The super most profitable niche...

101 replies
I just want to ask all of the expert marketers out there what would be the most profitable niche?

No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.

Hoping for all of your inputs. Thanks!
#niche #profitable #super
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    • Profile picture of the author IMBlest
      Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

      All Evergreen niches.

      Can you give examples of "Evergreen Niches"?

      Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author iwowwe4you
    Working hard does not always make niche profitable.
    However in fact, people with previous experience can work in mostly any niche and make it most profitable for them.
    When I was looking for the right new niches, because my old one was not longer suitable for me because of the personal circumstances I was not looking for the "most profitable" niche or easier work or faster income or any thing like that. I was looking for a options that is right for me. I can work in any niche and make it the most profitable for me even if I have to learn about product or niche it self first.
    However I know some people who been stuck with the same niche for ages, because when they tried something else it did not worked for them.
    The super most profitable niche is the one that works for you.
    It is like people sell "adult" stuff and many think this is the most profitable niche, but for me it is empty niche, because my believes does not let me to sell any thing like that. For them it is most profitable niche, for me it is niche that will never bring me even $1.
    So if you would ask what niche you work in and why, I guess people would be happy to share their thoughts and give you their reasons.
    However when you ask for the super most profitable niche... The answer is "non of them" and "all of them" at the same time.

    Happy to share 18 years experience in MLM/IM. Not doing any other work for over 7 years now. Accredited as a coach by 3 companies I worked with after completing a course of education and passing exams. HND in Business, Economics, Accounting, Market Research, Market Development, Management.
    Love to Learn - Love to Teach!

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  • Profile picture of the author nitesh
    Answer might be different for different users. For me, the most profitable niches are Online Money Making, Weightloss.

    Are you in need of Best Video Production Services? 2D and 3d Animation specializes in all types of Video Creation Services such as 2D and 3D Animated Explainer Videos, Typography Videos, Whiteboard Videos, and Instructional Videos.

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  • Profile picture of the author jeeskdenny
    Find Profitable niche..
    How to Find Perfect and Profitable Niche For your blog?

    refer this article . Then you should get how to find profitable niche for your blog. Insurance , technology, write about google products, famous websites like apple, google. In google adsense High cpc niche are above described.
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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      If you keep an open mind, you might be pleasantly surprised.

      I purchased a series of niche promotional packages from someone on the WF over a period of several years, and set up a bunch of them to promote various CB products.

      And one of them totally took off. It's one I would have never considered if it hadn't been one of this guy's packages. At least 10 times more than all the rest of them taken together.

      Some others that I had high hopes for never made a dime, on the other hand.

      Overall, though, it's a matter of picking a niche (with the usual qualifications, such as that it should contain people with money who buy stuff) that you enjoy being involved in through blogging, FB, etc.

      FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

      Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Selling aircraft is the most profitable niche. Anywhere from $200k to $65 million per sale.

    Ron Rule

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    • Profile picture of the author loydclayton
      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

      Selling aircraft is the most profitable niche. Anywhere from $200k to $65 million per sale.
      Yep, one sale and I can retire!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    - Penis Enlargement

    You'd make a killing in this niche even in a bad economy - even on EzineArticles. Try to make a backend business out of this niche and you can become profitable real quick.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      - Penis Enlargement

      You'd make a killing in this niche even in a bad economy - even on EzineArticles. Try to make a backend business out of this niche and you can become profitable real quick.
      You also have to be OK with the knowledge that you're scamming every single person who buys from you considering none of the garbage in that industry produces results at all.

      It might be a better idea to pick a niche where you provide REAL value for your customers.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      - Penis Enlargement

      You'd make a killing in this niche even in a bad economy - even on EzineArticles. Try to make a backend business out of this niche and you can become profitable real quick.
      As with most such stiffly competitive niches, the backend side of this niche is still wide open depending upon how well you can position yourself. Butt of course, best practices in marketing for maximizing profits within virtually any niche suggests it largely depends upon understanding your target and successful probing.
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    • Profile picture of the author altar22
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      - Penis Enlargement
      Try to make a backend business out of this niche and you can become profitable real quick.

      "A rear-end business in penis enlargement"
      Profitable but takes some getting used to...
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  • I agree, while working hard doesn't guarantee success, it does promote it, make it more possible. You have to put some work in no matter what niche you go into. Evergreen ones are good but also a bit saturated. Some people will say that there is no such thing as saturation. It's all confusing and I honestly don't know how I feel about it because everyone is telling me different things! But things like "losing weight" and "making money online" are popular. I wouldn't really recommend getting into those niches, esp to start out and esp. the IM niche but it's up to you. I think it's pretty obvious which things are popular. Romance, sex, weight loss, religion.... Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I think that Carlos Slim has shown that telecommunications and finances are potentially the most profitable niches. He is the wealthiest human being on Earth, it seems.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Most people who have found a really profitable niche isn't going to share that information on a public forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author Iqball
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Most people who have found a really profitable niche isn't going to share that information on a public forum.
      My thoughts exactly!
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggerDeen
    I would say pet niche is definitely one of the best niche. In USA alone it is billion dollar industry.
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    • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
      Originally Posted by BloggerDeen View Post

      I would say pet niche is definitely one of the best niche. In USA alone it is billion dollar industry.
      Pet niche is a very hot one.

      The Gurus Have Lied To You: Learn Internet Marketing For FREE. Don't Spend Another Penny Before You Read My FREE REPORT. Go here:

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  • Profile picture of the author BloggerDeen
    It really surprises me why people start beating around the bush instead of addressing the issue...the guy asked for a niche so tell him that....
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  • Profile picture of the author debra leroy
    If it is just for a reasearch, try diets, fitness or finance.
    It it is for finding your way, then it depends on various factors (your skills, your customers etc.)

    And you CAN NOT succeed without working hard!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      The most profitable niches/markets, overall, are the ones in which someone "starting work" is the least likely to become successful.

      Just like backing favorite after favorite at the race-track is the least likely route to overall profit: it's the one everyone else is also backing, and that reduces its probable/potential value to the individual.

      Are you more likely to make a living selling jeans or selling skating videos?

      It's one of the most important and most widely misunderstood questions in the whole of (internet) marketing.

      There's a discussion about it right here (the whole thread is very instructive, not only because it enlightens a few people like a lightbulb, but also - less fortunately - as a macabre illustration of how widespread are the misunderstandings about this issue, and how closely connected that is with the success-rates in internet marketing being very much on the low side):

      Originally Posted by 01123581321345589144 View Post

      I think it's pretty obvious which things are popular.
      It is - and those are all the ones to avoid, if you want to stack the deck in your favor rather than against yourself.

      Many people find this counterintuitive, because they instinctively look at "market size" and make the mistake of assuming that there's going to be a correlation between that and their chances of earning a living in the market. Well, not altogether a mistake, in one sense: there is actually a correlation, but what they don't quite appreciate is that it's a negative one, and there are reasons for that. Again, the horse-racing betting-market analogy applies.

      Backing favorites is, statistically, the least likely way to show an overall profit.

      Their returns are the worst overall value because they're the ones most people are backing.
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      • Profile picture of the author mekdroid
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        The most profitable niches/markets, overall, are the ones in which someone "starting work" is the least likely to become successful.

        Just like backing favorite after favorite at the race-track is the least likely route to overall profit: it's the one everyone else is also backing, and that reduces its probable/potential value to the individual.

        Are you more likely to make a living selling jeans or selling skating videos?

        It's one of the most important and most widely misunderstood questions in the whole of (internet) marketing.

        There's a discussion about it right here (the whole thread is very instructive, not only because it enlightens a few people like a lightbulb, but also - less fortunately - as a macabre illustration of how widespread are the misunderstandings about this issue, and how closely connected that is with the success-rates in internet marketing being very much on the low side):

        It is - and those are all the ones to avoid, if you want to stack the deck in your favor rather than against yourself.

        Many people find this counterintuitive, because they instinctively look at "market size" and make the mistake of assuming that there's going to be a correlation between that and their chances of earning a living in the market. Well, not altogether a mistake, in one sense: there is actually a correlation, but what they don't quite appreciate is that it's a negative one, and there are reasons for that. Again, the horse-racing betting-market analogy applies.

        Backing favorites is, statistically, the least likely way to show an overall profit.

        Their returns are the worst overall value because they're the ones most people are backing.
        Exactly my experience! The more crowded the niche, the worse the results. The more specialized, the better the results. Consistently!

        Basically, if you were to get a list of the most "popular" niches that is precisely all the stuff that you should avoid like the plage.

        The only thing I could add to Alexa's post is this: start with YOUR own skillset. If you pick a narrow niche in which you either have a fair amount of expertise (or are willing to invest the time and effort to understand it) the more likely that you will be able to create content that other people find valuable, and in the end that is what IM is all about.

        As for my own niches, they could be fairly described as being "An inch wide and a mile deep." The opposite strategy (a mile wide but an inch deep) covers practically every suggestion that I see in this thread, and are all very unlikely to work for you ...
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        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by mekdroid View Post

          Exactly my experience! The more crowded the niche, the worse the results. The more specialized, the better the results. Consistently!

          Basically, if you were to get a list of the most "popular" niches that is precisely all the stuff that you should avoid like the plage.

          The only thing I could add to Alexa's post is this: start with YOUR own skillset. If you pick a narrow niche in which you either have a fair amount of expertise (or are willing to invest the time and effort to understand it) the more likely that you will be able to create content that other people find valuable, and in the end that is what IM is all about.

          As for my own niches, they could be fairly described as being "An inch wide and a mile deep." The opposite strategy (a mile wide but an inch deep) covers practically every suggestion that I see in this thread, and are all very unlikely to work for you ...
          Agree, the most profitable niches, have too much competition, go after something unique.

          Unless you've a huge budget to pour into paid advertising, or are an SEO ninja, your best bet is to find the hidden gems, which is like panning for gold.

          They're out there, and I'm sure no one is going to give up their prized niches on here.

          Would you?
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by mekdroid View Post

          The opposite strategy (a mile wide but an inch deep) covers practically every suggestion that I see in this thread, and are all very unlikely to work for you ...
          Indeed - exactly so.

          Call me churlish, but I can hardly believe some/most of the advice offered in this thread - presumably by perfectly well-intentioned people who have been more or less "brought up to believe it" and/or are simply repeating what they've seen countless others saying, without appreciating quite how misguided it is and that its original source was the "Urban Myth School of Deficient Logic (Internet Marketing Faculty)".

          Fortunately, though, the OP asked his question 6 months ago, now, and presumably isn't still reading it.
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          • Profile picture of the author mekdroid
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            Indeed - exactly so.

            Call me churlish, but I can hardly believe some/most of the advice offered in this thread - presumably by perfectly well-intentioned people who have been more or less "brought up to believe it" and/or are simply repeating what they've seen countless others saying, without appreciating quite how misguided it is and that its original source was the "Urban Myth School of Deficient Logic (Internet Marketing Faculty)".

            Fortunately, though, the OP asked his question 6 months ago, now, and presumably isn't still reading it.
            LOL!!!! Yes,

            I am still fascinated by the number of people that come into IM armed with degrees from that "Urban Myth School of Deficient Logic (Internet Marketing Faculty)" :confused:

            But I think that the reality of the business comes in pretty quickly and hands them their richly deserved F's ...
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  • Profile picture of the author xredburn
    The most profitable niches are all the ever green topics. You don't want to work on a big site or blog just to be obsolete a few months or years from now. Maybe even a few hours if you write about news.

    Think about topics that will be needed 100 years from now, such as personal development, studying tips, weight loss and similar ones.

    Hope this helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by xredburn View Post

      The most profitable niches are all the ever green topics. You don't want to work on a big site or blog just to be obsolete a few months or years from now. Maybe even a few hours if you write about news.

      Think about topics that will be needed 100 years from now, such as personal development, studying tips, weight loss and similar ones.

      Hope this helps!
      yes, the constants that do not really change.

      Health, wellness, DIETING ("I gotta lose some weight") releationships, getting pregnant, even quit smoking, these have been good to us over the years.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Eben Pagan, the $20 Million marketer, says the Big 3 markets for information products, in his experience, are:
        • Health and Fitness
        • Dating and Relationships (including parenting)
        • Business and Money
        He also gives insight into the ten sub-niches in each of these categories that he feels are evergreen and ripe for making money with info products.

        If you care to explore, here is the link to the Niche Intelligence Report. It's free and very much worth the read as he discusses why he feels each niche is a huge opportunity.

        The best to you in selecting a niche,


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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        • Profile picture of the author fatafat
          If you read carefully there are some valuable suggestions on this forum...
          If you need the forum threads posted historically
          >> Niche Selection Roadblock
          Or google
          >> How to Find a Profitable Niche Affiliate Marketing | Make Millions Blogging
          >> How to Choose a Profitable Niche | Copyblogger

          With niche the key is to associate YOUR LIKINGs with the TOPIC...if you don't like animals there is no point entering an animal farming niche...

          Hope this helps
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          • Profile picture of the author AdAstra
            IMO, the most profitable niche is that kind of niche you are personally interested in. Your hobby is the best.
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            • Profile picture of the author helen jones
              Originally Posted by AdAstra View Post

              IMO, the most profitable niche is that kind of niche you are personally interested in. Your hobby is the best.
              Yes, and the good thing is that on long term it will jkeep your interest alive, as opposed to something that you have to do only for the money.
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            • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
              Originally Posted by AdAstra View Post

              IMO, the most profitable niche is that kind of niche you are personally interested in. Your hobby is the best.
              This is among the worst advice regularly given out on this forum. I'll quote MJ Demarco who explains why eloquently(language slightly censored for this forum):

              "A close second to these atrocious "how to become a millionaire" articles is the equally atrocious guru advice of "do what you love", "follow your passion" and other narcissistic self-loving platitudes.

              Ahh, yes another Brawny moment for my coffee.

              So let me get this straight: you love knitting? Or playing video games all day? Or underwater basket weaving? And you expect someone to pay you for that bull-sh*t?

              Well... guess what?!

              No none gives a f*ck!

              Honey badger don't care!

              Your personal motives and "loves" to starting a business are absolutely irrelevant to the marketplace. Doing so is a predictor of failure.

              I can spot self-centered "do what you love" entrepreneurs a mile away; their businesses drown in entrenched marketplaces, often solving no genuine needs or problems, rotting into a "sell your soul for the best price" existence -- call it for what it is -- a selfish entity conceived from a selfish mindset.

              Seriously, do you think anyone gives a f*ck about your love for video games if it isn't solving my problem spectacularly?

              So, do you know what the markets REALLY care about?

              Solutions! Value! Convenience! Satisfaction! Mindless entertainment! Feeling good! Looking good! Making money! Saving money! Problem avoidance! The list is endless!

              And yes, these market demands exist in a vacuum, exclusive of anything "you love" -- that's right -- the market is an abso-f*cking-lutely selfish place, chewing up and spitting out "do what you love" businesses for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The market dines at the buffet of failure, a bountiful harvest served up from entrepreneurs who just don't get it -- the market is not your b*tch! You're his!

              If you want to succeed in the cut-throat market, be led by any of the aforementioned market points -- your solution needs to be your destination.
              For example, if you confirm a need in the publishing business your actions should be LED by that specific need.

              What do you need to do to solve the problem?
              What do you need to learn? Research?
              What are the first steps?

              Let the solved problem guide you. After you put your solution to market, what does the market echo back to you? Assess. Adjust. Act. Rinse. Repeat.

              As for this entire process, it should be fueled by your internal passion for freedom, autonomy, achievement, or whatever else motivates you -- the manner of the work is a by-product of those passions.

              As Marc Cuban says, to hell with follow your passion -- follow your effort.

              Of course, WTF does Marc Cuban know -- he's a billionaire and your broke-blogger-buddy (the one who says "do what you love") rakes in $353/mo arbitraging Adsense, yea, keep listening to him.

              In other words, what does the market WANT AND WILL PAY FOR? Why on earth should the market give a f*ck-face like you money? What value are you bringing to the world? If I'm suffering from cancer and you have the cure, I don't give a sh*t about your personal ambitions or that you're a f*ck face -- here, take my damn money! Give me the cure!

              So before you jump off a cliff and create a business, STOP AND THINK -- are you getting in business to become a producer and a problem solver? Or a selfish "do what you lover" who doesn't give a sh*t about anything but himself?

              Quit doing what you love and start doing what the market wants done. Give the market what IT wants and I guarantee you this-- you will get what YOU want."
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    Picking a niche is a big-picture question. It seems logical to ask "what's the most profitable niche?", but I think it's the wrong question to ask.

    There is no ONE specific category business that is THE most profitable. (Thank goodness!) Thinking there is one and choosing something solely on the basis on potential income/profits is a recipe for disaster.

    To get started, first ask "What are the most common, universal desires?" A few are:

    1. To make more money.
    2. To save money.
    3. To be physically attractive (both to society at large and to the opposite sex).
    4. To be healthy (AND physically attractive)


    Examples of businesses catering to these desires are 1) health and fitness products and services, 2) dating services, 3) B2B marketing consulting or "how to make money" info for John Q. Public.

    But then you need to drill down further and choose a sub-niche in that niche. In other words, don't just go off and start a general dating site for example. You'll fail. Niche it down to a more specific category: dating after divorce, for example. Or dating for single parents. Etc.

    If you decided to start a fitness business, don't just start a general fitness business. What about fitness for women? Or fitness for the time-strapped busy professional?

    There are DOZENS and DOZENS of profitable businesses serving evergreen needs/desires like these. And they are ALL profitable BECAUSE they serve evergreen needs/desires in a specific way.

    The "magic" is in matching YOUR skills and interests with a business catering to something serving one of these timeless, universal needs/desires. In the beginning, I know it's super difficult when you're trying to choose a niche and specific business. You can't dive deep and apply any specific marketing training UNTIL you've done this groundwork.

    What kind of business do you want? Do you like working with people in person or would you prefer a more virtual business? Do you have a special interest?

    For example, let's say you have a special passion for health and fitness and like people. You could become a personal trainer. Or you could open a fitness center.

    Or if you really don't want to work with people on a daily basis, you could sell health and fitness information products online and have a more virtual business.

    Or you could do a middle-of-the-road option: sell health and fitness information products online and take a few health coaching clients here and there.

    There are TONS of mix-and-match options. Which niche and market appeals to you? What types of businesses in that particular niche do you really like and admire? How can you do the same or something similar?

    Everyone comes to their choice of niche differently and it's rarely a straight line. But to be successful, you MUST match a solid business idea (one serving universal desires/needs) with your skills and interests.

    Hope that helps!

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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    • Profile picture of the author StingGB
      The most profitable niche for you WILL be the one you naturally know most about, or are closest to.

      List all known niches and ask yourself this: Which one am I the most knowledgeable about before I even start? For example...

      Don't get into weight loss if you are a 20 stone slob.
      Don't get into how to build 6-pack abs if you are an 8 stone weakling.
      And if you are going to teach people serious wealth-building, you better be able to show you've got some as evidence of credibility.

      I'm in a niche in which I can prove, categorically, to all prospects, I'm a world leader. Without this, I simply wouldn't have a business.

      You can make a bit of money in the short-term in any niche no matter who you are, but to make a good long-term living you will have to come out and as it were 'show yourself'.

      With social media now the truth will always out on the internet, and those with better credentials will always be the one's who take the lions share.

      The most profitable niche for you will be the one you could potentially lead in from day one.

      I see this question on WF time and time again, and frankly, I think my answer is the only one.
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    • Profile picture of the author alfred1982
      Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

      To get started, first ask "What are the most common, universal desires?" A few are:

      1. To make more money.
      2. To save money.
      3. To be physically attractive (both to society at large and to the opposite sex).
      4. To be healthy (AND physically attractive)


      Examples of businesses catering to these desires are 1) health and fitness products and services, 2) dating services, 3) B2B marketing consulting or "how to make money" info for John Q. Public.
      Totally agree. I think those involving self-improvement, skills are quite attractive niches too.

      I personally feel that it is important to be interested in the niche area that you are promoting. If you are not keen, the interest to promote it will gradually die off and it will not become profitable to you even though it may be a highly profitable niche in the market.

      For your solo advertising needs, click here.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    i agree with randall.

    wee wee enlargement has now gone from our 5th most profitable niche to in 2013 our second most profitable business.

    Maybe they keep playing the SEINFELD show "I WAS IN THE POOL" show repeatedly, starting GEORGY BOY KASTANZA! LOL

    Our other good niches are : Heath and wellness. I read a fact that baby boomers are now getting older, and retiring and also getting sicker, but have the money to spend to get better. Can anyone say KA-CHINY!!! $$$
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  • Profile picture of the author Lateef Olajide
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    I just want to ask all of the expert marketers out there what would be the most profitable niche?

    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.

    Hoping for all of your inputs. Thanks!
    Most often you are the niche yourself. And that's even the best of the niches. Your skills, your experience, your problems, your connections - just you.

    Why is it the best?

    You will be able to relate very well.

    I know a warrior that is a gardener in real life. He has a website on it. He has several products on different plants & herbs you can grow. Sincerely he is doing well.

    Another warrior is very passionate about herbs and oils. His website is awesome. And the fellow don't even write content but only curate content of other people. And that's how he is even getting websites.

    I know a lady who started a project on potty training because of her experience in real life. She is doing well too. You can google potty in 3 days.

    I know another lady that broke up with her fiance. After my discussion with her she started a project on helping other people dealing with breakup.

    Most profitable niches for several decades have always been sex, money, relationship, health, hobbies of any kind.

    But start with your skills, experience, problems and connections. I bet you've got a lot of that. Because we all do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    I just want to ask all of the expert marketers out there what would be the most profitable niche?

    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.

    Hoping for all of your inputs. Thanks!
    Some of the key ingredients to being successful in a niche are that you have an interest in it and that you know a little something about it, so that you're able to more easily able to connect to your audience. These things are different for everyone. I personally had to try 4 or 5 niches before I found one that I liked when I first got into this.

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  • Profile picture of the author greendolph
    ...go green, greening, golf products or items, music, hip hop music, health and medical, flower arrangement cours, opening your boutique..there s a lot ...the fact is to find the niche where YOU feel the most comfortable with to be able to explain it well and precisely. good luck in your research
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  • Profile picture of the author greendolph
    ...yes " self improvement" is a really good niche those days...
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  • Profile picture of the author ibesmanicanbe
    Relationships, you will be surprised how desperate people will get when the really want someone, and the amount of money they will pay for a life changing experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
    I agree. As far as the most profitable, I would probably say dating and relationships. It deals with one the most powerful desires people experience.
    Need Music For Your Videos, Podcasts, Sites, etc? Get It Now On My YouTube Channel!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gordon Mak
    Most of the niches suggested are pretty profitable; relationship, making money plus health (usually weight loss) are the most popular which have all been mentioned already. Also, it's matter of personal preference and whether you believe in the niche - it will have a factor on how much you promote it (whatever pdt that may be). :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Well, after reading most of the posts in this thread. You and all other newbies looking at it should be totally confused as to which way to turn now.

      Pick one yourself and get to work


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author january14n
    For me, the one that is most profitable is the one that works for you. It does not matter what niche you are into as long as you could create sales from it.
    No Clicking Here - I Repeat No Clicking Here
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  • Profile picture of the author muffty
    The piece of advice I was given:-

    Magic Button Niches

    Money >>> Make or Save

    Health >>> Fitness, Aging, Diets, Beauty etc.

    Relationships >>> Dating - Divorce, and all in between!!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
    Search Google Analytics and type in keywords/keyword phrases, to see what's getting hits, and then balance it out with whether it gets low, medium, or high competition. You want a niche with a high amount of searches on Google, with lower competition. Although, having said that, a niche with very low competition might not be profitable, so proceed with caution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ali M
    Id say religon...
    however, profitable and easy would be 'home business' or 'make money online'.....
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Research who you are, what you want to do first. What niche is the best fit for you? I spent days and days once just taking every personality profile test I could find on the internet to help me find what job best fit for me. Then I had to take hundreds of pages of results and narrow it down to something actually workable. Then the most important part – figuring out something I could market that people would actually pay for. That’s the most “profitable” niche for you – one that you can go back to work on day after day after day. Then if you can align with what’s hot right now, I think is what you’re looking for. Do some serious research on who you are and what you are about first. There’s so much you can learn for free.

    Art, science, real estate, entertainment (err, I meant Oprah), politics, big business, Wall Street are some specific examples of where the big money is but if it doesn’t match you then you will probably just end up frustrated instead of rich.

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    I just want to ask all of the expert marketers out there what would be the most profitable niche?

    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.

    Hoping for all of your inputs. Thanks!

    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.
    Most profitable niche on the planet is the drug niche, whether you have a license to sell it like the pharmaceutical companies, or sell it on some street corner. Now, how much money you make in this niche will depend on how "you work hard on it"
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Just noticed you wanted an exact answer. Well here it is...

    Niche: OIL

    Want an exact company also?

    Exxon Mobil

    Can't get more exact then that.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author Snurekop
    There are 3 niches on the top of my head that have and will always be profitable:

    Gaming - especially this one!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    It sounds like you need guidance on how to pick a niche. If you PM me, I will give you the URL to my blog which has a wealth of info on how to pick a profitable niche - step by step.
    Geri Richmond
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  • Profile picture of the author tooAlive
    What difference does it make?

    Just because some people generate hundreds of millions in some niches doesn't mean you'll automatically be able to do the same.

    It also doesn't mean that generating income in that particular niche will be any easier than in one making a few millions less.

    And remember, some of the biggest niches today like online dating didn't exist a few years ago. So there could be huge niches nobody has even thought of yet. Don't limit yourself to what is already out there.
    <img src="$2,387.44-clickbank-check.jpg">

    "Action is the real measure of intelligence." - Napoleon Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author infoway
    Relationship can be a profitable niche with all the associated subcategories of relationship.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
    I've tried almost all niche out there. And so far, what I've considered to be the best profitable niche is IM/MMO. I believe this will be an unending niche since people will be interested on how to make money online. And aside from that, the niche is very broad enough making this niche perfect for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanLima
      There are so......many profitable niches out there.. they are endless!

      Instead of asking for everyones profitable niche I recommend learning how to find them yourself. When you can do this you can literally write your own paychecks!

      Once you have a niche its all about the traffic baby - Believe me on that one!

      Send enough traffic to a site where there is a way to generate a commission YOU WILL make money

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    • Profile picture of the author copybum
      That's a loaded question.

      The answer depends on so many variables. But here's one take on it:
      If you do your research you'll find that, for instance, the most profitable
      niche in Clickbank is (I believe) Health/Fitness. Which also includes weight
      loss. That is a HUGE market. Everygreen. Nobody's skinny enough. But
      full of legal and other pitfalls.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Weight loss/fitness, sex and finance/business are all very profitable. I don't know which one is the most profitable though.
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  • Profile picture of the author halfbakedrew
    The most profitable niche is........"most profitable niche" lol

    1) Do you write the articles yourself?
    2) is this for short term or long term?
    3) looking to sell leads or ppc or what?
    4) What have you done before
    5) Blackhat or whitehat?
    6) do you have a bankroll to work with?

    pm me with the answers and I will help ya out.

    Alot of poeple say they cant start they're business because of the lack of money so I have started a company that works with you to get started on your online business
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  • Profile picture of the author DonDiego
    Maybe this helps...

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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    yeah the 3 big ones, diet and exercise (weight loss, muscle building etc), dating, make money online

    now within each one of those big niches, are a bunch of little, more specific niches that will all bring in a ton of cash because hey all have one very similar element.

    And that is, they all solve problems.

    How to lose weight, how to get a girl, how to make money, are all problems that a ton of people have and want to know how to solve.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author doriono
    Life Insurance, Medical, Debt Management, Logbook Loans, Secured & Unsecured Loans are my hot favorite niches. Try it and you will surely make lots of money from it! Let me know if I can help you with anything!
    Top Paid CPA Network:

    Knowledge, perceverance and hard work are the main ingrediants to reach your goal. I can help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author aronprins
    Hey All!

    My best advice: pick something you are interested in yourself. E.g. I'm a magician for over 17 years now, so if I was just starting out with IM i'd pick that as my niche.

    I could write pdf's explaining tricks for a certain fee as my products.
    This way, you won't be discouraged to work on your site and/or product which will help your productivity and eventually boost sales!

    Hope this helps in picking your niche!
    Aron Prins
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  • Profile picture of the author BradCarroll
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Any niche where people want quick easy answers without having to do much themselves. Everyone who is looking for an easy answer is a consumer, at least in the niches in which they're seeking easy answers.

    So really until you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter. You're still a consumer (or freebie seeker) looking for an easy answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    I do lead generation, have offers that pay £33 per lead and have 50-60 leads per day.
    Any questions just let me know.
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author Delario
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    I just want to ask all of the expert marketers out there what would be the most profitable niche?

    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.

    Hoping for all of your inputs. Thanks!
    S E X and all niches related to it!
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin

    Where REAL people spend REAL MONEY to buy FAKE MONEY and FAKE WEAPONS and are addicted to it all day, everyday!
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    . . . what would be the most profitable niche?

    The Male RN,

    Would you really base your business on the opinions of strangers, many of whom have never been profitable in any niche?

    It's like asking, "What's your favorite food?"

    The answers are going to be all over the place depending upon the personal tastes and experience of the respondent.

    Many people who are successful in a particular niche got to that point by virtue of their personal passion, or education, or training, or some special skill or talent they possess. Their success may never be duplicated by you or anyone else that doesn't possess what they have.

    Some are profitable in a niche because they found just the right product to sell to the right audience at the right time. Does that mean you're going to be able to duplicate what they have done? Of course not.

    Rather than chase after the success that others have found, a much better approach is to assess your own abilities and experiences and match those to a niche that you create - a position and a space in a specific market that will pay you for what you can deliver of value to hungry prospects.

    Good luck,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Making money niche is always very hot because people need money. So this niche is goldmine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    To be honest, Dating, Health & Fitness, and Forex are the damn ever green niches
    but doesn't mean that other niche are going to loose their value.
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  • Profile picture of the author Make Money Ninja
    The best possible niche will be the one that suits your personal talents. For example, i used to be a professional poker player, this made starting a poker affiliate site a very smart idea, this was due to my passion, interests and expert level of knowledge.

    That said, there are certain niches with stiff competition and huge barriers to entry. As such a veteran is more likely to be successful in them, whereas a newbie is likely to fail due to the sheer competition and the fact that other people out there are better than them and they cant compete.

    You then have to obviously consider the market demand for what you are offering. The ideal solution would be to do something which enables you to offer the most value to the marketplace for stuff there is a demand for. This is a cross section of what you like and are good at and what people are willing to pay for.

    You can't have a one size all fits answer, every person has different levels of knowledge and different personal strengths.

    You do however need to do something you are interested in or at least passionate about to some level. I have found when creating sites for niches i am not passionate about, less TLC and effort goes in to my sites, my content is not as good and i give up easier when i experience resistance.

    However, when i create sites in niches that i have a deep level of interest and curiosity about, i am more resilient, my content is better and my sites are just all round better. I create more value, which people are more willing to pay for.

    I think Steve Jobs had a quote about doing something you love because being successful is hard and any sane person would give up unless they truly loved it. This is true.

    That said, there does however need to be sufficient demand from the marketplace for goods and services in the niche you decide. Its hard to get rich in the sweater knitting niche because there arent as many profit opportunities. So you do have to use your common sense.

    Whatever you do, don't take the niche topic decision lightly, its one of the most important decisions of your life if you are doing this as a full time gig like me.

    The Ultimate Guide To Link Building

    Get More Links - Generate More Traffic - Make More Money!
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    The niche that is the most profitable is the one that has little competition but yet is in hight demand and you are all alone going after it ..

    See most newbies that ask questions like that got it all wrong ...

    You have to start to worry about the competition in a niche !
    Competition is everything ...
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The food niche ain't going away any time soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tatianna
    As mentioned before the three markets are `health, Wealth and Lifestlye. Look in the magazine stalls to help you find ideas for a profitable niche.

    you could also use Keywords, Googles SEO to find out how many people are searching for the specific niche that you are interested in. you want at least 100 people per day or 3000 per month to make it worth it.. anything under that is not worth it.

    Don't forget to find ways in building a list. Without this no sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMDESTROYER
    You can always go the CPA route with the penis enlargement idea, go to traffic junky, sign up and advertise high converting penis enlargement products....I haven't tried this yet, but i read allot of books that state it works.

    Search online for CPA penis enlargement case studies
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  • Profile picture of the author ViralMediaBoost
    I wouldn't make one myself but Gambling websites are very profitable if done right but i'm not for that so as i said its not my taste something i would make would be a sports website like a blog or something with ads that is a great money maker if you write well and produce a user friendly blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author mannagr1
    The health & weight loss niche is one of THE niches with the highest sales, but it's also one of the most competitive!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Luck
    The Super Most Profitable Niche is...

    The one that you have the most passion for, that keeps you awake at night because you can't stop thinking about it and how you can help change the lives of people in that niche.

    When you make that discovery, don't get distracted by bouncing around in other niches, trying to chase the money.

    Focus on your passion and the money will come.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    Internet Marketing. Lots of people think it's oversaturated, however, that is like free traffic. IM is what people are looking for, so make your product different than the rest and promote like a crazy person. I'd say weight loss would be up there too because people have desperation in that niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author kbclickbank

    I believe that it doesn't matter which niche you are in - you can make nearly anything sell depending on the amount of advertising you put in.
    Just research as your own with following these tips:

    • Identify Your Audience
    • Gain Information Your Niche Market Keywords.
    • Analyze the Competition
    • Research Industry Trends
    • Decide if You Want to Enter the Niche Market

    Hope these are helpful for you. Have a charming day
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Humphries
    Dogs is a huge niche, very profitable. Dog owners consider their dog a member of their family so they will spend a lot of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    This cannot be generalized, IMO.

    A good niche is where there is a demand (whether this is a main-stream niche like weight-loss or a very specialized niche obscure doesn't really matter) - and where YOU can satisfy this demand with your service or product.

    The other factor is competition and how easy it would be to establish yourself in a niche.

    You may make more profit in an obscure niche providing something helpful to very few people as opposed to, say weight-loss competing with zillions of others.
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author BzziBill
    High Tech is really tools for Internet Marketing are great ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    be first, be the leader.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadhil Arif
    Try chiropractor and corporate attorney niche. These jobs have been paid more than any other jobs these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheMarketingLord
    Top 3 niches since... Always:
    Health/Medical stuff
    Real estate.


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  • Profile picture of the author editeur
    The most profitable for good affiliate are RX drugs, payday loans and credits.
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  • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
    Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it

    1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author Katherine Henders
    Weight loss product and nutrition supplements are profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freeyourtime
    Hi, I would go for weight loss. I think online money would be good to but since we can´t help us selves eating us to death i would say Feel Good and Weight loss. You can work online and offline at the same time. Most Online Money Scams, you can only do as said, online....
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  • Profile picture of the author CK Tan
    Weight Loss is a good niche but it is seasonal. Most weight loss programs will have a high demand after the Christmas and New Year season after all the feasting and merry making.
    How to Play the Guitar has the highest number of google searches.

    Someone mentioned PENIS ENLARGEMENT in an earlier thread. I laughed, but when I went to evaluate, the strength and passion scores for it is quite high. Hmm....
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  • Profile picture of the author drr
    There are a few "power niches" about. Right now, perhaps the standout one is forex trading. You're looking at a $4 trillion a day niche with brokers who will throw money at affiliates who bring home FTDs. Not uncommon to get $100 to $200 on CPA but the wise affiliates will become introducing brokers and get paid recurring income every time their referrals trade.

    Makes most other niches look like pigmy's imho
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  • Profile picture of the author samkadya
    It ought to be the weight loss niche without doubt.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoSunny
    Payday loans niche is good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by TheMaleRN View Post

    I just want to ask all of the expert marketers out there what would be the most profitable niche?

    No offense, but please don't give me "Any niche is profitable as long as you work hard on it".

    Sorry but I need answers because I'm doing a research right now.

    Hoping for all of your inputs. Thanks!
    What kind of question is this, and who do you think you are expecting us to just tell you what the most profitable verticals are!?
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    look at he worlds biggest companies.

    oil, commodities, finance, tech.

    Don't be bone idle

    Many I.Mer's think $1m is all the money in the world...LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Weight loss/fitness, sex and are all very profitable. I don't know which one is the most profitable though.
    iv'e neer seen any of these in billions $$$ revenues...

    Compaies like Mobil/Shell/Glencore etc make FB look like a seriel W.S.O. seller
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