How To Beat The 95% Failure rate!

Profile picture of dsuitor
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53 replies
Like Most People We all want to make more money Right? But how can we obtain the knowledge to do so... With all the False dreams of over night grandeur.????
The Internet has given people the ability to work from home! But why is there such an alarming failure rate?
Please Post Comments! I would really like to know everyone's opinion!!
#95% #beat #failure #rate
  • Profile picture of the author GobBluthJD
    Profile picture of GobBluthJD
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    Originally Posted by dsuitor View Post

    ... With all the False dreams of over night grader????
    I don't even....what is that supposed to mean?!
  • Profile picture of the author bmw040
    Profile picture of bmw040
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    Fail once than quit.
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Profile picture of aizaku
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    grow up, drop your dreams and clean those toilets! Or you could inspire to be a humble super hero like grocery man!

    Opie & Anthony- Jim Norton is: Grocery Man - YouTube!
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  • Profile picture of the author mickel222
    Profile picture of mickel222
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    A few reasons so many fail is because:

    - They listen to the wrong people
    - Too high expectations that cause them to quit when they don't make a gazillion in the first few months or so. Know that it usually takes longer than that.
    - Lack of knowledge, they don't know how they will make money online.
  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    Profile picture of Evocess
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    It is all about the willingness to accept failure and learn from it then work your ass off again.
  • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
    Horny Devil
    Profile picture of Horny Devil
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    Originally Posted by dsuitor View Post

    . . . But why is there such an alarming failure rate? . . .

    Because 95% of the population = thick.
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Profile picture of aizaku
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    but in all honesty, folks just aren't persistent. I mean really:
    All the info you need to succeed can be found right now for free.
    All the tools you need can be acquired for as little as 7 dollars a month.
    This is an arena where it pays to be stubborn and unrelenting.

    And that's the ingredient that most won't swallow.

    Same reason why ppl cant stick to diets, exercise routines, etc....

    just my two yen.....
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  • Profile picture of the author TegaD
    Profile picture of TegaD
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    The internet is the playing field leveller, people struggle because they dont take action and implement what they are learning, and when they do implemnet they want results INSTANTLY afterall they read a sales letter that said they could only spend 2 hours a week on thier business and they can become millionaire in a week.

    just my 2 pesos
  • Profile picture of the author jessmonsilva
    Profile picture of jessmonsilva
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    they see all the shiny new things on the internet from advertisements and the like and think this is the magic bullet that will solve all their problems. they don't realize while you might be able to get a hundred dollars in a week if you start that most likely you won't and you'll have to wait a bit to see some growth provided you're doing it right.
  • Profile picture of the author perfect
    Profile picture of perfect
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    People should stop listening to liars
    Understand that online business isn't different from offline, the only different is the medium.So you should be certain there is need for your service and focus on it.

    Submit your articles to FREE, approval within 48 hours

  • Profile picture of the author Don Grace
    Don Grace
    Profile picture of Don Grace
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    Failure is high because most folks treat their business like a hobby instead of doing the work. And it's not just online... Most people that open up bars and nightclubs fail (I used to tend bar) because they think it would be fun to own a bar so they can get drunk and show off to their friends.

    Treat it like a business and take action to create your own results because no one will do it for you.
  • Profile picture of the author VinnyBock
    Profile picture of VinnyBock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by dsuitor View Post

    Like Most People We all want to make more money Right? But how can we obtain the knowledge to do so... With all the False dreams of over night grandeur.????
    The Internet has given people the ability to work from home! But why is there such an alarming failure rate?
    Please Post Comments! I would really like to know everyone's opinion!!
    95% of people fail online because...
    • They keep buying incomplete courses that leave out crucial details...
    • They keep joining email lists that keep offering these incomplete courses...
    • They keep searching for the best/easiest ways to make money but never apply anything...
    In the end, they all just end up chasing their own tails. Stuck in a viscous never ending cycle of "ALWAYS LEARNING & NEVER EARNING"

    If YOU wanna beat the odds...
    Find a method that has been proven to work, and stick to it! When that method starts working for you, stick to it like stink on a monkey. Keep your head down and utilize just that 1 method. Unsubscribe from all the lists your on & STOP LOOKING FOR AN EASIER WAY!

  • Profile picture of the author Friedmett
    Profile picture of Friedmett
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    Well that is a very good question.

    1: There are not many people who have the desire to be the leaders or to be the creative one.

    2: We can divid people into 3 groups. That being the charged life, the caged life and the comfortable life.

    So when we are trying to make money online we have a hard time finding the solution that fits in with our goal. Then again you have to know how much you want and need as making money is just a process.

    Not many take action and would not know if a guy could help or not even if he could!

    Finding the solution for one and get some experience takes time. In the end it is all about having a website and drive traffic to it. Many people do not realize that and do not focus on just 1 website then drive traffic. It does not matter if its MLM or IM as when it is setup the proper way that is the very basics of most internet businesses.

    1 website which captures emails, make money and most importantly ad value and about 25 different ways to master traffic! That is all!

    Then we have the mindset which is where everything begins. Our thoughts controls us and doubts, worries and fears keep us from growing and going towards the goal. It always come back to that when someone quit.

    Lastly where do that number come from? How true is it?
  • Profile picture of the author GB Solutions
    GB Solutions
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    WORK ETHIC - Every day I come home from my 8-5 day job only to make a small meal, and work on MY work for another 4-5 hours. Its really paying off, but most people (my generation especially) are all about instant gratification. Even on this forum you will find ads for programs that will "Make You 3,000/month in 10 days." Its hilarious that people actually spend money on these things, believing them to be true.

    It boils down to simple numbers:

    95% of people are looking for shortcuts
    4% of people are providing the the first 95% with the "shortcuts"
    1% of people are working their asses off and thriving

    Doesn't get much simpler than that.
    GB Solutions | Small Business Website & Marketing Solutions

    "To Strive, To Seek, To Find, and Not To Yield" -Tennyson
  • Profile picture of the author John Alves
    John Alves
    Profile picture of John Alves
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    Failure rate percentage is a made up statistic. Nobody really knows how many people fail online, and the definition of what failure is varies. However, in my opinion, you will not be able to succeed online long term if you are not growing your own businesses. Most people fail online because they chase fast money, and the reality is that growing a profitable business usually takes time. If you are selling your own products and services, you will have the opportunity to grow and sustain. This will give you a higher chance of becoming a successful internet marketer.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    Jeff Schuman
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    Skills and effort. Most people never learn how to make money online and then go out and do it. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer and I figured out these 2 basic things years ago.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
  • Profile picture of the author mervp
    Profile picture of mervp
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    To beat the 95% failure rate, attempt at least 20 times to succeed. You already have a 5% success rate built in, so keep trying and your success will happen. Change up or make what ever adjustments are needed as you learn from the failures, and things will turn around sooner than later.
    • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
      Horny Devil
      Profile picture of Horny Devil
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      Originally Posted by mervp View Post

      To beat the 95% failure rate, attempt at least 20 times to succeed. You already have a 5% success rate built in, so keep trying and your success will happen . . .
      What piece of thin air did you pluck that pearl of wisdom (not) from?
  • Profile picture of the author roblawrence
    Profile picture of roblawrence
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    People fail because they aren't willing to pay for quality advice. If you want to succeed, you have to invest in yourself. Everyone wants something for nothing and those people come-up short. You have to be willing to educate yourself and learn what it takes to succeed. There is no overnight success, but there are plenty of overnight failures.
  • Profile picture of the author MarvyDery
    Profile picture of MarvyDery
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    too much information ob=verload
    people don't stick to one method, they keep on changing methods and run after the shiny ones
    too much low informative wsos
    the gurus are making the matter worse. they sell courses to you that the know a newbies can never achieve.

    in truth, marketers should be realistic and seek the truth
    teachers and gurus should cut the crap and let the people know the real thruth
    • Profile picture of the author Saintsfan40
      Profile picture of Saintsfan40
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by MarvyDery View Post

      teachers and gurus should cut the crap and let the people know the real thruth
      You just proved a perfect point. Too much of the gurus selling garbage products with nothing but fluff and hype that NEVER get to the point on how to properly make profit, conversions etc.

      And as far as teachers and coaches? All the ones I've dealt with never lived up to their promises. I have yet to meet one I can trust.

      What's the point of having a sig if no one buys from you?

  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    Profile picture of ceenote100
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    You only fail when you quit. The remaining 5% are the ones that never gave up.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikekoltas
    Profile picture of mikekoltas
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    The 95 % fail becuase they do not take action , they just wait for the next new shiny object or fad to come around and stay in that mode, always searching and never doing .
  • Profile picture of the author jmharris48
    Profile picture of jmharris48
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    Many people that have those big dreams about making money on the internet and becoming rich one day tend to give up on their dreams before they even get started online...

    They find a system that has a fee, they buy the system, get confused, get mad, give up and go back to working their regular day job...

    That is all there is to it...

    I have been trying to make money online for the past 12 months now and haven't had success until the last 2 months. I tried different systems, poured out all my money into these get rich quick schemes, and never got anywhere. Then I came accross Instant Payday Network and everything came together.

    I started making money from home instantly and have had success with the system ever since the first day I started and the best part was that it was free, but that is besides the point...

    The point is that I never gave up and now I am living that dream and making money everyday from home!

    So just stick with it and never give up!

    100% FREE System Generates $395/Day

  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    Profile picture of MKCookins
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    1 of 2 reasons...

    1. They are driven by either greed or impatience. They want a lot of money and they want it fast, all while doing little to no work.

    2. They are willing to work and have patience, but do not know how to go about doing it.
  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Profile picture of MartinPlatt
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    People are sucked in by the easy push button shiny new method to achieve millions overnight, then when it doesn't work, they start to think that internet marketing doesn't work, and give up.

    Obviously the problem was the push button shiny new method - and the question that should be being asked is, why didn't it work, and can I make it work, or is this just rubbish?

    By the way if it looks shiny of requires one push of a button, it highly unlikely it will result in ultimate success. The quicker people realise that the business involve hard work, and there aren't that many shortcuts, the easier it will become for them. But a lot of people don't want to work, so are disappointed with the whole business.

    Martin Platt

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  • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
    Stevie C
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    I didn't read all the other guys posts but I'm betting there were some good replies.
    You have probably just read at least one hundred reasons why there is a 95% failure rate and I could list a hundred more, I'm sure.

    That is the reason, because there are so many variables.

    My solution get serious and get a coach with a proven track record to lead you through the minefield. Once you've got a coach make sure you keep your end of the bargain and put your back into whatever your are doing - this will reduce your chances of being one of the 95% but is still not fool proof so it won't guarantee it but will reduce the odds significantly.
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by dsuitor View Post

    why is there such an alarming failure rate?
    Three main reasons, I think.

    (i) People who are "new" lack (more or less by definition) the experience and judgment to distinguish between information and misinformation; given that the failure-rate for all forms of attempted self-employment has always been high, most of the opinions expressed about internet marketing are (more or less by definition) propagated by people on their way to failing, themselves - thus, the majority of consensus is ill-informed and misguided, and the failure it generates readily becomes self-perpetuating;

    (ii) Most people get a significant proportion of their guidance from others who have either a financial (albeit often concealed) or an emotional incentive for others to believe what they're saying (and/or to believe it themselves), regardless of the fact that much of it may be utter nonsense;

    (iii) Dishonesty and inaccuracy travel far more quickly online than anywhere else: the voices of prejudice, ignorance, vested interests and self-justification are always louder and more prominent than the voice of reason - as Mark Twain said: "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its Gucci sandals."
  • Profile picture of the author KevinChapman
    Profile picture of KevinChapman
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    People believe that working online is going to make them millionaires using little time or resources, they believe all the lies that they're told and often they don't want to do the hard work!

    We all know it's possible to become a millionaire in this industry but the people that have achieved this have worked hard for it - this is a real job, not some quick fix!
  • Profile picture of the author Bsperling
    Profile picture of Bsperling
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would say reasons people fail is:

    * Time and just go back to normal habits
    * Give up to quickly as dont make millions straight away
    * The wrong mentors so listen to the wrong people
    * Knowledge is power and when you dont have it can be to hard and give up
  • Profile picture of the author samanthamilner
    Profile picture of samanthamilner
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    No Joke but can seriously come out of that 95% by actually reading.

    For example how often do you buy ebooks and then not even read them, let alone implement what is in them!!!

    Secondly I set up some safe swaps this morning and some of them accepted in under 3 minutes so they hadn't even checked to see if my product was good enough for their list.
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Daniel Evans
      Profile picture of Daniel Evans
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by samanthamilner View Post

      Secondly I set up some safe swaps this morning and some of them accepted in under 3 minutes so they hadn't even checked to see if my product was good enough for their list.
      What were they promoting?
      • Profile picture of the author PCH
        Profile picture of PCH
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        in your opening line you (the OP) mention the alarming failure rate of 95%. I know that figure is commonly used, but I sure don't know who calculated this or where the figures came from. However, I can imagine that, regardless of the actual number, as in most things the vast majority fail.

        The point I'm making is that as a failure rate, it's probably just average - give or take a bit.

        Perhaps if we were to take a look at the number of people who set out trying to play guitar or piano, or become really good at some other game or hobby, - the number of people who make the grade would be similar.

        I think that most people don't realize how much work is involved when they start out on something new. Whatever the fascination is, it often doesn't last long enough for people to see any substantial results.

        This is what separates the winners from the pack. It's why people pay good money to watch Elton John or The Rolling Stones perform, and not me. He had the stamina to get good at it, and the rest of us didn't

        There are probably all sorts of reasons that we attribute to our failure to progress in our momentary fascination. But if you're not devoted enough to pursue it endlessly, you'll just never get there well enough to make it pay big for you. Perhaps you'll find something else that you are able to put the necessary effort into, - and ultimately do very well at.

        Just my 2c. I hope it makes sense
  • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
    Profile picture of JoeMack
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    But why is there such an alarming failure rate?

    The number one reason that newbies fail is that fail to take a sufficient amount of appropriate actions.

    They give up WAY too early. And they don't really try. Oh, they say they do.

    FACT: There are thousands of people making adequate amounts of money online in order to pay for all of their basic living expenses (plus some).

    And since this is a fact, the only way to join the 95% failure rate is to STOP TAKING ACTION.

    If you take action, you will succeed. It may take a week, a month, or even 5 years. But it will happen.

    If you don't take action, you will fail. You won't ever make any income. And you will join the miserable 95% who complain that making money online isn't possible.

    Take action and you will be a 5 percenter. No doubt about it.

  • Profile picture of the author serafina
    Profile picture of serafina
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    some biggest reason,

    2.Following wrong method
    3.Shining Object syndrome
    4.Not serious or do IM as real business.

    Online World

  • Profile picture of the author pressreleaseagency
    Profile picture of pressreleaseagency
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A winner never quits, a quitter never wins, you need believe it, take action, learn from failure and test again and again. You will win.
  • Profile picture of the author adamreilly1997
    Profile picture of adamreilly1997
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Instead of searching for the "secret key" to making money online, how about you put the methods into action that are proven to make money online.

    You can find LOTS of methods in the Warrior Forum showing you how to make money online, all you have to do is use "search".
    • Profile picture of the author rickwill71
      Profile picture of rickwill71
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      our country is made of quitters, people think they are going to get rich overnight which doesn't happen so what do they do they quit, the easy way out. and people wonder why kids hate to work "the fruit didn't fall far from the tree"

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

  • Profile picture of the author Schmitz
    Profile picture of Schmitz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Failure is the mother of success, you will be summed up the experience.
  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Profile picture of thedanbrown
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    The failure rate is due to people thinking they are going to find some magic solution in a product, an easy button to "get rich" but in reality that just doesn't work.

    To succeed online you have to create a real business, and that's hard work. Treat your online business like a real business and you will have a MUCH higher chance of success. Ultimately it comes down to what you are willing to do.
  • Profile picture of the author mjones70
    Profile picture of mjones70
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    I think people "fail" mainly because they don't take action. Or they get distracted and jump from one method to another - and still don't take action lol
  • Profile picture of the author reckless
    Profile picture of reckless
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    in my opinion never give up.
    be serious as it is real business which can change your life.
  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Profile picture of clever7
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    I believe that the real reasons why most people fail are:

    • Ignorance - Internet marketing is complicated. You must learn many details before you will be able to understand how the internet works and how to make money online.

    • Laziness - You have to work really hard if you want to see positive results.

    • Opportunism - Many people take advantage of any opportunity to make money, without caring if they are helping others or simply misleading them because they want to make money no matter what.

    • Competition - There is a fierce competition online in all fields. You must be able to drive a lot of traffic to your pages if you want to make money, but getting traffic is expensive. It costs a lot of money and/or time.
  • Profile picture of the author igg
    Profile picture of igg
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    I think because the majority of people are under the illusion that they can make money fast online and once they try and see its a lot harder they quit.

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