by bkthom
4 replies
My wife has asked me to make a recipe website for her, and I figured it was a good idea as it both serves a purpose (holding recipes and able to search them) and some practice for me (I am still learning a lot =)).

The main purpose is what is stated above, but if things start going well, can you monetize recipe websites? Or is there very little incentive to do more than get the recipe and move on?
#recipe #websites
  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    Most definitely you can make money with a recipe site. ClickBank has a ton of recipe books whether its for healthy living, losing weight, watching your cholesterol ext ...

    My suggestions is to email some of these owners and see if they can give you a few recipes for free so that you can post it on your site and have a link to get over 100 recipes for only $19.99 with the aff link.

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Because "recipes" is such a broad niche, and there are literally millions, I would suggest drilling as deep as you can go to come up with a specialized sub-niche. Be creative, be different than others, and you will stand out. Keyword research will help you see what recipe related keyword phrases people are searching.

      Good luck to you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I built a recipe website in 1998, and started building a list.

    In 2000, with nudges from my subscribers, I wrote a cookbook,
    which has sold very well ever since.

    As was already pointed out, you do need to drill down a little,
    and you need to have fairly decent copy.

    I use "future pacing" in my web copy, to sell my primary
    product, which is my own cookbook.... painting pictures of:

    1) Kids sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night & fighting
    over left-overs.

    2) Co-workers sneaking 2nd helpings to take home at office
    cover-dish luncheons

    3) Kids not wanting fast-food anymore

    4) In-laws raving about your cooking, etc.

    After 14 or so years in this niche, it's become a lot of fun,
    and the making money is second nature.

    However, since there are hundreds of millions, if not billions,
    of free recipes available out there... you need a way to stand
    out. My angle... at least for my cookbook was that these
    are recipes I learned from my grandmother while growing
    up on her country farm.


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
    Click To Go BIG!

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