Rate for a full time writer

Profile picture of eternalwarrior
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25 replies
What's the usual rate for a full time writer (from Philippine) working 40 hours/week and delivering 3 articles (500 words) per day?
#full #rate #time #writer
  • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
    Horny Devil
    Profile picture of Horny Devil
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    There is no "usual rate". You get paid what you're worth based on your personal skill at your craft. The better you are, the more people will pay you. And that's irrespective of your country location.
  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Profile picture of RogueOne
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    Originally Posted by eternalwarrior View Post

    What's the usual rate for a full time writer (from Philippine) working 40 hours/week and delivering 3 articles (500 words) per day?
    Since there are many people writing 500 word articles for pennies, you can't expect much.

    You would be far better off to write articles for yourself and distribute them through syndication.

    Search some of Alexa Smith's posts about article syndication to get a good start.
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    • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
      Horny Devil
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      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      Since there are many people writing 500 word articles for pennies, you can't expect much.

      You can expect - and indeed demand - as much as you feel you're worth. At the upper end of the scale I know writers who command $300+ for a 500-1,000 word article. I know because I'm one of them.

      There's also an abundance of writers who regularly earn in excess of $100+ for 500 word articles, including many WF members I know of. And there's no shortage of takers.

      It seems every man and his dog thinks they have what it takes to be a professional writer these days, and most end up being desperately disappointed. Yes, there's plenty who'll write articles for pennies, and yes, there's plenty who don't expect much. The reason is they're crap writers. Decent writers won't lower themselves to that level, because they don't have to.

      Aside from anything else, there's actually a distinct shortage of top-end article writers. I say that based on the enquiries I receive and also on the fact that top quality writers don't need to work for others - because they work for themselves. I wrote about this in a recent thread . . .


      You get what you're worth - if you're worth it.
      • Profile picture of the author glowworm
        Profile picture of glowworm
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        Originally Posted by Horny Devil View Post

        Yes, there's plenty who'll write articles for pennies, and yes, there's plenty who don't expect much. The reason is they're crap writers. Decent writers won't lower themselves to that level, because they don't have to.

        You get what you're worth - if you're worth it.
        This is the problem. Too many people who are poor writers at best think they are entitled to earn a reasonable living from it. The quality of your work is the only determining factor and a really good writer should never be short of work. Too many just won't accept they are not good enough to earn more than they do.
      • Profile picture of the author hsbinmarket
        Profile picture of hsbinmarket
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        Originally Posted by Horny Devil View Post


        You can expect - and indeed demand - as much as you feel you're worth. At the upper end of the scale I know writers who command $300+ for a 500-1,000 word article. I know because I'm one of them.

        There's also an abundance of writers who regularly earn in excess of $100+ for 500 word articles, including many WF members I know of. And there's no shortage of takers.

        You get what you're worth - if you're worth it.
        I like to read one/two of ur article to enjoy the standard. May I have that opportunity, pls ?

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        • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
          Horny Devil
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          Originally Posted by hsbinmarket View Post

          I like to read one/two of ur article to enjoy the standard. May I have that opportunity, pls ?

          I accept relatively few commissions each year for articles or dissertations as I'm a very busy author/publisher in my own right. It wouldn't be good business etiquette to forward any of my clients articles to you as they have paid for, and subsequently own the copyright to such material.

          However, if you're genuinely interested in perusing writing that is intelligent, witty, pertinent, absorbing and compelling, then I recommend you view a current thread in the Off Topic Forum in which I have several posts. The standard of writing exhibited by many who contributed to that thread is first class, and if you read the complete thread you'll gain a valuable insight into what creative, quality writing is all about.

  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Profile picture of PerformanceMan
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    You really think some guy from Phil is going to WRITE for 40 hours a week? What a tedious mind-numbing job. Expect a real pile of crap at the end of the week
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    • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
      Profile picture of mmurtha
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      @ the OP -- it is as horny devil states about. It depends on skill set and a number of other variables.

      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      You really think some guy from Phil is going to WRITE for 40 hours a week? What a tedious mind-numbing job. Expect a real pile of crap at the end of the week
      Your comment isn't necessarily true. I know a few writers that are out of contry and write 40+ hrs /wk. Yes, is tedious but if they write well, do research quickly and have a good working knowledge about the subject(s), they should weather well.
  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    Profile picture of webcosmo
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    Well, a writer can't write 40 hours/week, delivering only 3 articles (500 words) per day - assuming that he is just WRITING those hours, only if he writes with one finger )
    A bit of offtopic joke anyways.
    On-topic - it depends on your skill and the demand, if noone requires your services, of course you must ask for pennies, but if you have a high demand for your services, you can ask a decent price.
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by eternalwarrior View Post

    What's the usual rate for a full time writer (from Philippine) working 40 hours/week and delivering 3 articles (500 words) per day?
    It's about what the three 500-word articles are worth to you, not about how many hours someone works or where they live.

    It's the utility of the output that determines the value (and whether that's an appropriate way to buy it).

    Personally (and I say this as a full-time article marketer) I'd have very little use indeed for fifteen 500-word articles per week. I write about 24 or 25 articles per month (they're much longer than 500 words, though, admittedly), and that's more than enough content for all the requirements of my 8-niche, full-time business.

    Article marketing isn't about how many articles you have: it's about who reads them.
    • Profile picture of the author Taniwha
      Profile picture of Taniwha
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      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      I write about 24 or 25 articles per month
      I'm assuming that you are in some smaller niches. My question is - What happens when you run out of things to say? You obviously don't want to rearrange some topics and create basically the same stuff, because you readers would start to back away.

      I know that in some niches, you will have a plethora of things to talk about, but I'm talking about the ones that you can only share so much.

      One of my sites is a blog I can only write so much on (a good years worth if I space it out).
  • Profile picture of the author eedriyz
    Profile picture of eedriyz
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    I charge 5 dollars for 500 words on fiverr. it would have been 15 dollars for 3 daily articles, if it was me. I know that's way too little but I am already working on my personal site but I'm not looking to charge more than 7 dollars
  • Profile picture of the author JamesW3
    Profile picture of JamesW3
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    however much you want to make/whatever the market will demand
  • Profile picture of the author Mindz
    Profile picture of Mindz
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    I write a lot. A lot of short stories and articles. So yes you can.
    • Profile picture of the author hsbinmarket
      Profile picture of hsbinmarket
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      Article has no certrain standard. It depends on how much people got interested in ur article. If u find that ur article is accepted to more people which works for business u can charge more.
      Start writing for the people, not for the money. Money will run behind u.

      Thank u !

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Kenzington
    Adam Kenzington
    Profile picture of Adam Kenzington
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    Article writing, not withstanding, the low-end pay per month for a full-time worker from the Phillipines averages $300/month. If you expect them to dedicate full-time hours to you, alone, then the rate is between $300 - $500 per month.

    "I can" is much more important than I.Q.

  • Profile picture of the author katherineolga
    Profile picture of katherineolga
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    I think it's better to charge a per article rate. I bet you'd even save money that way. I have no idea what the Philippines freelance market is like, though - I am a U.S. writer. I would personally charge $20 an article but I don't think that is the answer you're looking for. :-)
  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Profile picture of RogueOne
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    You can expect - and indeed demand - as much as you feel you're worth. At the upper end of the scale I know writers who command $300+ for a 500-1,000 word article. I know because I'm one of them.
    OP cannot expect or demand anything close to this and you know it.

    What's the usual rate for a full time writer (from Philippine) working 40 hours/week and delivering 3 articles (500 words) per day?
    Was the question, not what you can expect. A beginner with no portfolio can not demand $100 to $300 per article.
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    • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
      Horny Devil
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      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      OP cannot expect or demand anything close to this and you know it.
      I said that you can expect or demand what you feel you're worth, and gave the upper level of earnings as an example only. At what stage of reading my post did you decide misinterpretation was a good idea?

      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      Was the question, not what you can expect.
      You can expect whatever the level of your skill warrants, but since we don't know the OP's level a definitive answer can't be provided.

      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      A beginner with no portfolio can not demand $100 to $300 per article.
      Is there no end to your psychic abilities? Exactly where does the OP state he's a beginner with no portfolio? And exactly where did I state HE can demand $100 to $300 per article?

      FYI even if he were a beginner, that's no restraint on opportunity. There are authors whose first novel (as a complete nobody) became a best seller. I've had one or two newbies submit 600 word articles for possible inclusion in my own publications, and I've been so impressed that I've willingly paid $100 to $200 per article. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, publishers, etc, all receive volumes of material every day from aspiring writers. And you're telling me that because they're beginners, the very best of them won't receive what their material is worth. If someone is unwilling to pay the true value of a quality article then you simply go elsewhere. You're not forced to trade with the cheap end of the market.

      No-one criticises talentless newbie writers more than me, but talented writers are a different matter. Your comments just assume that all beginners have no value, and without a portfolio they'll struggle. That's NOT the case and you couldn't be further from the truth. Comments like yours offer no encouragement whatsoever to good quality aspiring writers.

      It's not WHAT YOU'VE DONE but WHAT YOU CAN DO that matters.
      • Profile picture of the author glowworm
        Profile picture of glowworm
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        Originally Posted by Horny Devil View Post

        FYI even if he were a beginner, that's no restraint on opportunity.

        You're not forced to trade with the cheap end of the market.

        It's not WHAT YOU'VE DONE but WHAT YOU CAN DO that matters.
        Best advice in the whole thread.
  • Profile picture of the author Mindz
    Profile picture of Mindz
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    Wise words ^^^ Listen well to this !
  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Profile picture of Adie
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    Originally Posted by eternalwarrior View Post

    What's the usual rate for a full time writer (from Philippine) working 40 hours/week and delivering 3 articles (500 words) per day?
    You can't call it full time if he/she delivers just 3 articles a day... Maybe make it 5/day and and you can pay him/her $400/month..

    Pay per article if your requirement is low.

    3 of my top writers can write 6 to 8 articles a day, 7 days a week without sacrificing the quality...

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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    Profile picture of TimothyTorrents
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    There is no standard rate. It is up to you to put a price on your service. What do you think your service is worth? Don't sell yourself cheap just because everyone else is.

    Unfortunately, a lot of clients are not interested in articles from non-native English speakers. I am sure there are plenty of non-native English speakers who can write better articles than some native English speakers but most people prefer if their writers are from a native English speaking country. Just keep that in mind.

    I think around 2-3$ for 100 words is the basic rate for decent writers...
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Gary Ning Lo
    Profile picture of Gary Ning Lo
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    So the guy is going to work 5 days a week? for 8 hours? and only produce 3 articles per day..

    hmm.. better be good quality articles..

    For Filipinos, $2/hour is a good rate



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