Can someone explain PLR and Master Resale rights to me?

Profile picture of mg1000
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4 replies
Im in the process of learning about product creation and I dont understand what private label rights and master resale rights are that much.

also I dont understand why someone would sell someone else the right to sell their product. Why would you allow someone else to use your own product to compete with you?
Im new to all of this so confused thanks
#explain #master #plr #resale #rights
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Josh Anderson
    Profile picture of Josh Anderson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The problem with those terms is they are not concrete.

    In other words the definition of the term PLR or the term "Master Resale Rights" varies greatly.

    Do not rely on a term to describe your rights. Rather request the rights or license written out and documented.

    PLR can mean anything from you can put your company name on it to you can completely edit the content and issue rights to other companies.

    Master Resale rights can mean anything from you can sell resale rights to others to others can sell master resale rights to others who can sell those rights and so forth to unlimited levels.

    Confusion over these terms and improperly described or assumed terms are one of the plagues of the internet marketing community.

    My advice is to never use any one definition of those terms to define rights you think you have been sold. Never take anyone's word for granted. Always verify the rights direct not only from the person offering you such rights but also from every copyright owner of any element of any such product including content, software, images, graphics, sales copy, video, audio etc.

    Unless you have it in writing direct from the original copyright owner of all such elements you are legally vulnerable.

    also I dont understand why someone would sell someone else the right to sell their product. Why would you allow someone else to use your own product to compete with you?
    There are only two reasons:

    1. The person does not intend to compete. They are essentially liquidating or cashing out on the value of their product. After their initial sale of rights their product will be worthless so they are banking that the initial offering will provide them enough money that they feel it was worth it.

    People often do that here in the warrior forum because they want fast cash, do not know how to market, and many times do not even realize the value of their offering. I have literally seen people throw away a potential six figure business for a couple thousand here in this forum by offering rights.

    I am however grateful to those who offer rights to these quality products because it allows people like myself to buy these rights and make thousands of dollars with one simple email promotion to my list ;-)

    2. There may be a viral element to their offering. When master resale rights are offered this often requires you to not change the product. The distribution of the product by third parties is a form of advertising for the original author and sometimes includes back end offers or affiliate links in the product itself that generates passive income for the author.
  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Franck Silvestre
    Profile picture of Franck Silvestre
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    In a nutshell:

    Master Resale Rights (MRR): You can sell the product, but you can't change the content, and you can't claim ownwership of the product.

    for example, if you buy my product with MRR, you can sell it, add your payment button and keep 100% of the profits, BUT my name will be on the book.

    Private Label Rights (PLR): You can sell the product as is (Like MRR), or you can change the content and put your name as the author.

    Why people do this?

    simple... Branding, viral marketing, the author's name 'float' all over the web, and if the product is good an he has a good sales funnel in place, money will soon roll in for him.

    NOTE: Always read the rights that you receive because the owner can add special conditions (like you can sell it for less than $67, etc...).

    If you violate his rules, you can be in troubles.

    All the best,

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      Josh Anderson
      Profile picture of Josh Anderson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      The terms are not legal terms. There is no concrete definition of them. You cannot rely on them as descriptive defined legal terms.

      Rights are defined by TOS and Licenses and are defined by the copyright owner.

      You cannot legally assume the terms you described just because someone said the words "Master Resale Rights" or "Private Label Rights."

      Be careful not to fall into this IM assumption trap. Always verify everything on a case by case basis.
  • Profile picture of the author AnthonyWilson
    Profile picture of AnthonyWilson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As a general guide:

    Master Resale Rights:

    You can take the product "as it is" and sell it on without making any changes to the product. You will usually find the contents of the product refers back to the original product creator in one way or another.

    PLR, Private Label Rights.

    The product usually comes with the source files e.g. Word document or AVI videos so you may edit the product and put your own branding within it. You can then sell on the product, and usually the master resale rights to the the product.

    So the PLR product is from a marketers point of view more valuable than a Master Resale Rights Product, but always check the terms of the license within the product.

    -------------------- Video Tutorials with PLR or MRR

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