Does anyone automate their blog posts? Does it work?

18 replies
I was curious about the plugins that automate posts on wordpress blogs and if anyone uses anything like that and if they actually get traffic and rankings? I have seen sites forsale in different places that have blogs that have content posted automaticlly from other sources. Any insight on this would be great or any opinions if its worth it or not.

Jason Zalesky
#automate #blog #posts #work
  • Profile picture of the author Amy Bass
    Originally Posted by Jason Zalesky View Post

    I was curious about the plugins that automate posts on wordpress blogs and if anyone uses anything like that and if they actually get traffic and rankings? I have seen sites forsale in different places that have blogs that have content posted automaticlly from other sources. Any insight on this would be great or any opinions if its worth it or not.

    Jason Zalesky
    I would not recommend it. If you want to make real money with blogs, use original content. It is well worth it.
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    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Amy got it right in that one sentence... if you plan on making an income from your blog then follow that advice.. your blog is your personality on a page....IMHO

      Spelling mistakes, blunders, warts and all...

      I really do believe that people come to know and understand you from your blogging and that is what builds trust...

      Being real is the next best thing to a cash cow...



      Bare Murkage.........

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      • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
        i have tried a few at one stage, but the posts just came out as summaries.

        the visitor clicks on the "more" button to read the rest, and he / she is gone off your site.

        if you really do not want to write content for this specific blog, for whatever reason, get your content from article directories, and just timestamp your posts.

        to the right of your posting window you will see ( depending on the wp version ) a message that says "publish immediately - edit " , or an actual block showing the publishing date and time, with the option to edit.

        this way you can post for a week in advance, and the posts appear when they have to.

        it's also great for us folks living in odd time zones, to be able to sync our posts with the USA daily routine.

        1 last thing

        with rss 2 blog you have no control over what you get. you take what is on the plate. on the blog in my sig file, i also use directory content. and i have learnt to choose my topics very carefully. i have seen my traffic drop by half simply because the latest post was uninteresting.
        at least if you do it yourself you can picture yourself in your reader's shoes.

        by just doing this, and submitting the odd article here and there, i built it up to a PR3 in 10 months, with 141 backlinks

        ps. then i moved it onto my own domain, and now i am building it from scratch again. but this time, I OWN IT
        Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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        • Profile picture of the author Chris_Willow
          I agree with the above, since dupe content doesn't really do any good...
          One thing you can definately do is automate the publishing of the blog. I write 5 posts at a time, but set them to be published once a week or so, thus I do not have to do it once a week, but just once in a while...
          It can be done by just setting the publish date to any future date

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            • Profile picture of the author Tuzic

              im going to just start blogging for social marking as i ahve been advised ont his forum its the best way, but im definitely going to use original content... which is myself!

              because you cant get better than that! & its real & thats whats' appealing.
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              • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
                Hey Jason,

                With the type of automation you are speaking of, the answer is no, they don't work that well if that is all you are going to do with blogs.

                BUT, there are ways to automate original content, plus a three quarter mix of original content and feeds from other sources works too without the SEs giving you problems. It's just like anything else, there's a formula or mixture that works well.

                Btw, this isn't just for blogs either.

                Moderation is the key.

                At least this is what I found out.

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                • Profile picture of the author GuruGazette
                  Disclosure: I create WordPress automation plugins and tools, so I am biased.

                  With that said though, I do not like or use the scraping tools that are out there. I don't import RSS or snippets and summaries of other sites and blogs. I prefer building true content sites.

                  I do however, believe firmly in automating everything I can. So instead of manually entering articles for example, then changing the publish date to the future as someone mentioned above, I load them up with a plugin that does that for me. This allows me to load hundreds of full articles at once. I use my own custom articles, rewritten PLR articles, and straight unedited PLR too depending on the sites I'm creating.

                  I also have a tool which manipulates affiliate product datafeeds, and automates the publishing of those too.

                  For me it boils down to this: Alot of online "work" is repetitive. And yes it can be outsourced, but I've found a huge chunk of that can actually be automated with scripts instead. So that's what I do
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              • Profile picture of the author lawton3920
                Sorry but I disagree I have two of the fully automated blogs and my second one is doing fine created on 8/7/2008 has had 1,269 page veiws to date and indexed number 1 and 2 on google for my keyword phrase.The Antique Bottle Bouique.check it out for yourself below.
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                • Profile picture of the author Alminc
                  High-end blogging is based on direct talking to your audience,
                  every post must be 100% original and reflect your own thoughts.

                  People may love your style or not. If they love it, you get a lot of
                  readers and you make money.

                  If you run a high-end blog you have no time to automate your posting
                  since you are busy about writing your everyday posts and answering comments .

                  Automated posting is good if you want to provide some quality
                  reading but the articles don't need to be personal. It's good for
                  search engines comming back to your site but such blog will never
                  become very popular.
                  No links :)
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                  • Profile picture of the author Scott Woodside
                    Automated posts really don't work! Take this reply for instance. I have set up a bot to automaiticcally reply to post s on the warrior forum...but there are still some bogs! The spelling really isn'''t thatt good. Just kidding. Anyway, like everyone is saying be yourself and write your own blogs.

                    Walk the walk and talk the talk and you will be successful!

                    Robert Puddy is a good example of a great blogger.

                    Scott Woodside

                    The number 1 Choice for Audio Production!
                    Member, Screen Actor's Guild

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                    • Profile picture of the author MommyEnterprises
                      I create blog posts and schedule the dates so they post on a different date if that is what you mean. I love this feature.

                      Mommy Enterprises
                      Helping Moms Make Money At Home $$

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                      • Profile picture of the author marcanthony
                        I agree with the above...

                        Fresh original content is the best...

                        However, maybe you should try testing an automated blog out.

                        Create a separate blog... should be easy since you don't have to update it yourself.

                        Then you will have a better idea on if automated blogs work or not.

                        Hey, you never know... it might work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kelvin Brown
    Originally Posted by Jason Zalesky View Post

    I was curious about the plugins that automate posts on wordpress blogs and if anyone uses anything like that and if they actually get traffic and rankings? I have seen sites forsale in different places that have blogs that have content posted automaticlly from other sources. Any insight on this would be great or any opinions if its worth it or not.

    Jason Zalesky
    Success is defined by the blogger, and purpose of the blog.

    I see to questions. Can you get traffic, and can you get rankings, from automated posts.

    The answer is yes.

    The question did not ask about the quality of the traffic, if it was repeat, if you built followers. It simply asks, can you get traffic.

    The other part was about rankings. Yes, you can absolutely get rankings (PR if you will) with automated posts. You will need to make sure you are pings RSS feeds and directories, etc. But, the answer is an absolute, yes.

    Do you want to do fully automated blog posting on your main blog, or personal blog, maybe not, but the results will be relative to purpose of the blog.


    Kelvin Brown

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    • Profile picture of the author melanied
      I think Kelvin brought up a great point in that what determines if a technique is successful or not depends entirely on the definition of success applied by the person making the determination.

      I also think that the definition of "blog" is part of what's in question here.

      There are lots of tools, such as Kathy's plugins or Teli's WP Datafeed Import System, that simply let you take YOUR OWN content (or content you have a right to use) and stagger it for posting in the upcoming months and years. There's nothing shady about that, and in fact, it's amazingly useful for niche content sites built on blog platforms.

      However, if the purpose of your blog is to let the world know who you are and what your views on a subject are, then clearly you would need to write the content.

      There's room in the virtual world for both!
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      • Profile picture of the author Ricky Parker
        Yes automated blogs can do well. The problem is most people end up doing it wrong. I'm not going to explain here. But yes it can be done and it can be effective.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Zalesky
        Wow...didnt know I would get this much action with my post. I love all the feedback! I really was just curious how many people were successful with automated blogs and if they used them. I understand that you can automate with your own content but I see a ton of blogs out there that are automated just pulling feeds from some other place. Now some are better than others etc. But I was just wondering who has tried this and do they do it for adsense or just to get a high PR for the domain. You see them for sale online everywhere now days and some of them are going for several hundred or more and if you think for just a plugin which cost a 100 or less and a 7 dollar domain how could you lose?

        Now I understand for your personal blogs and the true blogs that you interact with the readers you have to write or have written all the posts. I have a 100 thousand or more plr articles that I compile together and make my own article adding what I want or I just write from scratch. But I am not much on writing articles so I like using them for format etc.

        I guess I also see people stating that they have a network of like 50 or more blogs! Wow! How do you keep up with so many if your writing the content. I would never have that much time in a day to do that. Still working on a part time basis here hoping Amy Bass can show me some light on how to make a good income from bloggin

        Anyway thanks again for the responses. Keep them coming!

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