Your Internet Marketing checklist?

14 replies
Do you have one? What do you do every day to get traffic to your website? Do you have some kind of IM schedule?
#checklist #internet #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author zeroaffiliate
    After doing IM for a few years. You tend to take care of your business well. I don't really follow a schedule anymore but just a routine i go through everyday. It's like second nature to me now.

    The most important thing is to treat IM like any other business and commit time and effort to work it.
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  • Profile picture of the author lisakynan
    Yep, I have a daily schedule of what I call my mundane tasks..
    Crank the music up and get them done
    The biggest thing I ever tell anyone I am teaching is to write a daily schedule and stick to it!! You will progress a lot quicker this way.. even if it gets a bit boring sometimes!!
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  • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
    My 3 daily tasks:
    Traffic, product creation, email campaign
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I have a rough daily schedule, which includes specific times for
    checking emails, specific times for writing, specific times for
    phone calls etc.

    I also always have ONE primary task that I want to get done
    on a given day. After I complete that, then I turn to my to do
    list, but I do usually clear one big thing off my plate every day.

    The schedule is more for time management than a step-by-step
    in how to get a task accomplished though.


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  • Profile picture of the author sivricmarijan
    What about promotion tasks? What do you do every day to promote your website or a new blog post? I usually submit my new post to Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook and Twitter and send it to my mailing list. What about you? Are there more good places to submit your blog post?
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    For me, it is all about getting enough traffic on a daily basis to my website or offers.

    When I wake up in the morning, I like to check my emails very quickly and then when I am done with that, I like to participate in online forums like the Warrior Forum to get more traffic and give more value.

    What ever traffic strategy that you are using, you need to track every little success that you get so that you can devote more time to it each day. You need to know what works best for you and what doesn't. There will be stuff that you do that gets you no traffic but you are spending the majority of your time wasting time with it.

    You need to know what works and what doesn't and only work with your best strategies so that it gets you more and more traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phantom X
    Generally I like to write out exactly what I'm doing each day because it just helps me to keep track and see everything laid out.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    Wake up log into my CPA offer sites see how much $$$ i made then review all my PPC campaigns ... go back to bed!

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

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  • Profile picture of the author MrArr
    more of like a routine..

    1. check emails
    2. product creation
    3. marketing

    only three things but they consume my day already
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
    This is a great question: I'm a big believer in having a workflow that forces you to do the important but mundane things in an orderly fashion, otherwise you (or at least "I") can get easily distracted and spend time with the interesting but unproductive.
    I try to create a list of to-dos at the start of the day so that, come what may, they get done. For what it's worth (and I don't think there's anything revelational here!) my routine involves
    - Check my website stats, ad stats and list stats - make adjustments as I see fit.
    - Then make calls,
    - then make sure I've had at least 30-60 minutes creating new writing - maybe more depending on what projects are underway.

    Thanks for asking - the answers are great too!

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  • Profile picture of the author curationsoft
    I add new contents to update my website at least twice a week, and email my list to let know there is something new on my site. because of the software that I'm using, adding content for me is just a piece of cake.
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  • Profile picture of the author getrichinfo
    I highly recommend new internet marketers to have a checklist and a To-do list.

    I personally used a checklist regularly and also provide checklists and action plans to my customers and students.

    I'm Buying Health Solos, please PM me if you are selling!

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    • Profile picture of the author faust1
      Keywords Research
      Working on New Ideas (new sites, new apps, etc) > Choosing sites to buy
      Choosing Aff Products, (check forums etc) >
      PPC, Adwords >
      Content Teams + proofreading + analysis + SEO activities/publishing >
      Readings >
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  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    I have a mental schedule that I pretty much try and adhere to every day. It almost never works that way, but I have good intentions at the start of every day haha.
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