Need some advice on where to place articles? My website or on directories?

Profile picture of Dimension
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Hi everyone,

Im dipping my feet into article marketing and would like some advice.

Once I have some articles (lets say 10 or so), do I place these exclusively on my site only? Or submit them onto article directories only? Or do I place them both onto my site and submit them to directories?

If i place them onto my site and submit them to directories will my site get penalized for duplicate content?

#advice #articles #directories #place #website
  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish
    Profile picture of Devilfish
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This was a question that I also thought of earlier today so I will be interested in the answers you receive.
  • Profile picture of the author hugofortin
    Profile picture of hugofortin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    You have to change the content of each article at least 30-40%, if you don't want to get penalized for duplicate content.



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    • Profile picture of the author Dimension
      Profile picture of Dimension
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by hugofortin View Post


      You have to change the content of each article at least 30-40%, if you don't want to get penalized for duplicate content.


      So you would say submit them to both (your website and directories) but the content needs to be different?

  • Profile picture of the author Lindsay Brynn
    Lindsay Brynn
    Profile picture of Lindsay Brynn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can post the same content in both places because you wrote it and have the right to do that. One tip though is to always publish to your own site or blog first. You will want the search engines to know where the content originated.

    It really isn't a huge deal to post the same content to directories, but for me personally I would at least alter the content somewhat. Or just write different content altogether.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Chamberlain
    David Chamberlain
    Profile picture of David Chamberlain
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    What I usually do is place the originals on my site - then I re-write the originals and make as to eliminate the duplicate content issue - I then post these to articles directories.

    It's up to personal preference - you can always outsource the re-writing!

    Hope this helps

  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Profile picture of JayXtreme
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This question has come up a few times... so I'm gonna re-post my previous answer if it's cool wit you

    Here's what I do with each and every article I create:

    Step 1: Publish it on my own website/property first <- this is essential, the content is YOURS.. do NOT give it to a directory first. Putting your content first on a glorified made for adsense site like a directory is marketing suicide, put it on your website first.

    Step 2: Tweak it a little and publish it to Ezine Articles. I honestly don't tweak it that much but I like to anyway just so that it has some added flavour for distribution. Your goal with ezine is to get other directories to re-publish it too.

    Step 3: Tweak and expand, using each of the main points for a squidoo module on a lens and build a squidoo lens around it. (hence my hundreds of lenses that turn profit for me). Squidoo lenses can be quick and highly profitable, once you get into the swing of creating them.

    Step 4: Mass publish it wherever you like, use iSnare if you wish.. it's a good service..

    This has served me well now for years, and I can't even write articles that well.

    Anything you hear about "duplicate content" rules is complete crap in most cases. The ONLY time duplicate content is an issue is when you have duplicates on the same domain.. like two pages that are mirroring each other on one domain.

    You can find up to date clarification of this fact on the official google blog..

    Peace and profits to ya


    Bare Murkage.........

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