Warriors - How often do you email your list?

Nicole Nahi
Profile picture of Nicole Nahi
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17 replies

I've been recommended to email my subscriber list at least 3 times per week. As I am just starting out I find this to be quite a lot.

What do you think? How often do you email you list and do you get more emails opened if you email them often?

Thanks for your reply
#email #list #subscribers #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by Nicole Nahi View Post

    How often do you email you list and do you get more emails opened if you email them often?
    There are people emailing their subscribers every day (even a few who email them twice a day) and say that they've tested methodically and carefully and that's what works best for them. It doesn't for me. If I email more often, I get fewer emails opened and make less money from them, too.

    It varies according to the traffic demographics (and the niche, sometimes, too - but the demographics are usually more important, I think).

    But what matters is for you to set your subscribers' expectations and fulfil them - in other words, to do what they're expecting and want.

    This is what I do: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post5300985

    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
      Nicole Nahi
      Profile picture of Nicole Nahi
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      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      But what matters is for you to set your subscribers' expectations and fulfil them - in other words, to do what they're expecting and want.
      Thanks very much Alexa!

      You seem to be a force to be reckoned with on this Forum!
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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        Originally Posted by jcadrin View Post

        I will say this, keep it to a minimum. Every time you send out a mass message you can almost expect to lose a few people once your list is established. Some people will simply be sick of the emails and will unsubscribe from the list. Therefore you want to be a wallflower of sorts only sending out emails when necessary. Maybe send 1-3 a day a part after they've initially signed up to build a relationship, but after that only send messages when you NEED to
        Unless you've figured out a way to make money simply for having a list of emails, losing a few is not a bad thing. You will always lose subscribers. Email addresses go bad. People lose interest in your topic. Maybe something happens in their life where they just don't have a lot of time. Whatever.

        If people on my list are "sick of the emails", I want them to unsubscribe. And this is even more important for those using a service that charges based on the number of emails in the database.

        You aren't totally off base, though. I would amend your last sentence to say: "...but after that, only send messages when you have something worthwhile to say."

        My most successful schedules have been a weekly or biweekly newsletter that is actually a newsletter, rather than a sales pitch under a newsletter header, coupled with occasional 'broadcast' emails with valuable news that doesn't really fit the newsletter (like straight up offers) or time-sensitive news.

        As the car companies like to say, though, your mileage may vary...
  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    Profile picture of shawnlebrun
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    Something that has helped me more than anything else I've done over the last 12 years online is this: anytime I had a question like this... I'd put myself in my prospects' shoes and try to FEEL what they would feel.

    Here's what I mean.

    If you emailed your list even once a week... but all you sent was hypey, salesy, "buy this" kinds of emails... then once a week is too much to email them.

    If you sent this kind of stuff even just once per week... if you sent stuff that wasn't very valuable... even that one time is too many.

    On the other hand... if you sent your list valuable information that was life changing and that helped them get what THEY wanted... then you could literally email every single day and they'd love you.

    See how it all depends on what you send.

    WHAT you send will answer the question "how often should i email my list".

    If you send hyped up emails that are mostly junk and try to sell often... then
    even once a week is too much.

    if you send emails that contain solutions to the problems that people on your
    list have... then once a day would work.

    it all depends on what you send, the level of trust you've developed with
    your list, etc...

    Work hard to make your emails so valuable and interesting, your prospects WANT to get them because they know you're going to help them.

    Compare that to sending out mostly hypey sales emails... where the prospect will think "Oh oh, what's Nicole trying to sell me now"

    Delete and unsubscribe!

    So become a friend.

    Think of the biggest problems those people on your list have... and when you send emails, try to give solutions to those problems.

    and of course, you have to monetize it somehow, so you can make money to stay
    in business.

    so at the end of your emails, after you've delivered a ton of value,
    mention you have something that could help them more.

    that's when you can link to a page that offers something else
    for sale.

    but only AFTER you've delivered a ton of value first.

    Resist the urge to keep sending sales stuff. Get your prospects into the habit of welcoming your emails because they're valuable and useful.

    Send them hyped up sales stuff and your prospects will delete them on sight because they're sales pitches.

    I see too many marketers sell too much, too hard, and too often.

    Instead, give a ton of value first, before you decide to sell.

    Eventually, after you've proved your value to readers... you could literally email them every day and you'd be fine.

    So, to answer your question.

    Send out hypey sales emails and once a week is too much.

    send out life changing info and once a day is fine.
    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
      Nicole Nahi
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      Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

      So, to answer your question. Send out hypey sales emails and once a week is too much. send out life changing info and once a day is fine.
      shawnlebrun__Thanks very much for taking the time to send me such such a comprehensive answer! I will definitely bookmark it and come back to it many times in the future
  • Profile picture of the author J Gibson
    J Gibson
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    It's less about how much you email, and more about what you email. I'd prefer to be receive an email with lots of value every month to being sent 2 useless affiliate offers every day.
  • Profile picture of the author Paulee
    Profile picture of Paulee
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    It's total depend on what niche your list is. I can mailling my "get ex back" list almost everyday.
    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
      Nicole Nahi
      Profile picture of Nicole Nahi
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      Originally Posted by Paulee View Post

      It's total depend on what niche your list is. I can mailling my "get ex back" list almost everyday.
      ...in your niche, there is definitely an urgency aspect, ie. "how can I get my ex back before it's too late".
  • Profile picture of the author DavidAtias1
    Profile picture of DavidAtias1
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    Originally Posted by Nicole Nahi View Post


    I've been recommended to email my subscriber list at least 3 times per week. As I am just starting out I find this to be quite a lot.

    What do you think? How often do you email you list and do you get more emails opened if you email them often?

    Thanks for your reply
    Usually, I email my subscribers 3 times a week.
    But it's really depends on your niche.

  • Profile picture of the author jcadrin
    Profile picture of jcadrin
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    I will say this, keep it to a minimum. Every time you send out a mass message you can almost expect to lose a few people once your list is established. Some people will simply be sick of the emails and will unsubscribe from the list. Therefore you want to be a wallflower of sorts only sending out emails when necessary. Maybe send 1-3 a day a part after they've initially signed up to build a relationship, but after that only send messages when you NEED to
  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Profile picture of rmolina88
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    Every 2-3 days works for me.

    Although there are marketers that email their lists 8 times a day and are millionaires... I just can't do that. :p
    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
      Nicole Nahi
      Profile picture of Nicole Nahi
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      Originally Posted by rmolina88 View Post

      Although there are marketers that email their lists 8 times a day and are millionaires... I just can't do that. :p
      8 times a day :confused:__ no doubt they must be outsourcing the work! As a beginner I find it already hard to write 3 times a week!
  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    Profile picture of nicholasb
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    I email my list everyday, and I get super high open rates and super low unsubscribes

    make sure to provide a little value in every single email before you make your offer.. Works wonders
    • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
      Nicole Nahi
      Profile picture of Nicole Nahi
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      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      I email my list everyday, and I get super high open rates and super low unsubscribes

      make sure to provide a little value in every single email before you make your offer.. Works wonders

      IM is obviously your full time job. Do you make an offer in every single email?
      • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
        Profile picture of nicholasb
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        you are correct this is what I do for a living, and have been doing so successfully for the last 6 years.

        I actually do make an offer in every single email, after I deliver some sort of value in the content.

        Everything I send out is a mix of value and an offer.

        Originally Posted by Nicole Nahi View Post

        IM is obviously your full time job. Do you make an offer in every single email?
        • Profile picture of the author Nicole Nahi
          Nicole Nahi
          Profile picture of Nicole Nahi
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          Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

          you are correct this is what I do for a living, and have been doing so successfully for the last 6 years.
          I actually do make an offer in every single email, after I deliver some sort of value in the content.
          Everything I send out is a mix of value and an offer.
          First of all you are very lucky to be able to do IM full time (although I'm sure it was not handed to you on a silver plate)

          Well, as Alexa Smith mentioned earlier it must depends on the niche. I personally only open and read emails from Gurus that I know and trust. All other emails go straight in the bin!

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