Anyone know how to RECEIVE AdVance/Leadimpact ads? I wanna spam myself :)

2 replies
Hey guys...

Most people do anything to avoid spam, popups, popunders and that kinda shit. But I want to do the opposite.

Next month, I'm gonna start with AdVance. So now, I want to prepare my ads. And to do that, I want to know what others marketeers are already doing. :rolleyes:

Does anyone know how to RECEIVE the ads that are being distributed by AdVance?

My focus lies on the popups that appear when someone clicks on a url in google search results. For example, when someone clicks on the first google result of the term weight loss, they see a popover instead of the original site (yes, this is legal )

I heard this happens to people with free screensavers and that kinda stuff installed.

Anyone :confused:
#ads #advance or leadimpact #receive #spam #wanna
  • Profile picture of the author zpoll92
    I guess you should download Adware softwares they actually contain a software which create these popups.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    Not sure about AdVance, but here are two you could download for Lead Impact:

    People download our software (e.g. GigglingGames, ClickPotato) to gain free, ad-supported access to a huge library of premium Web content. LeadImpact offers access to online games, videos, screensavers and software.
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