Stop Trying To Support Yourself...Look Bigger

7 replies
I was looking through the different WF threads this evening and saw at least 10 of the top page threads where the main question or posting was about..."how do I support myself...", "how can I make a few bucks quickly..." etc...

Unfortunately that is NOT how great businesses are built.

I have talked with hundreds of the top entrepreneurs in the world at different conferences, interviews and am lucky enough to call some of them personal acquaintances and even friends...not one of them started their business with the focus of trying to pay their next bill.

Instead, most of them started with a passion either for business itself (selling, marketing, product development) or for a cause (helping a particular market, designing better products, etc...) and went ALL IN.

Sure, they had bills to pay, they went through rough times, they had some doubts along the way, but what drove them was the desire (obsessive desire) to realize a crystal clear image of what they wanted to achieve - not paying the next bill.

Building a business is about passion, energy, motivation, inspiration and cannot do that when the primary purpose is to pay the next bill, replace a job or even based on a singular financial must be based on a bigger desire for either freeing yourself, serving a purpose, changing lives and having more fun in life.

So, if you are at a phase in your life where things look bleak, you are in a rough spot...of course you need to think short-term to support yourself and your family, but don't let that restrict your bigger thinking on what business you would ultimately like to run. Don't let the short-term dictate the longer term.

You will find that the hope, inspiration and excitement that comes from planning your future in alignment with your passion will give you extra energy to get there no matter where you are starting from.

Plan big and the path to get there will become clearer and more achievable.

#bigger #stop #support #yourselflook
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    THANK YOU. There's so many 'desperate' threads or 'how do I' or 'what if' threads. They all miss the point. Making money online is the RESULT of a PROCESS. People should focus on the PROCESS and make the PROCESS it's own reward and all the results will follow.

    Like it says in the Good Book: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven, and ALL these things will be added to you.

    By shooting for pennies first instead of keeping the MAIN THING the main thing, people lose focus. Once they lose focus, it is so easy to lose heart. When you lose heart, you FAIL.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Originally Posted by mikedcarroll View Post

    Don't forget to document the processes. That way you can keep track of what is working and what isn't. Otherwise, if you are like me, you backtrack and get yourself frustrated all over again.
    It's more than the specific process of creating content or getting traffic. That's the small stuff. Think bigger. Making money online really is a test of YOUR capability and WORTH as a human being. That's the BIG PROCESS. That's what people should focus on... How do *I* change so everything around me (least of all my income) changes for the better? That's the BIG PROCESS.

    Focus on the BIG PROCESS and everything else will be solved.

    In Christianity, the BIG PROCESS is setting aside the ego and false pride and fear and submitting to Jesus Christ. The same applies to personal development.

    The problem is most people think their lives are mere aggregations of small problems. It isn't. There's only ONE problem. Fix THAT and you're good to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author JPaston
    The mistake a lot of newbies are making is always having this as their first thought:

    "How do I make money online?"

    Then the next thought after that is:

    "How do I make more money online?"

    With that attitude you won't get anywhere. Everyone, including me, goes down that path and finds it is a dead end.

    I was put right by a mentor who told me:

    "Think, first, about how you can help others and then you'll find they will help you"

    It's a difficult notion to get into your head, but it works.
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by JPaston View Post

      The mistake a lot of newbies are making is always having this as their first thought:

      "How do I make money online?"

      Then the next thought after that is:

      "How do I make more money online?"

      With that attitude you won't get anywhere. Everyone, including me, goes down that path and finds it is a dead end.

      I was put right by a mentor who told me:

      "Think, first, about how you can help others and then you'll find they will help you"

      It's a difficult notion to get into your head, but it works.
      I submit that it's more than that. The focus should be on 'HOW DO I BECOME

      Living for others, like socialism, can only run on fumes for so long. By focusing on what you GAIN, on a deep personal level, by stepping your game up, you set up a perpetual motion machine of internal rewards no hater/skeptic/market condition can weather. The key is to focus on the process.
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  • Profile picture of the author vtotheyouknow
    Totally with you Jeff! It sounds cliché've gotta think BIG!

    It's the difference between writing a few articles for a few bucks or starting an article writing BUSINESS where other people do the work for you while you gain equity in the business process! And...stop trading your damn time for money!

    I dare you guys out there to think really, really big. The time for small gains and small changes is over. Tomorrow you'll be gone. So do your thing on a massive scale baby!
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    • When I permanently became totally blind in 2003, I tried almost all opportunities that could possibly help me support my family.

      When that didn't work because there were very limited opportunities for blind and visually impaired persons like me here in the Philippines, I decided that I should be the one to create actual opportunities not only for myself, but also for other blind and visually impaired people, so my wife and I started a small team of 4 work at home moms and dads.

      Barely a year thereafter, our small team of 4 work at home moms and dads grew to more than 140 inhouse employees and subcontractors combined (more than 10% = blind, visually impaired, wheelchair users and people with other disabilities), 2 head offices here in Manila, 9 provincial city offices across the Philippines and long term contracts with prominent North American, European and Canadian software development corporations.

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