How are you using the Cloud?

9 replies
I was reading another thread on the WF and ran across this post,

Originally Posted by ldiaz117 View Post

My entire business is in the cloud so no worries here.
This got me to thinking about what others may be using, or putting on the cloud.

So, if you don't mind sharing, what applications or services do you have on the cloud?

Joe Mobley
  • Profile picture of the author angela99
    Joe, I haven't read the other thread, so I don't know what was discussed there.

    As for applications and services in the cloud, I use Evernote, Dropbox and Box:

    * Evernote | Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps.



    Here's why. Around 14 months ago, the hard drive on my primary work machine failed. Big deal, I thought. I have backups. Sadly, my backups failed. It was a nightmare.

    Luckily, a tech managed to rescue the most important stuff on the hard drive, and I didn't end up losing much at all.

    It's not the first time backups have failed me over the past 30 years of living with, and relying on, computers.

    So while I have backups, I also keep as much material in the cloud as I can. I run my business with Evernote, and everything that's vital for my business is in Dropbox and in Box.

    The benefits?

    * Peace of mind -- that's the biggest;

    * I can work anywhere, on any computer or device. (No more cursing because a document I need while in a meeting isn't available.)

    Thank heavens for the cloud. :-)


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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Perfect Angela. This is exactly what I'm looking for, what do you use and why do you use it.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author icemonkey9
    Hey Joe -

    Yeah +1 to evernote. If you love to take screenshots use Droplr, it's amazing and works for Mac and PC.

    Personally I use Google Apps instead of using Microsoft Office now. That way no matter where I am, I have all my spreadsheets, documents, files, etc. It really is the best way to do business and be productive.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Hower
      Very interesting.

      Are you saying that you sent all your business critical data to some place on the Internet where whoever has access to them?

      I'd rather have that on my PC with a strong password protection and not on the Internet where (almost) everybody can read it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Thanks. I'll check out Droplr.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    Google docs and
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I use the cloud mostly for apps and file sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author tommocharlie
    I use Dropbox and amazon s3 for infrastructure in the cloud. And I use amazon ses for my mail server....
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  • Profile picture of the author GuruGazette
    I have a personal hatred of "the cloud" but technically my entire business runs on it. Digital books are hosted, sold and delivered via the so-called cloud. Stock photos too. Websites can't make money if they're not online so that is "cloud" too.

    As for apps and services, I avoid them as much as possible. Most are slow and clunky, I don't trust the security or longevity, and I don't like being squeezed into someone else's box.

    Fifteen years online has taught me that backups can fail, trunk lines can be cut, anything can be hacked and there's always a new glitch around the corner. And I won't begin to mention the behind the scenes chaos that happens in a fast growing "new technology" darling of the masses company.

    For me, business tools must be fast and useful. Many apps are made to appeal to the masses and IMO too much focus is placed on bling and the usability is horrible. Example: 99% of todo/task list apps (online, android, Win8) expect you to fill out 10+ form fields just to make a simple reminder.

    Another example: I love and constantly use OneNote 2010 desktop. But I use it with a digital pen and for extensive filing. I don't like the "cloud" version. The pen is painfully slow and I'm not able to organize anything nearly as well. For people new to the concept though, it's apparently the best thing since sliced bread.

    I got so annoyed with cloud-based finance apps that I finally just coded my own. It is server-based so yes, it could be called the cloud. I generally create little scripts and tools for most of my needs. I created a rudimentary action/project system but realized I still prefer my leather notebooks so the digital doesn't get used much.

    I backup files locally of course and onto my server. A few rare things are on Skydrive.
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