What should I put in my signature?

by 50 replies
I'm fairly new to the warrior forum and I want to start to make the most out of it, what would you suggest I put in my signature?

Thanks in advance!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #newbie #newbie advice #put #signature
  • Do you have a blog?

    Best thing to do is read the forum rules and as long as your not breaking them with the sig you decide to use, you're good to go
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Yes I have a blog and I've just found the rules and given them a read, so I'm going to add my blog link to my signature, would you suggest anything else?

    Thanks for your help.
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    • A short bio about yourself, a link to your blog, and you should mention what kind of internet marketing interest you have.

      Good luck!'
  • Not sure...depends what you're doing online I guess?
  • I'm in the making money online niche, you've been really helpful!
  • Hey can you guys see my signature? I saved it but I'm not sure it's showing up? Cause I don't see it. In fact so far I haven't seen any bodies signatures, I'm confused can anybody help?
  • Your websites or services you sell.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I had that problem too, on the Edit Options page you can check a box to view signatures, it's down near the bottom.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You can list the products and or services that you sell. Your signature file will help to drive traffic when you post here on the Warrior Forum because each time that you post your signature shows up along with the post if you have checked the checkbox towards the bottom of the page.

    Most people on here do have a signature file that shows along with their posts and that gives you the chance to visit their sites and to see what they're offering as well. The signature file is an excellent way to drive traffic to your sites and to your offers.
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  • Hey Kevin,

    Nice to see another Devonian on the forum! Your signature is an excellent way to drive free traffic to your offers. My advice is to structure it in such a way as to call the reader to action. Look at mine for example.

    Then in your settings when you have typed in your CTA, link that to your offer or squeeze page.

    If you click on mine you will see it links directly to one of my squeeze pages enabling me to build my list from WF traffic for free.

    So long as you post regularly on here, and give value to the community you will get good quality traffic. It does work.

    Make sure your offer pages also have Google Analytics loaded in, as you can then check your traffic sources.

    I work by the 80/20 rule......To begin with you will put in 80% of your time to generate 20% of your traffic, but once you then know WHERE most of your traffic comes from, you will find those figures starting to shift in the other direction.

    Hope that helps buddy, and let me know where abouts in Devon you are!

    Andy Benson
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thank you all for your help, I've added my blog link and I'm going to have a good think about what else I want to put in my sig.
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    • Hey you got it. The blog is great about warrior forum.
  • Kevin,

    I would also suggest that if you are going to go to the trouble of creating a blog, don't do it on a 3rd party site like blogger. Why let someone else own your blog?

    Better to buy your own domain and build your site there.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Anything you want people to see!
  • Definitely links to my free reports and offers. I'll even buy you a beer for every 100 posts you make...

    I'm just kidding...

    Link to any site of yours that you feel will appeal to fellow Warriors.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Always put your best foot forward first.

    What are your strengths?

    Could they be of use to anyone here at the forum?

    I bet ya $100 that your skills are more then likely to help someone learn
    something that could be really useful to them.

    Whether it be from life experience, I.M./MMO or anything else

    Just get yourself out there and learn, discover, pass it on etc etc.

    Welcome to the best forum on the planet my friend.

    Have a fantastic day!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • What exactly you are doing online ? Check if it denies with the forum rules..and if not , just have it as your sig
  • any services or your blog. there's so much we could learn from your story and current marketing strategies. i think more people should take advantage of forum signatures
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • ppl can rent your signature space for $ if you don't have anything to put there yet
  • Banned
    You can always change out the offers. It's a great way to test. Sometimes when I'm 'in between' salespages/offers, I just point it to one of my niche capture pages. So it helps grow a list. For example, that's what I'm doing now in my sig. Of course, this is going to change soon. But you get the idea.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    An excellent way to fully utilise the potential of your signature is to promote your products/services in your signature.
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    • Since the rules explicitly state that you can link to your own sites, renting sig space on WF is a good way to get a close-up look at the ban hammer...
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
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  • Link to your websites, or show us something else that will help define who you are, such as JohnMcCabe does in his signature.
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    • Great advice! I actually came across one of his posts earlier and his signature really stood out.
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  • Whatever you put there, make sure you use trackable links to measure its effectiveness.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Kevin, I can see your signature there, I would suggest to have a bit long description on why should someone visit the link in your signature..
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Something catchy. Experiment with different positioning and wording - track your stats.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Put the link to your website and other offers you have. If possible, try to place picture if it looks good, then it looks good.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • your web URL, affiliate link, youtube video, or just 'wise quote' ? but personally warrriors use it for promoting something, including me :p
  • You can put the same line in your signature that you have put above the opt-in form on your blog :-).
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    • How do you point or link your signature to your thread within the forum?
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  • Why not link to your Google+ or Facebook page where you can get a conversation going online with your readers and create a sense of community. These pages can often serve as an impromptu forum online for people that are interested in learning more about the products or services you have to offer. And, they provide a less threatening place to meet your potential buyer on common ground without them feeling pressured to buy. On those sites, especially Google+, you can talk about things of interest to your customers and get feedback on your direction. Including these links in any and every signature line is always a good idea, no matter what site you are on.
  • Why hijack an old thread to ask your question? Start a new one to be taken seriously.
  • I personally recommend putting a blog or your project in your signature.
  • i am working for a dev firm which is on the verge of launching their growth hacking suites,
    so can i put that websites link on my signature here? anything else can i put in ?
  • Another dead thread resurrected... Not sure why people do this.

    The website in the OP's signature isn't even active anymore, just saying.

    I'm still here, so...

    Signatures are a great way to get your content out there.

    Link to a helpful post on your blog, free training, anything value based. I don't recommend linking directly to a paid product, but I'm sure it works for some people. I prefer building a better relationship in the beginning by providing value.

    That's my 2 cents for this "zombie thread".
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  • Banned

    If you have a blog or any site you can use it in the field of your signature and you will reach the needs of your audience.
  • Your hottest WSO, and post alot. it'll bring in free traffic
  • Basically you signature pointing to an offer, service, etc, it's a must for generating free and targeted traffic.
  • Whatever you decide to put there as long as its your own website and not an affiliate link. Something that will benefit your audience.
  • You can look on my signature and others too.
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    • Perfect answer. Look at a few signatures of others to get ideas.
  • I have a problem for showing signature

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