Take Niche Research To Unseen Levels

Scot Standke
Profile picture of Scot Standke
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Check out this powerful new research search engine that is about to be released.


"Alpha, however, will probably be a worthy challenger for Wikipedia and many textbooks and reference works. Instead of looking up basic encyclopedic information there, users can just go to Alpha instead, where they will get a direct answer to their question, as well as a nicely presented set of graphs and other info."


Tell me this won't take light years off your research and allow you to be a virtual expert in any market, instantly.

#levels #niche #research #unseen
  • Profile picture of the author Scot Standke
    Scot Standke
    Profile picture of Scot Standke
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry about that, the link didn't want to take in the first post, let try this again:

    Wolfram|Alpha: Our First Impressions - ReadWriteWeb


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  • Profile picture of the author Scot Standke
    Scot Standke
    Profile picture of Scot Standke
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I signed up as a beta tester, hoping to hear back from them today.

    I think this will be a killer tool for doing research for both article marketing and product creation.


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  • Profile picture of the author Scot Standke
    Scot Standke
    Profile picture of Scot Standke
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's another article on Wolfram/Alpha:

    Wolfram Alpha Computes Answers To Factual Questions. This Is Going To Be Big.

    This is gonna be huge folks.

    "Wolfram has created a set of building blocks for working with formal knowledge to generate useful computations, and in turn, by putting these computations together you can answer even more sophisticated questions and so on. It's a system for synthesizing sophisticated computations from simple computations. Of course anyone who understands computer programming will recognize this as the very essence of good software design. But the key is that instead of forcing users to write programs to do this in Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha enables them to simply ask questions in natural language questions and then automatically assembles the programs to compute the answers they need."

    I can see the programmers building apps to start a new wave of site builders with the power of this thing if it lives up to it's billing.


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