What's the best product for an affiliate marketer newbie?

by Sayed
28 replies
What was the best product that when u followed its methods , u made a good income without any need for anything else?
#affiliate #marketer #newbie #product
  • Profile picture of the author Trixxie12
    It's not that easy
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  • Profile picture of the author adam123
    There is no best product. You have to realize what is the best for you.
    If you can write 10 quality articles per day => you got the best method etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author ken_p
      Originally Posted by adam123 View Post

      There is no best product. You have to realize what is the best for you.
      If you can write 10 quality articles per day => you got the best method etc.
      hi there,
      I am just curious, as what do you consider quality articles? I write a lot, but I am not sure if i am producing quality in every article(travel articles). Need some insight on this.
      hates the rain
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy1750
    If your just starting out Amy Bass' the Niche Blogger is a pretty good start. Hard work but you'll make sales. Won't make much at the start though but it just keeps increasing as your blog network expands.


    Not trying to sell you anything :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author wealthydon
    Your best product is the experience you get from your willingness to learn and fail forward.

    Learn and earn.
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  • Profile picture of the author charlie9751
    The best affilliate programme I've seen is from Mack Michaels. The percentages are excellent & continuous, but more importantly the support is amazing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Suzanne Morgan
    I have just started out as an affiliate marketer. I just have to say from my experience that it is not about looking for a high gravity product, creating a website and then waiting for the money to roll in. There are so many methods that you can follow but who knows what is the best. My method has been to find an affiliate product, find the best five keywords and create five squidoo lenses using these keywords. Then I have written articles to various articles sites linking to my squidoo lens and website. My ranking by this method is high, but as yet I have not sold anything. You have to keep on working at it, writing articles and creating links and hopefully you will start seeing results. Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sayed
    Thank u all for the answers
    so, again the golden rule is to try and learn
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  • Profile picture of the author jaykay21089
    Keep on learning for the moment, mate. Don't give up. Don't spend too much time on forums like this one =p and actually start something. A Lens, a Hub an Ezinearticle... anything! Start free or cheap.


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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    I think the best for you is the one you like best.

    What is it that you want most. This will enable you to market with passion.

    Look for a product that you know you can market with heart.

    my .02
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielFonda
    Some e-book for website promotions. Very cheap and very straight forward. I have seen a quite nice imporvement by following it's instruction.
    http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-...ml#post1157486 - Backlink building, article writing services (cheap)
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  • Profile picture of the author Lindsay Brynn
    Like others have said it will really depend on what you are comfortable with. People start in all different places. I decided to start in a popular niche (weight loss) even though there was a lot of competition. I figured there were a lot of sales there too. I stayed in the niche for a few months and did make many sales but I decided I didn't like the niche so much because the products I was promoting were not the best and I think the good products in the niche don't provide great affiliate percentages. Just my opinion, so I switched to a few other niches.
    Lin Writes - Quality E-Book & Article Ghostwriting Service.

    $7 WSO: PLR Rights to 100+ Wordpress Themes!
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    • Profile picture of the author davez
      When you find your niche and your marketing method..Start a list ASAP.

      The money is in the list...and it's been that way for a long time.

      Good Luck and if you decide to try PPC down the road..

      PPC Kahuna is the best choice of all the courses out there.

      Here's to Success Good Luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author mailco
    blackhatcode dot com
    I bought this from this forum from Imran Naseem
    You can get it at a special price at the moment, really GREAT starting point.
    Cheers and good luck.

    Australia's biggest biz opp seekers list...

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  • Profile picture of the author ExceedStandard
    Try PaperClickUnmasked...... It is working miracles for some people..

    For A Limited Time Only - Download Hundreds Of Brand New PLR and Resell Rights Products 100% FREE..
    Hurry Up And Get to PLR Products before it's too late!

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    • Profile picture of the author Nahar
      I would recommend taking an inexpensive training course from someone with good reputation. I am currently taking one from Justin Michie. I have hard time keeping up with it etc. (I have full time job, family and other commitments) but I can't even tell you how valuable the training has been so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashmon
    Look for gems in this forum, there's tons of free info and you just have to piece it all together.
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  • Profile picture of the author astaga
    There's a saying that goes "Do what you love and the $$$ will follow".
    This approach will help you thru half the battle.....

    Find an area or category you are passionate in and excited about.
    Then find supporting affiliate programs in this niche.
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmorgan
      I recommend AffiloBlueprint as a good program to follow - you won't need anything else.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pat Ordenes
    I second the AffiloBlueprint recommendation.
    It was my introduction to this whole jazz and its at a nice steady pace...
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  • Profile picture of the author Acmeous
    This doesn't go like that. There is nothing like a best product, then everyone would have gone for that only. It depends on the Marketer to show it as the best product.
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    • Profile picture of the author affilcrazy
      The Golden Rule is to do or follow whatever suits you, your personality and talents best. I have seen countless threads, where people are trying to find out what others do, without discovering their own talents first.

      There are people who say article marketing is a great way to generate traffic, make lots of affiliate sales and sell PLR packs. This is great, but absolutely no use to someone who either can't write or hates writing and has no money to outsource.

      Craiglist, Ebay - people stick affiliate links in here and make a ton of sales.

      Social Networking - depending on what niche you're in, you can make plenty of affiliate sales this way.

      Forum posting - again dependent on your niche, this can prove to be very successful

      PPC great...No good, if you don't understand keywords and what makes people buy.

      So you first need to put some ideas together for yourself and then re-explore what avenue to go down. By asking what's the best product others have started with, doesn't mean that product is suited to you.

      There are now whole products and e-books dedicated to each of the above forms of traffic generation. First find what suits you, your personality and talents and then give it your all.

      If you're not successful with one method, that doesn't mean that method doesn't work. It just means it didn't work for you. So time to either educate yourself further on that method, until you really "get it" or move on to the next thing. However, saying that, one common mistake that most noobs make (including me when i first started) is jumping from one thing to the next in the hope of making money, without ever actually putting my all into it.

      To be honest, what finally worked for me was just putting up a blogger blog, finding a clickbank product in a non IM niche, i knew a little about. Writing a review and then submitting to Ezine Articles non-stop. I think i managed to write something like 76 articles in 2 weeks and over the next 6 weeks that produced approx 40 sales of a $15 commission product. So i only made $600 in my first 6 weeks of working properly, but that told me it worked! So then it was time to enhance my education, improve my article writing, try another method alongside this, etc.

      My suggestion is to stop chasing after products, find what you enjoy and are good at first. Then if you need to educate yourself further, ask for suggestions on the best form of further education within your chosen field.

      "There is no fixed teaching. All I can provide is an appropriate medicine for a particular ailment" - Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do (on Zen)
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  • Profile picture of the author rcraig12
    I am about six months into my internet marketing experience. If I could give any help it would be to get you to focus on generating traffic.

    I have a couple of sites that I am using for traffic. Drop me a PM if you want more info.

    You see what most folks do is. Sit on forums like these and just soak up information. Not a bad thing at all as I have personally benifited from some of the advice. However you will get stuck here and wonder in a couple of months why you are not making money.

    Go and make use of FREE sites. The hill is steeper but then you are not paying for your mistakes with hard cash. Save the purchasing until you have a better understand of whats going on.

    I wish you every success
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    • Profile picture of the author mitch123
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      • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
        Focusing on the smaller niches works for me.

        Smaller niches = a more focused target audience.

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