. Live your life, don't let any obstacles come in your way of achieving goal. Internet marketing has certainly got bright future, also you require huge patience to get success in this field. But if you think you can do it, then just go for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    I was told the same thing. Those same people still have jobs they work at today. I however have been living what most would consider a damn good life for a long time now.

    Sure glad i didn't listen.

    The key thing is this. Are you willing to work hard enough and make the sacrifices necessary to prove them wrong?
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    I'd give you $20 to prove them wrong

    I've used to be up and down and face the same problems but after proving myself, and even getting a job just from experience online in Online Marketing Management, I managed to prove to them I was capable of achieving this "Make Money Online" reality.

    Unless you have family involved in the same interests, I doubt many people are going to believe it but once you get up to par with things, have the right focus and start earning, that little bit of hope will start to shine through and at the end of the day, you need to prove no one but yourself that you can do this.
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    • Profile picture of the author amilo70
      Originally Posted by Shaolinsteve View Post

      I'd give you $20 to prove them wrong

      I've used to be up and down and face the same problems but after proving myself, and even getting a job just from experience online in Online Marketing Management, I managed to prove to them I was capable of achieving this "Make Money Online" reality.

      Unless you have family involved in the same interests, I doubt many people are going to believe it but once you get up to par with things, have the right focus and start earning, that little bit of hope will start to shine through and at the end of the day, you need to prove no one but yourself that you can do this.
      Haha it would actually show them that it is possible to start making money online However, I don't want you to do such a big favor.
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  • Profile picture of the author gurugrimmer
    You have to believe it yourself. If you believe it'd possible... then it is. Learn how to create a state of certainty at will regardless of external factors... it will do wonders for you.

    After 2 years 3 months of research... I found alternative's for essential tools (like gotowebinar, camtasia, survey monkey and many more) that are just as good as the ones you've heard about, but cost a ton less! So good even Guru's like Mike Filsaime have used and recommended them. Click here to find out what most insiders know but don't tell...

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  • Profile picture of the author Ntech25
    That is the thinking of the older generation and thinking you need to have a 9 to 5 to succeed in the world. These days everything is done online and there are more and more jobs that people do online to make money online. Internet Marketing is so huge and there are many things you can do to prove them wrong.

    Just don't give up and prove them wrong =)

    Done For You Services - Custom Amazon Stores - Wordpress Blog - Unique Content and Design - My Reviews or Skype = NTech52 - Examples -

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  • Profile picture of the author mstrmindmktg
    Don't let negative people bring you down. Also, don't listen to critics and just get on with the job that needs to be done.

    Everyone will have an opinion. What matters is what is right for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author GuruGazette
    Eventually they realize you're not on welfare and you don't appear to be dealing drugs so they shut up
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Families are generally very negative. Get over it and move on. You need thick, luxurious Rhino skin to survive in this game...
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Dell
    I completely understand how you feel.

    My approach was to keep quiet about it. I struggled for a long time to get results. For much of that time I was working and had a long commute as well so didn't get much time to work at it and anyway I was usually to tired when I got home.

    Then in 2011 I was made redundant. Instead of feeling bad about it I was delighted. It meant I would have lots of time to work at making money online. With this time I set up an affiliate review site and although it took a while, I finally received a cheque from Clickbank for $87.69.

    So now I know it works, I just have to get better at it.

    Believe in yourself and never give up. You know others are doing well at this, so why shouldn't you.

    You'll get there and when you do, your critics will have to eat humble pie!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shatish Rao
    Find a mentor who can guide you and make sure you reach your goals faster.The internet can be a lonely place if you're working on your projects by yourself. Once you have a mastermind group or friends doing this together, they will be your support group and make sure you succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author butterballs8
      I think its important to have a stable source of income before you venture out in the IM world and attempt to make a career out of it because lets face it, it IS hard to make money if you do not have a chunk of money to invest into marketing and you are starting from scratch.

      I used to have a 9-5 job... while working a regular job, I dabbled into IM as a hobby... as time went on, I quit my job and now have residual income through my other business ventures. Now I in in IM as a way to generate extra side income... I am hoping that it will surpass a "side income" as a stable source of income.

      It is easy to lose motivation when your family members do not support you but in the end you have to listen to nobody but yourself. Rather than watch tv, play video games or engage in useless activities, tell your family you made a decision to use your time wisely into something you are passionate about that could potentially provide a stable income.
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  • Profile picture of the author korwil
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  • Profile picture of the author jfbmarketing
    I hear what you are saying, "YES' it hurts when it comes from a family member. I had to prove to my in-laws that l was some sort of success. He was a Professor at a larger University, white collar type and l was in sales, then marketing and currently still in marketing..

    When l made good money, they all though l was doing illegal things that generated me that money, l never got one compliment from him, not once did l ever get one. The more l seen him the more l wanted to tell him a few things that actually had adverbs, but never did...

    What l did do was focused on what l was doing and got better and better at it, l never once rubbed it in his face that l made more money then he every made in a year. I took vacations, bought my kids what they needed and never worried about questioning what my portion of the dinner was for me to kick in, l normally just picked up the tab and walked away with a smile....this drove him nuts....that is how l got back at him...........sad part his daughter my wife was not much better then him....but she is just a rumour now!!! all good..

    Never give up my friend in your direction and on your abilities.....train your mind and review your vision board, if you do not have one then you should put one up!!!

    All the Best,

    Joseph F. Botelho

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    • Profile picture of the author SurveyScott
      I agree I lose motivation, and tend to want to give up. I worked one site hard (PeopleString) and I was earning a few dollars a month. Then they shut-down and I lost some funds pending.

      I plan on starting up again and I too can use motivation, however most of my family thinks it is all a scam.
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  • Profile picture of the author willrod
    Amilio, what is the primary method you are using to make money online? Truth is it's not as simple as sitting down and making easy money so you can live the good life and wake up whenever. Good online marketing is hard, and an art form.

    The sad truth is...a good majority of online marketing is a scam involving one online marketer selling online marketing to another online marketer.A lot of it's a vicious cycle of BS. I don't even believe 80% of the profiles I see anymore on the internet and that is something you have to be careful of. It's the sad truth that a majority of internet maketing is a scam. I see fake profiles on this forum even pushing garbage marketing tactics as well. If you ever have a question about something, PM it to me and I will help you or anyone else out. There is some golden stuff, but you have to filter out the abundance of crap.

    You have to develop an eye for the real quality stuff. I reccomend learning web design and then incorporating internet marketing and you can do some seriously awesome stuff. It has paid off huge for me. I charge $2500 for a website that takes me 10 hours work, with endless possibilities of future add ons, SEO plans, marketing plans etc. I have done this 5 times in the past 3 months incorporating online marketing and CMS (content management system websites).

    Learn web design bro
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  • Profile picture of the author kevinlairre
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    aah ... I completely feel your pain bro ... it definitely hurts when family members say such things ... Believe me, you are not alone ... There are 1000s of others just like you, with this very same problem!

    At the end of the day, it's important to keep focus on what you believe in ... When it comes to family as well, they will always show concern and 'play the guilt trip' and try to hurt you for your benefit (which is a benefit from their point of view) ... which could demotivate you ...

    I would say it is definitely a struggle, getting all emotions handled ... but the good news is ... it will only happen until you prove them wrong ... so at the end of the day, play the game well, try your best to handle your and your family's emotions - and remember that it's just till a certain time period, and not forever! It's only till you start earning online and prove them wrong.

    Also at work try your best to keep your focus as clear as possible ... and most importantly - Never Give Up! Goodluck!
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    My mates mocked me behind my back but that made me more determined than ever before to prove them wrong.

    And not only have I proved them wrong... They now want me to teach them how I do it.

    At the end of the day, the people who knock you for doing this - or anything for that matter - should give you the strength to say to yourself... "Screw 'em! ...I'm gonna prove them all wrong and we'll see who laughs last".

    Basically it should make you more hungry than ever before.

    ...Now go and prove them wrong

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author girlinthe
    get motivated!
    read success stories of 15 and 16 years old making a lot of money online.
    work hard and smart to prove to him he s wrong..
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Forget about them. Prove them wrong. Use their criticism of you as fuel to succeed. Let their negative talk motivate you. But don't never give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.

    A lot of people in life settle for a "job" and plug themselves into a monotonous life of unknowing slavery making someone else wealthy.

    Others forge on, suffer trial and error and end up in a fantastic position of enjoyment and freedom.

    Ask them what job they have and ask them if they enjoy it or speak a statement to that effect.

    Don't even wait to debate the matter. Just leave them with that thought.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Prove them wrong. If you can't prove them wrong and are not making any money, maybe it's time to rethink and get that job to tide you over until you are making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    Most people in this thread so far have said to basically ignore them
    and continue working and you'll make it. But I'm afraid it's not
    that easy. These are your family members and they know you
    best. They are not easy to ignore.

    If you lack motivation then it means that you are listening too
    much to the wrong things. Go to YouTube and look up names
    such as Jim Rohn and Bill Tracey and listen to some of their
    material. You'll get your motivation back.

    If we owned an apartment we would never allow rats and
    garbage to accumulate there. Yet we allow negative
    thoughts to rent our minds.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    Stay positive, etc sounds good, but..You are looking at this wrong. There is a mindset shift that needs to happen in order for you to "succeed" online, which is the very same principle for success in any facet of life.

    Are you helping others succeed? If you are merely in it to make an adsense site, just yourself and Google will reap the rewards. Considering Google is very large, you are pretty much on your own in this journey. Wouldn't you rather go on this journey with an epic team behind you?

    This is why service industries are in demand because they help others who are in a better position than themselves to capitalize on their resources. It sounds like you have a lot of knowledge and time invested in digital marketing. By helping a less savvy business owner, whether offline, or a newbie online (craigslist, etc), you will become more valuable, and earn the money you desire.

    Check out Earl Nightingale, Og Mandino, etc. Money is a byproduct of the value you bring. It's a lonely road trying to benefit yourself (even if you want to benefit your family), you must first be of service to others. Help someone that can help you (even for free as an intern), and you will soon forge partnerships that are mutually beneficial.

    If you are living at home (as I was when I started), you can put more hours in helping others succeed without the dire need for immediate funds. If you are supporting yourself, you will have to take the same approach but do it during your off hours.

    Getting a "job" isn't the work thing in the world. You can probably get one in this field at an entry level, and be reinvigorated when you realize you know more about online marketing than the inhouse team . Cashflow helps you focus on growth vs conserving and gets rid of the unhealthy desparation of finding a way to "make" money. It's a mindshift. Add value to someone, group or company whether through content marketing, social media creation/management, link building, design, etc (whatever you have learned so far).

    In the end though "A wise man keeps his own counsel" - Chinese proverb

    You know what is best for you. If you need a partime job until you can realize your dream, it can be in the same or similar field. If not, focus on helping someone out that can reward you properly.
    BacklinksIndexer - automated index/bulk links
    TwitterBacklinks - retweets service
    Web2.0Backlinks - web2.0 creation/link building
    Google+ Matthew Anton
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  • Profile picture of the author Matti Greene
    It sounds like you aren't making to much money maybe it is time give it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Well this shouldn't be an issue in the first place unless your family is supporting you.

    And if they are, you don't really have freedom of choice to do what you want (you sound young but maybe I'm wrong).

    If they are not supporting you, then tell them to "kiss it".

    Fortunately for me I got into marketing after I was done with college, had a good job and had a bit of money saved up. So I was able to quit and just do my thing. And marketing turned out to be the best decision of my life. I make 5 times what I use to, work less, and have the freedom to do what I want when I want whereever I want (as long as there is a computer). Its very competitive, but also very profitable if you're a person who loves learning.

    Also, if your family thinks you're doing MLM or network marketing, then they have a right to act shady about it. Be sure to explain thats not what you're involved with. Because if thats what you are doing, then I would agree with them 100%. Not only won't you make money, but you'll wind up losing all the money you do have. MLM uses products as misdirection (kind of like magic), to trick people into thinking they're selling a product, when they're really just buying a broken business model then trying to sell it to other newbies so the person at the top can steal all their commissions. Then they're told "theres more pieces to the model you can buy that will help you succeed and get rich". When you don't get rich, they convince you its because you didn't try hard enough, which is bs. The models are designed for people to fail, its the only way the people up top make money.

    Business models that are worth $$$ don't need to be hard sold to uneducated newbies (this is one of the most important concepts you can understand about business). Unfortunately, you see a lot of that around here so be careful.

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    /\ Completely agree. Thats because network marketing has tainted the perception of the more generalized internet marketing.

    Internet marketing covers many different models of marketing. You should distinguish all these models in your head, and develop a clear understanding of each model.

    The first distinction is to understand the difference between affiliate marketing and network marketing. One is the promotion/sales of other peoples products/services for a commission. The other is focused mainly on recruiting people into a pyramid. They tend to use the products like I said before as misdirection. The products aren't even relevant in these cases but the recruitment of more and more people. And the money is sucked out of this pyramid of people. Its a very incestual, controversial form of marketing ... for good reason. Even the smartest people have a serious problem seperating these models from pyramid schemes.

    So please, educate yourself.

    Build a real business and don't get caught up in anything shady.

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  • Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job."
    Without knowing exactly "what you are doing" it's hard to say if there may be some truth into the statement. It all depends on your current setup, and what you are trying to "do". If the statement was "Nobody never ever makes money online", then that would be a different story, and you could just ignore that as obviously that is not a true statement. However, maybe it's time to re-examine what you are "doing", and maybe adjust your strategies, so that you can start earning some significant income. Once you do, the same people that put you down will come to you and ask you if you can show them.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Never give up. Do not let others convince you that you will not be able to succeed at your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeac
    The best way to get over this is to ignore the haters. Unfortunately your family member is not supportive, and close minded, even though they love you. Keep pressing on and being persistent and you will see success soon enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Make $20 and then show them that it's possible. And dont discuss your internet ventures with your family members and friends. Keep it private, and get a job in the process to fund your advertising budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jgowen77
    You have to realize it's not going to happen overnight. I knew that coming in. I've walked away for a couple of days at a time and I'll do that again.

    You need to weigh the situation and make a decision whether to stick it out or not. I'm sticking it out, realizing that many of the most successful people on this site, the ones with long term success, by and large did not make any money for months. If you stay in the game, find some good people to use as examples and follow their lead/advice. I have no false pride about that. I'm doing the work myself but I'm following those who know and who I trust.

    Whatever you do, best of luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      Listen, it's just the way it is.

      If you told your family your were gay they would be all "Oh, it's ok we love you no matter what".

      Tell them you're an internet marketer and they tell you you're an idiot and should do things their way.

      Go figure.

      It all boils down to one thing, do what you want to do with your life and tell them to do the same or put a cork in it.

      Free eBook =>
      The Secret To Success In Any Business
      Yes, Any Business!
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    • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
      Honestly I can't say 'ignore them' without knowing about your circumstances.

      It sounds like you don't have a job at present but you're also making no money Online. If this is the case, how long has it been going on and how have you been surviving financially?

      That isn't a way to survive and I wouldn't encourage you to continue with it.

      If the family member(s) who are telling you to get a job have been subsidizing your lifestyle, then they're not only entitled to their opinion, the opinion is justified.

      I'm all for proving them wrong and I know there is no better feeling, but maybe you're better off getting a part time job alongside your IM activities just to keep some money rolling in. A happy medium will help you maintain a good relationship with your family and could even motivate you to work harder at your IM business.

      Best of luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author joma12
      Years ago I was on an Amway seminar where I was invited.
      I did not join but there was something I took home that night from the speaker.

      It was his slogan:
      A winner never quits, a quitter never wins.

      So when I started in this (drug) Internet marketing I told my self I will not quit till I succeed no matter what others telling me if I find out that it is possible to make money in this business and I don"t make money it is only because I did not work hard enough or I did something wrong.

      So for myself the answer is redo try harder but quitting is not an option.
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    • Profile picture of the author sogregory
      I have only just started with my journey and i am documenting it in my blog. I can tell you for sure that if someone's isn't trying to put you down then you probably ain't doing the right thing.

      It is part of the experience - some people will always be negative - that's how you know you are on the RIGHT track!

      Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author marketermatt
    Just keep on going.

    The more effort you put in today the better the results will be tomorrow.


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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    I also am losing my motivation to work online. Things just aren't working out the way I thought they would. Luckily for me my family has not frowned upon my efforts but I'm having a hard time motivating myself to work. I will keep at it and see how things go. Worse scenario, I have to get a real job.

    My advice: don't give up. Give it some more time and really focus - work hard. Put all of your energy into setting up your online business - make it count.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaden44
    There is not much I could add after most of everyone gave you great advice, but all I would add is that you will only hold yourself back if you worry too much about other peoples opinions even if it is your own family, now the structure of online money making is built to create a business overtime and maintain a business, that will prosper if worked on, as with most things in life, you gain rewards when the hard work is put in.

    Hope this has helped

    good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author charlier
    I think that there will always be people who believe in the get a job mindset. Thing is that there is no such thing as a safe job either. So I would not let them get to you. Keep going focus and then have them coming back to you when they need something instead.

    Please do not promote affiliate programs in your signature

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    Many people will not understand what you will be doing even after you have gotten some results. I will say just do it and prove them wrong. The more they say you are not able to make it, the more motivated you want to prove them wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author CaraB
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    I dealt with the same issues starting up and endless work is the only way to get over it. If you kept doing things people told you that you could do you'd be in a cubicle taking orders from somebody. People have become too complacent working for what someone deems worthy for your level of work. You've chosen a field that rewards hard work and perseverance. Show them you have what it takes.

    * hops of soapbox *

    Where are you now in your process of internet marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnyEnglish
    Prove them wrong buddy.. Im myself when started years ago nobody believes nobody cares even my mom.. After years now, i show her my bank statement, i opened shop to make people believe 'im working' ( because im selling physical products online) i bought car, house, took her on vacations etc etc..

    And now she told all people her friends and relatives i making money on internet.. Now people come to see me and want learn how i did this.. hahaha very funny things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Reinhart Osmond
    Continue to work in this business and prove to them that the internet is a great field of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    I learned a long time ago not to tell family members squat about what I do or how much I make or anything else. All of them are traditional job workers and none of them understand much about online marketing with the exception of one cousin, so of course they have negative feelings about it and I don't need to hear it.
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  • Profile picture of the author willza
    Hi there,
    The most important question is:
    Believing in yourself is the most important ingredient to achieving anything in life. And along the way, you will face challenges like the unfortunate one you just mentioned, how you manouvre past thesechallenges and soldier on, WILL MAKE YOU!
    Use these challenges as motivation to keep moving closer to your success and when you get there, watch these people start to squirm!!! Imagine yourself saying "I told you so" lol
    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author digitalsapien
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    Most of the time, the first people who will doubt you are those who are closest to you. They will not believe you at first. Other people will tell you to stop and quit because you are not good enough or what you are doing doesn't really matter.

    Always remember that at the end, it is not about them, it is all about you. Just continue to do what you want to do. Go for whatever makes you happy. If you love Internet marketing, do that all the way!

    Discover what every Internet marketer needs to know about building a profitable online business only at Entrepreneurs Wealth League.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gail B
    Exactly what you need in order to be motivated. Do you agree?
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    • Profile picture of the author forgottenlife
      Originally Posted by Gail B View Post

      Exactly what you need in order to be motivated. Do you agree?
      I completely agree. At the end of the day, you need to enjoy doing this. As long as it is something you want to do, keep at it and it doesn't matter what other people says.
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      • Profile picture of the author tpgrm
        Look at all the people who have taken time out of their day to support you - pretty amazing stuff!

        This Tony Robbins video is posted all over the WF, but it speaks directly to your situation.

        Keep up the good work.


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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    No matter what they said that discourage you.

    Not only you, people heard this "song" many times... Do not let you get discouraged.

    For temporary, you get a job while you are running the internet marketing. You need a mentor can help you to succeed an online business. Then you focus one model of online business.
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  • Profile picture of the author DTGeorge
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    Stop allowing others to determine my own personal state of mind, is what I'd say.

    Then again, I wonder about your circumstances.

    It not only seems that you haven't been able to make $20 online to show them that they're wrong, it seems that you don't know how to make that money in the first place. Which is a big, big problem.

    When I told my mother I was writing content for money for "random people" online, she laughed.

    When I told her exactly how much I was making, she stopped laughing.

    Just my 2 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author JerrickYeoh
    Just go with what you believe in. Success mostly come with what you believe, imagination and never give up. Whenever something make you down cause people not support you , make it as your motivation, the more people not support you the more you need to prove it that you can made it .
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  • Profile picture of the author Vlad R
    Hey, wow I am so glad you wrote this post. The truth is anybody can become an Internet marketer over night, but to make money and run and build a business is something that happens over time. I don't know why this community shines down about getting a job.... But it needs to change. Do get a job and some form of income to invest into your business. Best of luck! Keep plugging at it and remember the #1 rule never give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author karlbetz
    Line out of the top, to believe in yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author annieflora
    That should make you more motivated to succeed. Things like these make don't break me, they only make me stronger, and so should you. Work harder and wiser and you will definitely and some day they will see you at the top
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  • Profile picture of the author Izerman
    Work harder and prove them wrong!
    It's as simple as that.

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  • Profile picture of the author ImStillNewbie

    1=find a money about 500 bucks

    2=makes a simple niche website/or just a HONEST review site

    3=put a squeeze page first/or capture lead

    4=start use that money to buy ppc ads for drive traffic

    4=traffic come and build email list

    5=build up realationship about 1 month

    6=start selling and booom

    7=start selling more: 1 times per week

    dont sell to much,focus on giveaway free tips to build trust..

    worried about freebie seeker ?

    just relax,no matter how hard you try to avoid them,they always there...

    but i can GUARATEED TO YOU.. 10% conversion with under 50 dollar product is not


    sorry for my english-just my 2 cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author cpoalmighty
    If everyone listens to negative comments, nothing would get done! We would not have these great inventions we have today such as the internet (many people thought this could not be done), Apple computers ipods and even iphone (many people thought closed OS systems would fail), telephone (need I say more?)

    Once you have that inner determination to succeed, you will! It takes some people years to accomplish their goal while it takes others just days. Keep the flame burning within your heart and you will succeed and be the success everyone else hopes to be!

    A good way to start along this road is by aligning yourself with positive influences and keep active in your craft. Update the most important people in your life to get an extra renewal of strength to continue on and keep us posted on the progress!
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    • Profile picture of the author substance
      First of all you should have a passion for "making money online". You should do it not just because you cannot get a job else where offline. Then you won't bother at all what the world is saying...

      I find making money online very interesting in spite of having a day job and also feels that it is very doable to make $1m or more if you keep at it which is my goal. :p

      And also you should believe in yourself. Sometimes if I am lazy or unmotivated, I try googling "Internet millionaires" etc stuffs and that keeps me SUPER motivated. LOL.

      Good luck!!
      When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
      --- Khalil Gibran
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  • Profile picture of the author Bunnytale
    You'll do better on stuffs that you love doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author panduari
    GUARANTEEE $3000/month, i made it in 2 months.
    just Check This Out before you late
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Grace
    I went through the same thing, except THAT really motivated me to work harder to prove them wrong. I'll admit, not the best reason in the world to do something, but effective.

    These days I don't bother trying to explain what I do. Most people don't understand and I don't feel like explaining or justifying anything to anyone.

    What will help you though is think of something bigger than just getting money. You need a better "reason why" that ignites your passion and lights a fire inside you.
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  • Profile picture of the author mobiussilver
    Hang on there my friend...

    I need 2 years to made my first $ But believe me if you ready to get up after fail IM still a good place to make money.

    Good luck...
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  • Profile picture of the author JimmyD
    1. Have faith
    2. Be positive
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  • Profile picture of the author AlmightyGreg
    Originally Posted by amilo70 View Post

    Hello guys i'm writing this with hard feelings due that I have lost motivation. One of my family members just said to me " You will never ever succeed with what you are doing (Internet marketing). Quit it and get a job." . You have no idea how much it hurts to hear things like that from a family member. It's okay if I get it from a friend but a family member is too much.

    How do you guys get over things like this ? They don't even believe it's possible to make $20 online.
    If I can add a bit of personal background I will start by saying that my best friend a year ago (a little less) laughed at my idea of venturing into internet business and making even a dime. He is rich and his dad is a business man so in a way he is at least 20 steps ahead of me.

    Either way a year ago he said there was no way I would ever make a single dime in the internet and today I have learned enough to prove him wrong. Sure I'm nowhere near close to earning or making as much as I want but the truth is that although it has been a struggle and hard process I'm graceful to it because now I'm in a position I wasn't a year ago (and I hope to keep going).

    It will get really difficult when learning internet marketing, business,etc. the learning curve is overwhelmingly difficult. But the only thing I can say is that if you persevere and learn every day you will get closer and prove people wrong. Don't give up, people laugh at things they themselves can't do. Don't let them get the better of you
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  • Profile picture of the author lordspace

    Here are my suggestions.

    1) Find the book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
    Robert talks about the employee mentality ... people who look for a *safe*/stable job

    2) After you're done with the book watch the Secret (youtube video) to attract whatever you want in your life.

    3) Be super focused where you put your thoughts, energy etc.

    Good luck,

    Are you using WordPress? Have you tried qSandbox yet?

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