Is there a market for this idea?
Firstly, I'm new to the forum.
What's up?
Now that that's out of the way, I have an idea I would like some input on. I'm a high school English teacher who dabbles with blogs and other forms of online marketing. I've always wanted to write an ebook, but I've never really found the inspiration to do it.
Now I have it. I don't know why....
Anyway, I want to write an extensive ebook outlining a full year worth of English lesson plans to English educators. As a teacher myself, I know how annoying it can be to waste an entire evening coming up with the perfect lesson plan. Also, finding English lessons catered to high school can be tough as most are more elementary oriented. So here are my concerns:
Do you think there is a market for this kind of book? (It will have more information than just lesson plans like sections teaching the teacher as well, but most of it is pedagogy lingo that I won't get into.) Will it sale?
How would one go about marketing something like this? Affiliate marketing? Personal blog (I've never had much success driving large chunks of traffic to blogs)? Google Adwords?
Thanks in advance

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