How Passive Income kept me affloat while I was in the Hospital.
While in the hospital I was in no condition to make an income by any means.
Most of my income comes from web design and development and active marketing.
As I handle most of the bills at home and nearly pay everything online, my family and I were a bit concerned.
What pulled us through was what I call static lines of income. This can be viewed as passive income. It is all just coming from a point of view. The way I build my passive income is like a stop light.
Green - Static Banner/Text Links, Sniper sites. Very little maintenance.
Amber - Such things as Classifieds that have limited life.
Red - This is active marketing. Anything from Email Marketing, Content Posting in Social Media sites, etc. This area takes up the most time.
My Students Generated US$455,444.11 In Online Commission From CPA MArketing In October 2013!
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