Deleting articles on eza- a Good idea ?

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An article of mine on Eza has been rejected many times, after being resubmitted (after editing) many times, and is getting frustrating, as there arnt any errors on them, but still they reject it.

If i consider deleting it, they say
If you wish to re-write this article please select the 'Edit This Article' option below and re-submit the article instead. If you delete this article and try to re-submit it, you will receive a duplicate content warning and the submission will not be accepted.

Can i delete it, and then resubmit this article in a few months -the same article with a different title, is this allowed?
can they tell 2-3 months down the line that my same article that was rejected has been submitted again? (which has a different title, abstract but Identicle body)
have you done that trick, and did it work? ( i thought they wouldnt have everybodys deleted articles on their database, and the person who marks it wouldnt remember the original article that got deleted as they work with many articles daily)
#articles #deleting #eza #good #idea
  • Profile picture of the author entry
    Profile picture of entry
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    eza users....anyone?
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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    Profile picture of AndyBlackSEO
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    What was the reason for the rejection? Is the spelling / grammer correct? Is the article related to a disallowed subject? Is the keyword density too high?

    They must have given a reason. I've never had an article declined before. It's quite straight forward.

    Have you read their TOSV
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    • Profile picture of the author entry
      Profile picture of entry
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      Originally Posted by AndyBlackSEO View Post

      What was the reason for the rejection? Is the spelling / grammer correct? Is the article related to a disallowed subject? Is the keyword density too high?

      They must have given a reason. I've never had an article declined before. It's quite straight forward.

      Have you read their TOSV
      Yes i have.

      Spelling/grammar issues. I have checked it, so have 2 other people and we sure there arnt any errors.

      I know i can email them/eza, but just woundering about the delete and resubmit in a few months method.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Kay King
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        and we there arnt any errors.
        Are you sure? Have you contacted EZA to ask what specifically the problem is? EZA is not in the business of finding reasons to deny good articles.

        Have you submitted other articles that were accepted by EZA? If so, it might be best to submit that particular article to other directories and not resubmit to EZA. If this is your first article - you need to find out what is wrong so you can do better going forward.

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        • Profile picture of the author entry
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          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          Are you sure? Have you contacted EZA to ask what specifically the problem is? EZA is not in the business of finding reasons to deny good articles.

          Have you submitted other articles that were accepted by EZA? If so, it might be best to submit that particular article to other directories and not resubmit to EZA. If this is your first article - you need to find out what is wrong so you can do better going forward.

          oops, corrected that error in the thread. I was also going on the basis many people on this forum say eza has got picky.

          Yes i just emailed them but their results take time, i also decided to post the question here.
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          • Profile picture of the author ss442
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            What you might want to do is look at some articles written by some of the genius in this forum.

            Go to EZA and find writers who have a lot of articles perhaps in the niche you are in and note the message, structure, word count, and just get a feel about the message the writer is trying to get out.

            You might also consider a product or service in a "phrase". Example,

            "Toothbrushes", You might title your article "Proper Toothbrush Selection". Have something like this as a title, get it somewhere in the body with other keywords, then near or at the end.

            Be sure you already have the way you intend to monetize the product or service set up before you direct readers to your link.

            I've had a couple articles rejected too but kept trying. Don't stop trying.


            Ed Sunderland

  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Profile picture of timpears
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    I had this same problem and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Then finally I found that the article was a duplicate of one that I had posted earlier. I don't remember if it was the article, the subject or what it was exactly, but I had copied and pasted something twice from my article list.

    Anyway, I didn't delete it as I got that notice when I tried. So what I ended up doing is just replace the stuff in the form with a new article. That way, the one that was in my queue wouldn't run into problems, and I got the duplicate one out of the way.

    Don't know if this is what has happened to you or not, but it took me what seemed like forever to figure it out. But eventually, like most times, it turned out to be a simple little problem that I had just missed.

    Good luck.

    Tim Pears

    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
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      Tim -

      I did that just today! Had changed the title when I submitted the article and didn't realize it. Used the same solution as you of changing the content as I had other articles ready to go.

      Makes you want to go "duh".

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        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Tim -

        I did that just today! Had changed the title when I submitted the article and didn't realize it. Used the same solution as you of changing the content as I had other articles ready to go.

        Makes you want to go "duh".

        What is this method you and Tim used? i didnt follow, or can you say it in a different/alternative form please...
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  • Profile picture of the author WebScript
    Profile picture of WebScript
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    I don't know and I'd wait a little to see if someone who knows better than I do if this is a good idea.

    I would edit that article and completely change it, to the point that you are submitting a completely new article and title in its place.

    If the new article is rejected and you end up having to delete it later, you will not be deleting your first article.

    You should be able to re-submit your edited first article as a new article in a short time.

    Like I said, though, I'm not an expert.

    At the risk of being the target of many laughs here, I'll ask the question... do they (EA) have any tech support system that you could try to find out why the article keeps getting rejected ?

    • Profile picture of the author redrossero
      Profile picture of redrossero
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      I had rejected articles for error or keyword density. Usually if I can't figure out what is the error, I just delete it and submit it to other directory. Why should I spend the time to look what that editor wants when I can write another article in that time? There are other directories out there , not only EZA. I know some will disagree with me, saying that EZA is king, however in my niches EZA is beatten very often in the serps by other two directories which doesn't give me this headache and the conpetition is less.
      • Profile picture of the author J smith
        J smith
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        Send their customer service a question (on the home page of ea under rejected title it will say "blah blah to contact customer service" or maybe it says "blah blah to inquire for more info" something like that) And ask them why the article is being marked as having grammatical errors when it doesn't have any.

        Had that rejection happen to one of my articles. Sent them a message through ea's site stating that just because ezinearticle's built in spelling checker (the one you can use when writting an article) considers things like "aren't" a spelling error doesn't make it one. Had my article published in a few days after that.

        Anyway, sometimes ea just doesn't want to accept a perfectly fine article, who knows why. So I just stick those on my site, blog, squidoo page or what have you.
    • Profile picture of the author entry
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      Originally Posted by WebScript View Post

      I don't know and I'd wait a little to see if someone who knows better than I do if this is a good idea.

      I would edit that article and completely change it, to the point that you are submitting a completely new article and title in its place.

      If the new article is rejected and you end up having to delete it later, you will not be deleting your first article.

      You should be able to re-submit your edited first article as a new article in a short time.

      Like I said, though, I'm not an expert.

      At the risk of being the target of many laughs here, I'll ask the question... do they (EA) have any tech support system that you could try to find out why the article keeps getting rejected ?

      They have a tech support email system, but it is slow/take ages to reply.

      So if you Modify a rejectes article, by inserting a brand new article/ title + new body - which is completly different from the original, are they ok with this ?

      or will they say you are trying to trick the system?

      do many of you do this- change a rejected article and replace it with a brand new one, -without having to delete it, so you are avoiding deleting..?
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      • Profile picture of the author WebScript
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        Originally Posted by entry View Post

        What is this method you and Tim used? i didnt follow, or can you say it in a different/alternative form please...
        Originally Posted by entry View Post

        They have a tech support email system, but it is slow/take ages to reply.

        So if you Modify a rejectes article, by inserting a brand new article/ title + new body - which is completly different from the original, are they ok with this ?

        or will they say you are trying to trick the system?

        do many of you do this- change a rejected article and replace it with a brand new one, -without having to delete it, so you are avoiding deleting..?
        It looks like timpears and Kay King have used this method of
        replacing a rejected article with a new article title and body -->
        Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        I had this same problem and couldn't figure out what the problem was ...

        Anyway, I didn't delete it as I got that notice when I tried. So what I ended up doing is just replace the stuff in the form with a new article. That way, the one that was in my queue wouldn't run into problems, ...

        Good luck.
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Tim - I did that just today! ... Used the same solution as you of changing the content as I had other articles ready to go.

        Makes you want to go "duh".

        I suppose they (EA) would not think of it as trying to "trick the system" unless you do it often. If they don't want you to do it all, it would be easy for them to say not to do it in their policy's, and in the text of the "WARNING: YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RE-SUBMIT THIS ARTICLE!..." that you originally quoted.

        Does anyone else use this method to replace a rejected article on EA ?

        • Profile picture of the author angelica0109
          Profile picture of angelica0109
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          I have to things in mind regarding this matter.Possibly there are some errors why it was rejected so try to review your article again.Secondly,sometimes there are technical errors a site encountered but it will be fix as soon as the they were notified about the inconvenience.

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